User:Blibly/Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō

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Anime (Currently rewriting, adding plot summary for all episodes and may add comparisons between manga and anime)

The first OVA series, simply titled Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko, was produced by Ajia-do Animation Works and follows selected events from volumes 1-3 of the manga. It was released on 2 VHS tapes in Japan on May 5th, 1998 and on December 12, 1998. It was then re-released on DVD with both episodes on July 19th, 2000 in Japan. In both OVA series, Alpha is voiced by Hekiru Shina and Kokone by Akiko Nakagawa.

  • The first OVA series, simply titled Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō, was produced by Ajia-do Animation Works and directed by Takashi Annō. It was released in May 1998 and December 1998 on VHS and Laserdisc. It dramatizes selected events from volumes 1–3, including the initial meeting of Alpha and Kokone and Alpha's recovery from being struck by lightning. It was subsequently rereleased on a DVD that featured both episodes on July 19th, 2000 in Japan.
No. Directed By Original Release Date DVD Re-release
1 Takashi Annō May 5, 1998 July 19, 2000
2 Takashi Annō December 12, 1998 July 19, 2000

Episode 1

In the first episode of the first OVA series, Alpha is visited by another android named Kokone who hands her a package from Alpha's owner. Kokone also mentions a message that came with the package. The message encourages Alpha to go out and see the world and to use the provided camera as a means to capture the moments she will come across in her expeditions away from the café.

After hearing the message, Alpha takes Kokone back to the station where she came from, and while on the way there, Kokone teaches Alpha how to use the camera. The first photo Alpha takes is of Kokone.

The next day, Alpha takes her first trip away from the café in search of more things to photograph. She wanders around town and ends up on the coastline, ultimately not taking a picture as night falls. The only photo she took that day was of her scooter. The episode ends with Alpha stating that the single photo of her scooter was enough for her and that she could recall the scenery she saw that day in finer detail than usual.

Episode 2

Episode 2 begins with Alpha getting caught in a thunderstorm on the way home from purchasing a new rake. She gets electrocuted from a lightning bolt and is found in the middle of the street by the gas station attendant, who takes her to a doctor to get repaired. While in recovery, Alpha begins to cry and says that she likes the feeling (elaborate more on this/describe it better). After she leaves the hospital, Alpha returns to the café and performs her duties there as a violent wind rages on outside.

The next day, Alpha once again leaves the café in search of a place that her owner took her to when she first arrived in the town. She eventually reaches an overlook at the top of a hill that shows a view of a flooded city. The doctor that repaired Alpha coincidentally is there as well and they both wait for night to fall. All of the lights in the flooded city slowly come on as Alpha and the doctor watch on. The episode ends with a monologue from Alpha about the city lights -- once shining with purpose and now shining for the sole purpose of shining.

The second OVA series, titled Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe, was released in 2 volumes with Volume 1 releasing on December 18, 2002 and Volume 2 releasing on March 5th, 2003. It was also produced by Ajia-Do Animation works and features much of the same cast and staff.

Quiet Country Café

Episode 1

Alpha and Kokone are riding their scooters around town until they happen upon a clearing where they rest until evening. The next day, Alpha resumes her duties at the café, noting how old and run down the exterior has become and how the customers simply aren't showing up. Later, Alpha hears a radio broadcast that warns of an approaching typhoon before the radio fades into static. Dark clouds and strong winds begin tearing through the town as Alpha is offered shelter from the typhoon at the gas station by the attendant as a precaution in case the café ends up being destroyed. She takes the offer to stay the night at the gas station, which has been reinforced by wooden planks by the attendant.

When the typhoon ends the next day, Alpha returns to the café to find that a majority of it has been destroyed. Later that night, the gas station attendant finds her sitting in front of the wreckage playing the lute as if in mourning.

The next day, Alpha attempts to run the cafe from its remains and has a conversation with the gas station attendant, where she declares that she will be away for a while to simply wander. She also vows to one day return and rebuild her cafe.

Episode 2

Alpha monologues about her home and the various things she has done since she left as she wanders around an unknown town. She comes across a woman sweeping the grounds of an assembly hall and asks for directions to the nearest town. The woman then hands her an exceptionally large persimmon as she heads over to the next town.

Meanwhile, Kokone visits Alpha's hometown only to see the café in disrepair and no sign of Alpha. The gas station attendant follows after her and offers her Alpha's keys to stay the night in her house. Kokone finds a message to the cafe's owner on her desk, which she ultimately does not end up reading.

Alpha ends up lost and climbs a telephone pole to figure out where to go next. She spots some structures in the distance and proceeds to head towards that direction. On the way, she reaches an airfield, taken aback by the vastness of it. She walks towards the structure in the middle of the airfield, where she asks a receptionist where she is. The receptionist reveals that she is at Atsugi Airport. Excited at the thought of seeing an airplane, Alpha waits for the next plane to arrive, which the receptionist says should arrive within an hour. The plane eventually touches down and Alpha meets the pilot who is a male android named Nai. Nai explains that despite meeting many other androids, he seems to be the only male.

Sometime in the future, Alpha is running a grilled corn stand on a mountainside with a view of Mount Fuji, which seems to have a large chunk taken out of it. A customer comes by and orders a piece of grilled corn and mentions that the view is "good for the eyes". Later that day, Alpha sits looking over Mount Fuji and sees a vision of her cafe's wind chime pointing in the direction of the mountain. Alpha then takes out her camera and looks through the all the photos she's taken since she received it. She puts her camera away and declares that it's time to go back home.

notes to self: condense descriptions(?) and maybe put them into a chart; continue plot summary of quiet country cafe(DONE) and compare/contrast manga and anime

