Gojkov, Dušan (full name Stefan Dušan Gojkov), Belgrade, August 11, 1965. Yugoslav and Serbian radio director, playwright, poet, storyteller, novelist, composer.

Dušan Gojkov Thessaloniki 2021

He was educated in Belgrade - First Belgrade Gymnasium and Musical school "Stanković", then studied Classical Sciences, Archaeology and History of Art at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, until 1999. Worked at the Research Station Petnica as an associate, classical archaeologist, at the Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, 1987-1990. Published scientific works on ancient (Greek and Roman) cooking, and on the iconography of Roman imperial coins for the purpose of propaganda. He graduated from the Cordon bleu in Paris in 1985, and in London he graduated from the BBC School of Radio Directing in 1995.

In 1970, he was admitted to the Drama Studio of Radio Belgrade, and worked as an announcer and actor in children's shows until 1980, when he moved to the Drama Program of Radio Belgrade. At that time, he also worked as an actor in KPGT, Atelje 212, programs on television, as well as in films. Directed, wrote and performed music for several theatre plays.

From 1984 at Radio Belgrade, as a reporter for the Morning Program, then from 1985 as an editor. In the same period, he worked in the cultural editorial office of the weekly NIN. 1990-1991. editor at Radio Television Politika, then journalist - reporter at TV station YUTEL. From 1992, editor of the literary newsroom of Radio B92, from 1994 to 1999, again editor at Radio Television Politika.

Founded the drama program of the "Politika" Radio Station and directed more than two hundred and fifty radio plays. Directed plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Plautus, Terence, Shakespeare, Racine, Moliere, Chekhov, Strindberg, Nušić, Krleža and many others. However, he directed most of the radio dramas based on his own texts. Creator of the "radiophonic essay" genre. Filmed about fifty television documentaries about the history of "Politika" Magazine and Belgrade. Since 1999, the editor-in-chief of the first electronic magazine for literature and art, the Balkan Literary Herald.

One of the founders and first editor of the program of the Beogradsko Čitalište (Belgrade Reading Room) and Jazzbina (Literary Jazz Club).

From 2021, one of original founders and Secretary General of the Armãn PEN Centre.

Wrote in Serbo-Croatian, French and English. Translated from Serbo-Croatian into English and French, translated from English, French, Latin and Greek into Serbo-Croatian.

PUBLISHED IN PERIODICALS: Balkanski književni glasnik – Balkan Literary Herald, Belgrade, Serbia; Borba, Belgrade, Serbia; Both Sides Now, Tyler, Texas, USA; Copenhagen Review, Copenhagen, Denmark; Gradina, Niš, Serbia; Jellyfish Whispers, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA; Košava, Vršac, Serbia; Knjigomat, Zagreb, Croatia; Književni svet, Belgrade, Serbia; Književne novine, Belgrade, Serbia; Libartes, Belgrade, Serbia; Lirikon, Velenje, Slovenia; Locutio, Maribor, Slovenia; Naš trag, Velika Plana, Serbia; Penny Ante Feud, Charleston, South Carolina, USA; Politika, Belgrade, Serbia; Putevi, Banja Luka, BiH; Pesni, a selection from Serbian poetry, Koper, Slovenia; Primorska Srečanja, Nova Gorica, Slovenia; Radio Gornji grad, Zagreb, Croatia; Reč, Belgrade, Serbia; Sveske, Pančevo, Serbia; The Criterion, Mumbai, India; The Missing Slate, Islamabad, Pakistan; World Poetry Yearbook – 英文版世界诗歌年食安全, Shanghai, China; Zarez, Zagreb, Croatia; Zetna, Senta, Serbia; Zid, Sarajevo, BiH; 100 Thousands of poets for change, Struga, N. Macedonia.

TRANSLATORS OF HIS WORKS: Danijela Kambasković, Maida Salkanović, Danijela Jovanović (English); Aleksandar Šajin (Danish); Àntal Klara, Fehér Illés (Hungarian); Goran Novaković (German); Željko Perović, Franjo Frančič, Andreja Vukadin, Marjan Pungartnik (Slovenian); Igor Isakovski, Daniela Andonovska Trajkovska, Verica Mukoska (Macedonian); Zhang Zhizhong (Chinese); Mireille Robin (French).

Balkan Literary Herald main office

Founder of the first electronic magazine for literature and art, the Balkan Literary Herald, in 1999. As the editor-in-chief of BLH, he signed about fifty issues of the electronic magazine, fifty-two printed books in the "Black Library of BLH" and around seventy electronic books in the "White Library of BLH".

MEMBERSHIP: Member of the PEN, Balkan Literary Society, Association of Writers of Serbia, Association of Journalists of Serbia, Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia.

