User:BeeGeeS/List of monuments Prizren

Prizren along with its historical values contributes to not only the city itself, but the entire state of Kosovo. Numerous data that have remained from the past suggest that this area has been inhabited since ancient times. Among the most valuable assets of Prizren are material values that are inherited from past centuries. Thanks to the suitable geographical position, Prizren is a woven together place where civilizations and different cultures meet. This list includes historical, cultural, religious and natural monuments of the municipality of Prizren, which are listed by the government of the Republic of Kosovo, Municipality of Prizren, International NGOs and Local NGOs.

Culture Monuments

Number Name Description
1 Shadervani Shadervani is located in the center of Prizren and by many is considered as the point of activity where the cultural, economic and social development intersect. The meaning of “Shadervan” comes from Persian language which stands for “fountain with many streams”. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
2 Fortress of Prizren The exact date of the building of the Fortress of Prizren is not known. However, it is believed that the Fortress dates from the VI century. Through the years it has been used for habitat and military purposes. A characteristic of the Fortress is the 42-stair tunnel which is located on the eastern side and takes you down to the Lumbardhi River.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] 42°12′34″N 20°44′43″E / 42.209321°N 20.745403°E / 42.209321; 20.745403
Prizren Castle - Kosovo
3 The Upper Fortress / The Fortress of Girls The Upper Fortress is located in the gorge of Lumbardhi River. It was built for defensive purposes against attacks. 42°11′57″N 20°45′48″E / 42.199124°N 20.763429°E / 42.199124; 20.763429
Kalaja e Vashave
4 The Complex of the League of Prizren The Albanian League of Prizren today is a museum, where on June 10, 1878 the Assembly of Prizren was gathered to discuss the program that would consolidate Albanian leaders to unite and protect the country against foreign threats. The museum is now home to photographs, documents, objects and clothing that date from the time of the Assembly. 42°12′41″N 20°44′38″E / 42.211363°N 20.743784°E / 42.211363; 20.743784
House of the League of Prizren
5 The Milling of Marash - Shotman The Millling of Shotman was built in 1641 and is considered to be the oldest Milling in Prizren. Currently the Milling of Shotman serves as a restaurant which is an interesting tourism spot. 42°12′43″N 20°44′41″E / 42.212035°N 20.744751°E / 42.212035; 20.744751
Mulliri i Shotmanit
6 The Hammam of Gazi Mehmet Pasha The Hammam was built in XVI century by Mehmet Pasha. The Hammam of Gazi Mehmet Pasha is considered to be one of the biggest in the Balkans and belongs to the most successful period of Ottoman architecture. The initial role of the Hammam was to serve as a public bathroom; however, currently is used as a place for various cultural purposes. 42°12′39″N 20°44′30″E / 42.210779°N 20.741575°E / 42.210779; 20.741575
Hamami - Prizren 2
7 Clock Tower and the Archaeological Museum The Clock Tower was built in 1948 and served the purpose of time orientation for citizens. The Archaelogical Museum was opened on November 17, 1975 where you can find over 790 archeological findings from the region of Prizren. 42°12′41″N 20°44′12″E / 42.211252°N 20.736538°E / 42.211252; 20.736538
Muzeu Arkeologjik dhe Sahat Kulla
8 Beledija Beledija is the building where the first Municipal Assembly of Prizren was held at the end of the XIX century. Currently the building is used as an information center for cultural inheritance and for tourists’ orientation. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
9 The Milling of Shasivar Beut The Milling of Shasivar Beu is the only functional milling out of all millings in Prizren to this day which was built in the XIX century. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
10 The Museum of Hydro Power Plant - “Prizrenasja” The Museum of Hydro Power Plant was built in 1929 in the gorge of Lumbardhi River by company from Vienne. This is especially valuable because it is the only hydro power plant in Kosovo. The Hydro Power Plant has been functional for 44 years, until November 1 1974 and in November 8, 1979 it was transformed into a museum of electro-economics of Kosovo. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
11 The Shadervani Fountain The Shadervani Fountain is one of the main symbols of the city of Prizren with four creeks which continuously provide drinking water for citizens of Prizren. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Kroi i Shatervanit
12 The Six Fountains Topokli The Six Fountains Topokli are located in the entrance of Marash. The exact date of the building og the Fountains is not known, however, it is believed that they belong to the period previous to Ottoman occupation. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Krojet Topokli
13 The Fountain of Binbash The date of building is not known and is supposed to have been built by an officer of the Ottoman Empire. It was of great importance for citizens who lived near-by the fountain. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Kroi i Bimbashit
14 The Fountain of the Mosque of Sinan Pasha The Fountain of the Mosque of Sinan Pasha is part of the Mosque which was built in the XVI century. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Kroi i Sinan Pashes
15 The Stone Bridge The Bridge of Stone was built from Ali Beu in XVI century in the oriental style and has spherical shape. In 1979 the Bridge was destroyed due to floods, and was rebuilt in 1982 which left the Bridge with some substantial changes in its architecture.[2] 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Bridge in Prizren and the White Drin
16 The Bridge of Arasta The Bridge of Arasta was built in XVIII century and served as indoor market. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Ura 3
17 The Bridge of Nalet The Bridge of Nalet was a small bridge that was initially built from wood. The name of the Bridge means the “bridge of the devil” and it was named so because very often people who crossed the bridge slipped and fell into the river. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Ura e Naletit
18 The Bridge of “Syzi Çelebia” - Tabakhanës The bridge of “Syzi Celebia” known from the citizens of Prizren as the “Bridge of Tabakhane” build from Syzi Celebi on 1513, which was used to pass into the neighborhood of Tabakhane, now rebuild but still keeps its architectural values. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Ura tabakhanes
19 The old Stone Bridge in Kerk Bunar Stands outside the city which connects the region of Zhupa with the city, this bridge holds on to limestone rocks. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047 Coming Soon
20 Vlashnje Vlashnja is one of the villages with high historical values, contains two archeological values like the one of “The Cave of Vlashnje, where in the area of the village, pictures can be found, which date prehistoric. The archeological settlement of Vlashnja is also own, which also dates since prehistoric times, furthermore in this area passed the road Lissus-Naissus, which connected the Adriatic with the Balkans. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
21 The Fortress of Korisha – The early Christian Church The Fortress is located outside of the Korisha village, in an area which the villagers otherwise call the Fortress Hill or Gralishte. The Fortress visually converses with all fortresses in the region of Prizren. Whereas the early Christian church was build on the 6th century. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
22 The Hisar of Nashec Even though the excavations have not been finished yet, it is told that this Hisar dates to Bronze times, and it has a big historical value for Prizren. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Hisari i Nashecit
23 Romaja Romaja is a village in the region of Hasi, even in this village after archeological excavations some ceramic pots for daily use have been found, and other items such as working tools, weapons and ornaments. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
24 Pirana A village in the municipality of Prizren, with high archeological values, in which “The Messenger of Pirana” has been discovered; where it is thought that it has been populated/inhabited since roman times. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047 Coming Soon
25 Vermica In this village archeological excavations have been in work since 1975, and life in this area dates since IV - VI centuries. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047 Coming Soon
26 Gjonaj It’s another region which belongs to the region of Has, where archeological excavations have been made in 1978, and after the discoveries that have been made there, it is thought that this settlement belongs to the middle-ages, centuries X – XIII. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047 Coming Soon
27 The Fortress of Karashengjergjit This Fortress rests on the place where the region of Has connects with the Pashtrik Mountain, and from the outer walls architecture it is thought that it dates back to the middle-ages. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047 Coming Soon

