


Recent research by scientists suggests that nanotechnology can be used to target specific areas affected by brain damage to avert brain inflammation. This nanotechnology is composed of tree shaped polymers called dendrimers,

The chemical structure of a dendrimer shown as a tree shaped polymer about 5 -10 nanometers long. This type of nanotechnology can be used to inject medicine directly into affected areas of the brain.

smaller than red blood cells that can carry medicine directly to inflamed areas of the brain.[1] Another mechanism of preventing CP is the use of magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate, also commonly known as Epsom salt, can be used to inject pregnant women and prevent convulsions and hemorrhaging in the brain of infants.

in pregnant women. Research suggests that scientists have been able to reduce the incidence of cerebral palsy by 90 percent by injecting pregnant women with magnesium sulfate.[2] According to researchers[3] magnesium sulfate is used to prevent convulsions in women with pregnancy-induced hypertension and to prevent hemorrhaging in the brains of infants whose mothers have this form of hypertension. This preventative mechanism can help save an estimated $445,000 in lifetime medical costs to families affected by cerebral palsy.[4] Further research also suggests early interventions by reducing the rate of preterm births can reduce the risk of cerebral palsy.[5] Researchers[6] states that specific approaches of preventing cerebral palsy supported by high level of evidence include screening for asymptomatic bacterium, smoking cessation during pregnancy, and limiting the number of embryos transferred in vitro fertilization. Another preventative strategy for cerebral palsy is early detection of CP since it is not diagnosed until age 2 or 3.[7] This sort of strategy can help doctors diagnose CP early enough to provide intervention services in order to slow the progression of CP.

  1. ^ Nelson, Gabe. (2009). Profs mix medicine, tech to gain edge on diseases: WSU team uses nanotechnology in effort to fight cerebral palsy. Crain’s Detroit Business. 25 (32): p 14.
  2. ^ Sternberg, Steve. (1996). Magnesium may stave off cerebral palsy. Science News. 150 (24): p 372.
  3. ^ Sternberg, Steve. (1996). Magnesium may stave off cerebral palsy. Science News. 150 (24): p 372.
  4. ^ Sabin, Russell. (1995). Epsom Salts May Help Reduce Cerebral Palsy Cases by 25%. San Francisco Chronicle. p A3.
  5. ^ O’Shea, Michael. (2011). Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Cerebral Palsy in Near-Term/Term Infants. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 51(4): p 816-828.
  6. ^ O’Shea, Michael. (2011). Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Cerebral Palsy in Near-Term/Term Infants. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 51(4): p 816-828.
  7. ^ Nelson, Gabe. (2009). Profs mix medicine, tech to gain edge on diseases: WSU team uses nanotechnology in effort to fight cerebral palsy. Crain’s Detroit Business. 25 (32): p 14.