This user believes in civility and assuming good faith.

This user is a scientist.
This user is a musician.
:pThis user is exuberant, cheerful, and a hopelessly silly person. You'll have a hard time offending her, because she'll probably just laugh at you.
This user's editing philosophy...
Contribute, let go

This user has published peer-reviewed articles in academic journals.
This user is an artist who works with a variety of creative media.
Freedom, Equality, Literacy, and Diversity are essential for a healthy and thriving society.
This user is willing to
agree to disagree.
This user has expertise in
This user is a writer.
This female user is straight but not narrow.
This user is opposed to online censorship
This user has expertise in
Molecular Biology
This user is an amateur photographer.
This user loves to row.
This user is against most forms of copyright.
This user has expertise in
Cell Biology
This user is concerned about
Human Rights
This user loves to run.
This user is a deep thinker who appreciates good conversation with other deep thinkers.
This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.

:)This user is an optimist.
This user is a city girl who now lives in the beautiful mountains of Pennsylvania.
This user fights vandalism.
This user respects--and is very interested in--the beliefs, cultures, and spiritual traditions of others.

It's really not that hard to use each word in its proper manner.
This user is spiritual but not religious, and only attends the church that is in her heart.
PCThis user is Pro-Choice.
This user is single, never married, no kids, lives alone with 1 fur child/purr factory, and is not in a serious relationship.
[Anyone who says otherwise is lying (~ saboteur).]
This user seriously dislikes and has / wants nothing to do with
any musician named 'Ben'.