Stan Bundy is a 40-something single guy helping take care of his elderly mother in Kentucky. While he's worked as a data entry clerk and security guard in the past, his own health issues plus the time devoted to his mother, have kept him from seeking new employment employment opportunities.
He's been a player of Role Playing Games for 30 years, and still routinely plays with friends made 20-30 years ago, though several of the group have passed on in recent years. That hobby has resulted in at least one published article in The Rifter #5, and a small but loyal following of his game-related writings (Game material and fan fiction), thanks to several Game Master appearances at Gen Con. He was formerly an administrator of a now-defunct Robotech message board, and a frequent poster on the (similarly defunct) official mailing list of Palladium Books, where many of his items originally appeared.
On the internet, he is known in the Robotech fan community for arguing against what he sees are unnecessary continuity revisions designed to move the entire series (which was made of 3 unrelated Japanese series) into just being an alternate universe of the first component series, or changes for solely change's sake that break continuity. The inferences he would make about the current team managing the Robotech IP would likely break Wikipedia's terms conduct, so you can probably guess his opinion of them.
In various gaming circles, he's known for having once been an expert on the Palladium system (he's slipping a bit on keeping up to date), and has a near-complete collection of Palladium Books printed product, that he'll occasionally pull out for reference.