Religious Monuments



Number Name Description Location Photo
1 Namazxhahu – Kerk Mosque One of the first monuments of Islam culture build from Isa Beu, in 1455 it served for praying. The word ‘Namazxhahu’ derives from the Persian language which means ‘prayer’. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Namazxhauhut
2 The Mosque of Syzi Çelebisë This mosque is the oldest mosque in the city of Prizren, build in 1513 from Suzi Celebiu which his real name was Muhamed Mahmut Abdullahu. His grave and the graves of his brothers are in the mosque yard. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Suzi Efendise
3 The Mosque of Sarachan – Kuklibej The mosque was given the name The Mosque of Sarachan since in the neighborhood where the mosque is located, it is built from belts and skins. It’s one of the oldest mosques in the city build in 1534 and it was built from Kukli Mehmed-beu. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Kuklibeut
4 The Mosque of Gazi Mehmed Pasha The mosque was built by Gazi Mehmed Pasha in 1573, and located in the complex of the Albanian League of Prizren. It is among the largest mosques in Prizren. Also in this part Gazi Mehmed Pasha built the madrasah, shrines, libraries etc. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Bajraklise
5 The Mosque of Sinan Pasha The Mosque which is located in the city center so near the ‘Shadervan’, built in 1615 by Sinan Pasha. The mosque was built from the stones of the monastery of Archangel. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
6 The Mosque of Emin Pasha The Mosque characterized by the drawings it has. Built in 1831 by Mehmet Emini. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Emin Pashes
7 The Mosque of Iljaz Kuka This mosque was built by Kuklibeg in 1543, was repaired several times and in the inscription of the date of construction now is the date of refurbishing that was made by Ahmed Bey in 1897. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Ilijaz Kukes
8 The Mosque of Maksut Pasha – Marashi It was built by Maksut Pasha, presumed to have been built in the XVII century. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Maksud Pashes
9 Mosque of Arasta or Mosque of Evrono This mosque was built between the years 1526 - 1538 by Evrenos - Zade Jakup Bey . To this day only the minaret stands since in the year of 1911 the government of the time made the demolition of the mosque and the whole market. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Arastes
10 Mosque of Haxhi Kasemi Was built by Haxhi Kasemi, the exact year of construction is not known but it is supposed to be built in 1526. In the inscription it shows the year 1831, when the reconstruction was done by Mahmut Pasha in honor of his mother. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Haxhi Kasemit
11 Terzi Mehmet Bey Mosque The first inscription does not exist. It is supposed to be built in 1721 by Mehmed Bey Terzi. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047 Coming Soon
12 Myderiz Ali Efendi Mosque Built in 1581 from the Myderiz of Prizren Ali Efendi. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
13 Mosque of Terxhiman Iskender Supposedly built around centuries XVIII, by Terxhuman Iskender. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Terxhymen Iskenderit
14 Çatip Sinan Mosque - Ljevisha The exact date is not known but it is assumed that the building was built before the year 1591, by the Catip "Secretary" Sinan who was the Catip of the Sultan’s archives. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Xhamia e Sinan Katip


Number Name Description Location Photo
1 The Complex of the Archangel Monastery It was an Illyrian – Arber – Albanian cult until 1343, built with the order of Tsar Dusan. The monastery was built in 1352 which is dedicated to the archangels. Tsar Dusan was buried in the convent, and his tomb still exists to this day. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
2 The Saint Friday Church The exact date of construction is unknown, but in its early ages it served as a sanctuary for the Dardans. King Milutin in 1307 rebuilt the church. After the invasion of the Ottoman Empire in 1455, this facility turned into a mosque. The object changed to a church again in 1923. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Kisha 2
3 Helping Lady Cathedral The Cathedral was built in 1870 by Archbishop Dario Bucareli. It is known for two paintings of known personalities of Balkans past, the painting of George Kastrioti - Skanderbeg, the prince of the Principality of Albania and Johannes de Hunajad, Governor and warlord of Hungary. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
4 Church of St. Savior This Monument located near the castle belongs to the city and medieval architecture . After the second half of the eighteenth century became religious ceremonies in the Greek language. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Kisha 3
5 Church of the Holy Sunday - Saint Mark Built in 1371 by King Marko Vukasin Kraleviqi . For its architectural values already is well known for a stelle the Roman period. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
6 Church of St George Church of St. George is located in the central part of Prizren , respectively between Shatervanit.Objekti was built in the late fifteenth century by the brothers Runoviq . Facility Within the southwest side is the tomb of Metropolitan Mihajlo , which also frescoes dating from the XVII. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Kisha 1
7 Church of St. Nicholas Is among the oldest churches in the region , which is composed of five kupola.Edhe why are damaged sculptures and murals many of which are located in the church she testifies autochthony Prizren ancient culture. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Kisha 4
8 Church of St Prenes This church is located in the vicinity of Zym . The exact place and the foundations of the church are not habitable but is in a plateau in the village Shëngjergj. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
9 Groups of Zym Zymi parish center was recognized as the fourteenth century the church was dedicated to St. Mary in lifting qiell. The first church of this village were Shëngjergj while later moved to the foothills of Lumezeve. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
10 Church of Shen Pjeterit - Kabash This church is located nearby Prizren, respectively in the village of Korishe. The construction of this church began in the end of the XI century, and it continued until the XIV century. It is also known as “The Bad Church” because of the inconvenient location it is located in. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"


Number Name Description Location Photo
1 Tekke of Tarikat Sinan The Tekke of Sinan tarikat was first built in 1575 by Ummi Sinan from Prizren who at the same time is also the founder of this sect/tarikat in Kosovo. It is located in the right side of Lumbardh, respectively in the Tabak neighborhood. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
2 Tekke of Tarikat Kaderi Zingjiri Qadiriyyah - Zingjirli Tekke was built in 1646 by Shaykh Hasan Horosani and is located north of Prizren. The tekke qualifies as the oldest in the Balkans of this sect. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
3 Tekke of Tarikatit Halveti The Tekke of the Halveti tarikat was established in 1605 by Sheikh Osman Baba Tekke in the neighborhood of Saraqhan. It is the main Tekke of Prizren, while it has other branches in Rahovec, Mitrovice and Albania. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
PrizrenCollection2 2010 100 2320
4 Tekke of Tarikatit Bektashi The Tekke of Bektashi tarikat was founded in 1850 by Adem Baba of Prizren. This Tekke is located head-to-head to the Hasan Beg Mill southwest of the city. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
5 Tekke of Tarikatit Rufa'i The Rufa'I Tekke was established in 1892 by Sheikh Shasan Hysni Sanxhaku. A characteristic of this masjid or tekke, is the ritual which is held on the first day of spring during which members of the sect are poked in different parts of the body. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
6 Tekke of Dallgen Baba Tekke of Dallgen Baba. This shrine was devoted to one of the commanders who led part of the left army of the Ottoman Empire during the invasion of Prizren in 1945. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
7 Tekke of Karabash Baba The Tekke of Karabash Baba is located in the complex of Karabash respectively near the University of Prizren. Inside the tekke there’s the tomb of a military commander of the Ottoman Empire from which it takes its name. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
8 Tekke of Karabash Ymer Babes Tekke of Ymer Baba is located in the vicinity of Prizren, respectively in the village of Leze. There are numerous visitors from all over Kosova. It is mostly visited by people of Gjakova, Prizren and Rahovec. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"

Old Houses

Number Name Description Location Photo
1 House of Shuaip Pashes It is located nearby the Nalet Bridge, built in the XIX century, rebuilt in 2012 after being burned down during the conflict in March 1999. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Shtepia e Shuaip Pashes
2 House of Shehe Zades It is located in the Saraj Street, built in the end of the XVIII century. Its architecture features contain Prizren style characteristics. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
3 House of Shemsidin Kirajtanit It is close to the Shaip Pasha house and it was built in the beginning of the XIX century. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Shemsidin kirajtanit
4 House of Aqif Celines It was constructed in the XVIII century. It served as a family house. In the 1960s, due to some changes made to it structure, the house lost its originality. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
5 House of Shehe Hasanit This house was built in local folk architecture in the XVIII century. It is located in the city center. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
6 House of Familjes Grazhda Oriental home built in the XVIII century. It is located in Bujar Godeni Street. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
7 House of Bajram Pomakut A traditional Prizren house built in the XVIII century. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
8 House of Abdurahim Myftiut It’s located in Rifat Krasniqi Street, built in the XIX century. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
9 House of Ahmet e Shyqeri Suharekes-Rekathatit This house was built in the year of 1886; besides the divisions the house preserves its originality. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
10 House of Ymer Prizrenit It was built from the president of the Albanian League of Prizren in the period of 1943-1945. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
11 House of Haxhi Izet Mashkullit It is supposed that this house is built around the 1800s. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
12 House of Ymer Qyse This house was built in the XIX century. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
13 House of Gani Dukagjinit This house was built in the XIX century and it is considered as a cultural monument. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"
14 House of Ismet Sokolit This house was built in the XIX century, and contains baroque elements. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
A panoramic view of "Lidhja e Prizrenit"

Natural Monuments

Number Name Description Location Photo
1 Rrapi Description of Monument 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Prizren, 800 let starý platan
2 Marashi Description of Monument 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
3 Gryka e Lumbardhit Description of Monument 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Gryka e Lumbardhit 1
4 Prevalla Description of Monument 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
5 Parku i qytetit Description of Monument 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.208999°N 20.74047°E / 42.208999; 20.74047
Parku i Qytetit


  1. ^ Prizreni i Lashtë - Morfologjia e ecurive për ruajtjen e kulturës materiale, Muhamed Shukriu, 2001
  2. ^ a b Prizreni në Retrovizore, Ec Ma Ndryshe
  3. ^ Prizren 360, Prizren Municipality
  4. ^ Prizreni - Vendtakim i civilizimeve, Komuna e Prizren, Drejtoria për Turizëm dhe Zhvillim Ekonomik, 2012
  5. ^ Plani i Konservimit dhe zhvillimit për zonën historike të Prizrenit, Kosovë, Cultural Heritage without Borders, 2011
  6. ^ Explore the South of Kosovo, The Municipality of Prizren
  7. ^ Prizreni në kohën antike iliro dardane romake bizantine mesjetare osmane, Shoqata Numizmatike Shqiptare "Demastion", 2003
  8. ^ Monografia e Rajonit Jugor të Kosovës, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, 2012
  9. ^ Prizren The Visitor, Komuna e Prizrenit, 2012