[1] official website of IVS


There is a general misconception that Vedanta denies the universe. But in reality Vedanta does not deny the universe. The seeming inequality, difference and manifoldness are not the real nature of the universe. Vedanta analyses this form of the universe. As a scientist goes into the depths of things superficially seen by others and discovers the electrons, protons. And other finer particles, similarly does Vedanta goes into the depths of this universe and discovers an Absolute Truth, an Absolute Existence which is the substratum of all manifoldness. It declares that there is, transcending this apparent phenomenon, a Truth Absolute which is One and Supreme. There is no duality and hence no in equanimity. This is the real existence of the universe, which is termed as Brahman. Brahman is all-pervading and to be more precise everything that is – is Brahman. Hence Vedanta declares the Oneness of this universe.


March on. Do not allow life to stop. Remove all tiredness. Conquer all weakness. Be aware, that you are entitled to Eternity. Manifest yourself. Allow to blossom your latent wisdom. In your real Self, you are Saccidãnanda – Existence, Knowledge and Bliss Absolute. Ye Inhabitants of the world, sons of the immortal, realise your Self and cut asunder all your bondages. In you lie infinite strength. Realise it and become the ruler of your own destiny. Remember, that in the real nature of our Self we are One and Indivisible.

PHILOSOPHY OF IVS IVS slogan – “Man is God”. The International Vedanta Society solicits one and all irrespective of any caste-creed-sex or religion. IVS does not stress on worshiping any God or Goddess. It believes that the all All-Powerful (Omnipotent) resides within everyone and this Omnipotent is known as Iŝvara or God. The International Vedanta Society does not speak of any special rights for men or women because the Society believes that everyone is born with their own rights. The task is only to make one aware about it. And the medium of serving of this ideology is love. The International Vedanta Society does not give any special preference to sannyasins or house-holders. The Society wishes to let every individual manifest their inherent divinity within. IVS believes that only Vedanta can change the trouble-tormented situation of the present day world. And that must come through love and the International Vedanta Society is spreading the message of Unity and Love. IVS appeals everyone to perform some benevolent activities everyday. Each one of us has a role to play. Let everyone play his own role. We’ve heard many great good things in this world. But not much have been done. We must not differ in our words and actions. IVS believes and respects all faiths and religions. The International Vedanta Society desires to build such a new civilisation where man would have predominance. The idol of IVS is “man” (human being). “Man is truth above all else, nothing beyond prevails.”