Origin of the surname Baazov, Baazova

The surname Baazov (Baazova, if refers to female) refers to the so-called "patronymic" Jewish surnames, that is, to those surnames that were formed from male personal names. As a rule, this name was most often the name of the father or, less often, the grandfather.

By the sound of such a "patronymic" surname, it is usually quite easy to determine the exact name of the head of a given family (that is, the first bearer of this surname) at the time of assigning surnames to Jews.

The surname Baazov comes from the male name Boaz. This name is translated from Hebrew as "impetuous". Apparently, during the assignment of the surname, Boaz was the head of the Baazov family.

Boaz in the Tanakh is the husband of Ruth, the great-grandfather of King David. After the death of her first husband, Ruth the Moabite went with her mother-in-law Naomi to her homeland in Beit Lehem. “Wherever you go, there I will go. Where you live, there I will live. Your people will become my people. Your Gd will be my Gd, ”says Ruth Naomi. The biography of Ruth, who converted to Judaism, and her second husband, Boaz, can be read in the book of Ruth. In many communities, this part of the Tanakh is read before morning prayer on the day of Shavuot, dedicated to the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. In addition, the book of Ruth is fully included in the anthology of the Oral and Written Torah, which are studied on the night before Shavuot.

From the marriage of Boaz and Ruth, Oved, the grandfather of King David, was born.

The surname Baazov is found among the representatives of the community of Mountain Jews.