AWARDS: "International Best Poet Prize 2021", International Poetry Translation and Research Centre (2021 年度国际最佳诗人暨翻译家评选揭晓 最佳诗人), Shangai, China "Dimitrije Mitrinović", Ars Longa, Beograd, for a life's work - Balkan Literary Herald, 2009; "East-West" novel of the year, „Pisanje po vodi“, Narodna biblioteka Zaječar, 2006; "Jazzbina Award", Jazzbina 1993; "Laza K. Lazarević" for short prose, Narodna biblioteka Šabac, 1993.

BIBLIOGRAPHY • Grand hotel, short prose, Belgrade, 1994, 1995, 2020, Varaždin 1994, Skopje 1999 (in Macedonian, translated by Igor Isakovski), audio edition Belgrade, 2020. • Slepi putnik, novel, Belgrade, 1994. • Blago, rukom..., radio essay, Belgrade, 1995. • Italian Futurism: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, radio essay, Belgrade, 1995. • Who marches with the right: Vladimir Mayakovsky, radio essay, Belgrade, 1995. • Pathetic poetry: jazz fragments, short story, Belgrade, 1995. • A severed cow's eye: Surrealism, radio essay, Belgrade, 1995. • All herds stink: Dadaism, radio essay, Belgrade, 1995. • The Alchemist, radio essay, Belgrade, 1996. • Family tree, radio essay, Belgrade, 1996. • Zenitističko večernje, radio essay, Belgrade, 1996. • How the war began, short story, Belgrade, 1997. • General places: one paraliterary herbarium, novel, Belgrade, 1998, 2016, audio edition Belgrade 2021. • Passager Clandestine, novel (in French, translated by Mireille Robben), Paris, 1998. • Photo album, novel, Belgrade, 2003, 2008. • The most boring story in the world, short story, Pančevo, 2004. • Writing on water, novel, (with Elfrida Matuč-Mahulja), Zaječar, 2006, Zagreb, 2008. • Les chansons tristes, collected poems, Belgrade, 2007, 2015, 2016, 2020. • Dance on the edge of the blade, short story, Belgrade, 2008. • Depression, novel, Belgrade, 2012, 2016. • Spa: Ein Mitteleuropäische Kurreise, short story, Belgrade, 2012. • What is any of us for, poetry, Belgrade, 2014. • Žalostni šansoni, poetry (in Slovenian, translated by Franjo Frančić, Andrea Vukadin, Marjan Pungartnik), Maribor, 2014. • Traurige Chansons, poems, (in German, translated by Goran Novaković), Vienna 2017.

LITERATURE: Златоје Мартинов, Бекство од себе, Свеске : часопис за књижевност, уметност и културу. ISSN 0353-5525. - Год. 16, бр. 73 (септ. 2004), стр. 177-179; Небојша Ћосић, Оловне године, Борба. ISSN 1451-6608. - Год. 83, бр. 198 (22. јул 2004.), стр. 12; Илија Бакић, Проза акварела, Дневник : орган Народног фронта. ISSN 0350-7556. - Год. 62, бр. 20598 (16. јун 2004), стр. 22; Марина Лазовић, Плес на ивици оштрице, Mons Aureus: часопис за књижевност, уметност и друштвена питања. ISSN 1451-3846. - Год. 6, бр. 19 (2008), стр. 61-63; Јована Маројевић, Холографија туге, Градина : часопис за књижевност, уметност и друштвена питања. ISSN 0436-2616. - Год. 62, бр. 74/75 (2016), стр. 339-343; Душан Варићак, Поетски дневник уморног песника, Градина : часопис за књижевност, уметност и друштвена питања. ISSN 0436-2616. - Год. 62, бр. 74/75 (2016), стр. 333-338; Васа Павковић, Тужне шансоне Душана Гојкова, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 103; Братислав Р. Милановић, Права, истинита књига, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 104; Владимир Д. Јанковић, Путовање тролејбусом уз Гојкова, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 126-133; Свен Адам Евин, Писмо Гојкову, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 134; Веселин Гатало, Лепљива сјећања, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 135; Едуард Прангер, Живот неумољиво тече, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 136; Борис Старешина, Препричане фотографије, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 137; Маријан Гракалић, Стрмом улицом према својој кући, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 138-139; Марија Кнежевић, Ловац на моменте, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 140-141; Александар Шајин, Киша пада, а ја немам кишобран, Тужне шансоне, Бела библиотека БКГ, ISBN - 978-86-86673-38-1; ISBN-10 1537078887; ISBN-13 978-1537078885; ISSN 1452-9254 (2020), стр. 142;

Milica Ilić composed chamber music based on the poetry of Dušan Gojkov; performed in the Belgrade Philharmonic hall on September 26, 2019: Maja Mihić, piano, Nemanja Stanković, cello, Marko Pantelić, baritone (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgrWFFfecEc).