Milk Pasteurization This is invented by Louis pasteur in 1884.

Function of pasteurization: 1. To increase shelf life of milk 2. To destroy all pathogenic micro organism's 3. To kill spoilage causing micro organism's

Types of milk pasteurization:

1. Batch pasteurization:

  Heating at 63 Degree Celsius for 30 minutes 
  and cooling below 5  degree Celsius .
   It also called temperaturelow temperature 
   high time (LTHT)pasteurization. 

2. High temperature low time (HTST):

Heating  milk at 72 degree Celsius for 15 second and cooling below 5 degree Celsius.

3. Upperization:

 Heating milk at 150 degree  Celsius for a 
 fraction of second and cooling  below 5
 degree Celsius .