Our planet, mostly harmless? Of course not at all, if you are a life form that is dependent on the biosphere of this planet. But if you are a life form somewhere out there in the universe, or if you are even the universe itself, it definitely is. In the same way, basically everything is relative and all our knowledge, our beliefs and our actions are usually completely culture centered. That's why social and cultural anthropology is of great importance for mankind. Of course science can not answer all our questions. Usually it raises even more of them. But if the only tool we have is a hammer, we tend to treat every problem as a nail. Science provides us tools to ease our understanding of mostly very complex problems and so, as a social and cultural anthropologist, I hope I can make some contributions that help understand some of the complex processes that are only an expression of even more complex rules of how societies work.
Moreover I will also try to contribute to non-anthropological or not directly to anthropology referring topics, especially to some fields I think I know about. Below I will try to outline both my anthropological qualifications and these other fields a little bit.