'kechgrammar high school Turbat 'sir major Dil Murad ' A brief introduction to the personalities of Major Murad When Major Sahib, after retiring from the Muscat Army, decided to open an English Medium School in Ketch after seeing the educational backwardness in Ketch, he set up a school in Satellite Town Turbat on January 7, 1994 to put this idea into practice.

Major Azam was determined that English medium schools were essential to eradicate ignorance from the catch.

Therefore, the Major did not listen to any of them and proceeded in his cause. At present, the institute he has set up is running smoothly. Later English medium schools started to be established in Ketch and its suburbs. Today many schools are established in Turbat city and its suburbs. Major Dil Murad has adorned thousands of students with education.

May Allah Almighty bless Mohsin Ketch Wajah Major Dilmurad Sahib and grant him a high position in Paradise. Amen He passed away on December 21, 2018