User:BGinOC/Francis C. Church

Fran Church is an American writer and daughter of Harvey Conover, an American fighter pilot during World War I and publisher. Born in Chicago in 1921, Fran attended Connecticut College from 1941-1943. In 1943 she married Richard Gagney and had four children before getting a divorced in 1970. In 1973 she received her B.A. from Manhattanville College and her M.S. from Columbia School of Social Work in 1976.[1]

Upon graduation, Fran worked for the Family and Children's Services in Stamford, Connecticut. In recognition of a housing coalition developed by Church while under their employ, the agency received the 1979 Margaret E. Rich Family Advocacy Award from the Family Service Association of America. In 1974 she married John Church. In 1996, Fran and John formed Conover-Patterson Publishers when they published John's book, Pasadena Cowboy. John and Fran currently live in Spokane, Washington[1]

Fran is the presenter of her father's diaries which records his actions and duties in World War I though the title Diary of a WWI Pilot: Ambulances, Planes, Friends which she published in 2004.[1] In 2005, Fran was a finalist for the Independent Book Publishers Association Benjamin Franklin Award in the Autobiograpy/ Biography/Memoirs category.[2]


  1. ^ a b c Diary of a WWI Pilot, Church, ISBN:13 9-780965-307130, Conover-Patterson, Spokane, WA, 2004
  2. ^ Diary of a WWI Pilot (Paperback). 2010-05-30. URL: Accessed: 2010-05-30. (Archived by WebCite® at