The Idaho Green Party is currently petitioning to become and active party again. The total valid signature required are 13,806. This petition with qualified signatures will be due to the Secretary of State no later than August 30th,2020.[1]The Idaho Green party has been doing research in areas to form their platforms and policies. They have come up with four major pillars which include; Peace, Ecology, Social Justice, and Democracy.[2] They have also created 10 key values that explains in detail what they stand for and believe in. Petitions the Idaho Green Party members have purposed in the past involve the legalization and use of medical marijuana in the State of Idaho, and they have petitioned to increase the minimum wage in the State of Idaho. Due to the lack of signatures received from the citizens of Idaho, both these petitions failed.[3] Further more, the Idaho Green Party is continuing the process of petitioning the people of Idaho to help them become an active party again.

The 10 Key Values Include: [4]

1. Grassroots Democracy:

Idaho Green Party members believe I every person gets a say on what may and may not affect their lives. The primary focus is to get citizens directly involved with the Government such as creating political organizations that help people participate in democracy.

2. Social Justice and Equal Opportunity:

Idaho Green Party members believe people should have the same opportunities to benefit from the resources offered by society and no one should be judged based on their current status in society.

3. Ecology Wisdom:

Idaho Green Party members believe that society must understand that we are a part of nature and for that we should use our resources to maintain a clean and safe environment for the future.

4. Non-Violence:

Idaho Green Party members believe in promoting non-violent methods to solve situations in which conflict is present while also recognizing the need of self defense in certain situations.

5. Decentralization:

Idaho Green Party members believe in designing and making a new political system more equal. This would include decentralizing higher powers. Decision making would be decided by the people themselves, while assuring that civil rights are protected for citizens.

6. Community Based Economics:

Idaho Green Party members believe we should develop a new work structure to promote employee ownership and workplace democracy. They also wish to look for ways to use technology but in ways that are “…humane, freeing, ecological and accountable and responsive to communities.” Green party members also want to change the way the American economy does not offer income distribution to homemakers and volunteers. Also, they want to limit the power of corporations but not while inhibiting efficiency or innovation.

7. Feminism and Gender Equality:

Idaho Green Party members believe in gender equality, and desire for more cooperative interactions during the discussions to encourage the respect of different viewpoints and gender. Party members note that the process by which we go about changes within our government and society is equally important as the changes themselves.

8. Respect for Diversity:

Idaho Green Party members value and respect diversity of all kinds. Those include cultural, racial, ethnic, religious, sexual diversity. They also want for our governing institutions to be just as diverse as our society, so those differences are represented during discussions and policy changes.

9. Personal and Global Responsibility:

The Idaho Green Party members believe that in order for peace, economic justice and overall health of the planet to prosper, we must work individually towards self-improvement while keeping the goals of social harmony and economic balance in mind.

10. Future Focus and Sustainability:

Idaho Green Party members believe long term goals should be the main points to keep in mind when it comes to policy change. They wish to protect natural resources and develop safe practices of waste disposal. Party members wish to focus on the long-term effects of policies and actions of our time. Party members also wish to focus on quality of life for citizens as the driving force in setting future goals and not the seemingly open-ended economic growth.

  1. ^ "Forming a New Political Party" (PDF). 11 November 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ "Green Party of Idaho Kicks Off Petition Drive". 11 November 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ "Petitions". 11 November 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ "Four Pillars and 10 Key Values". Retrieved 25 November 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)