User:Bloodkith/sentient weapon list

list of sentient weapons.

Having a long tradition stemming from ancient mythology, religious beliefs and to modern fiction a sentient weapon is a weapon that displays signs of having self-awareness and or a will of its own. It's mind source can be from any of a number of origens including a haunting ghost or demon,an imprint from a previous owners own spirit, an artificial intelligence created by science, magic or superscience, an organic brain, or a mind-transfer from another already sentient creature. The weapons themselves can be as diverse as the imaginations of the storyteller but seem to fit in a number of categories as listed here.

to be considered for this list the applicant must have been intended to be used as a weapon at its' inception/construction.

key of idicaters of sentience.

  • Aid. Assistence (autonomic overide of handlers motor control to reflexivly provide ability beyond handlers own but usualy only acts in handlers best interests and handler can overide it's intent with his own desires.*see cog*see par)
  • Age. Agency (displays a need to accomplish a certain task or affiliatian with a certain faction; good,evil,etc.)
  • Aud. Audience (vocalized speach or speach-like patterns.)
  • Aut. Automatic (acts on its own without being directed.)
  • Con. Conversation (telepathicly or conventionaly discusses courses of action with others.)
  • Cog. Cognition (has an awareness of what is happening around it.)
  • Dec. Descisive (shows an ability to undertake a course of action when given multiple options.)
  • Emo. Emotion (displays of emotion such as empathy with handler, or entreating handler for action/inaction.)
  • Hau. Haunted (known to have a soul of its own. or contain souls of others (spirits of the dead).)
  • Imp. Impression (fosters overwhelming emotion in others not originating from other stimuli.)
  • Ins. Instinct (reacts to stimuli in the manner of a living creature.)
  • Int. Intelligence (has an ability to solve problems such as descerning friend from foe or adapting to situations.)
  • Kin. Kinetic (capable of intentional/directed movement often supernaturaly.)
  • Par. Parasitism (overides hosts will and or motor fuctions as in possesion may surpress host consciousness as well.)
  • Rec. Recognized (handler knows or claims the sword is sentient even if no other specifics are given.)
  • Sel. selection (accepts or rejects handlers often by remaining dormant.)
  • Vol. Volative (expresses a wish or permission to act originating in its own will.)
  • Man. Manna (Handler gains potency from a spiritual/supernatural union with the weapon; often consumes the spirits/powers of the vanquished.)
  • Zoo. Zoomorphism (animation resembling natural movements of living creatures, limbs, mouths,etc.)

Man portable

Name Form Indicaters Source
A . . .
Anglachel sword con/vol/hau Tolkien's legendarium
B . . .
Babbo morphic toy aud/con/emo/hau Mar anime
[[Babarisater] psychic sword Aid Eisenhorn(Xenos.Malleus.Hereticus)
C . . .
calibrus giant golden scissors Aid/Sel Puppeteer
D . . .
Dyrnwyn sword sel English legend
E . . .
[[Evisorex] psychic sword aid/rec/sel Ravenor(The Omnibus
Excalibur sword Sel English legend
F . . .
Fiery sword in eden sword? age/aut/kin Bible Garden of Eden
G . . .
Gram (mythology) sword sel Teutonic myth
H . . .
I . . .
J . . .
K . . .
Keyblade key-like sword sel kingdom hearts game series
L . . .
Lula sword aud/con/zoo Dave the barbarian cartoon
M . . .
Mana weapons stone age Man Polonesian tradition
Mana weapons sword,spear,axe,etc man/sel secret of mana game series
Muramasa katana etc. man/imp Japanese legend
Masamune katana etc. man/imp Japanese legend
N . . .
O . . .
One Ring gold band imp/age/man J.R.R Tolkien's fiction
P . . .
Phurba dagger kin/zoo The Shadow (film)
Q . . .
R . . .
S . . .
Saba short sword con/aud/zoo power rangers tv series
Sharur sword aud/ag/par/vol Sumarian myth
Silver orb floating ball kin/age/cog Phantasm (film) series
Skofnung sword hau Teutonic myth
Soul Edge/Soul Calibur morphic swords man/par/hau Soul (series) games
Sword in the stone sword sel Arthurian legend
Sword of truth sword sel/imp Legend of the seeker fiction
Sword of Gryffindor sword sel/cog/man Harry Potter fiction
Sting short sword cog Tolkien stories
Sun sword hilt sel Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon
T . . .
Tenseiga sword cog/emo/vol Inuyasha anime/manga
Terror mask white mask aid/age/con/cog/emo/imp/int/sel splatter house series
Tetsusaiga sword sel/man Inuyasha anime/manga
The Glaive shuriken kin/man Krull film
Tokijin sword imp/ag/par Inuyasha anime/manga
Tsukumogami variety of items zoo/int Japanese mythology
U . . .
V . . .
Vampire slayer whip vol/emo Castlevania game series
W . . .
Witch blade gauntlet par/imp/sel comic/anime
X . . .
Y . . .
Z . . .


Name Form Indicaters Source
A . . .
B . . .
C . . .
D . . .
Droids Varies by function/model cog++ Star wars media.
E . . .
F . . .
Feathertop animate effigy emo/aut/cog/int/con/aud short story
G . . .
Golem of Prague animate effigy emo/aut Folklore
H . . .
I . . .
J . . .
S.A.I.N.T #5/Johny #5 robot int/cog/aud/con/age/aut/emo Short Circuit films
K . . .
K9 robot dog int/cog/aut/aud/con Sci-fi series
L . . .
M . . .
Megadeus humanoid sel/age/vol Big O (anime)
N . . .
O . . .
P . . .
Q . . .
R . . .
Replicators evolving nanomachines age/emo/aut/int/aud/con Stargate SG-1 tv series
S . . .
Screamers evolving machines age/emo/aut film
T . . .
Terminator robot sometimes clad in living tissue. age/emo?/aut/con/ins/int/aud Terminator (franchise)
Talos humanoid int/aut greek mythology
U . . .
V . . .
W . . .
X . . .
Y . . .
Z . . .


Name Form Indicaters Source
A . . .
AM Supercomputer aud/emo/cog/con/int/age I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
B . . .
C . . .
D . . .
E . . .
F . . .
G . . .
H . . .
I . . .
J . . .
K . . .
L . . .
The Lexx titanic bug emo/ins/con/aut Lexx sci-fi series
M . . .
The Mangler industrial machine age/hau/aut film franchise
N . . .
O . . .
P . . .
Q . . .
R . . .
S . . .
Skynet supercomputer int/age/aut/cog Terminator film franchise
Supercomputer supercomputer int/age/aut/cog Superman III
T . . .
U . . .
V . . .
W . . .
X . . .
Y . . .
Z . . .

Biological artifice

Name Form Indicaters Source
A . . .
Red Ribbon Androids 1-20 human-machine hybrids int/cog/aut/zoo/age/aud/con Dragon Ball anime series
Atma/Ultima/Omega weapon Quadraped zoo/varies Final Fantasy recuring character in game series
B . . .
Baby humanoid int/cog/age/aud/con/aut/zoo Dragon ball GT story arc
C . . .
Cell humanoid insectoid int/cog/age/aud/con/aut/zoo Dragon Ball Z story arc.
D . . .
E . . .
Experiments 1-626+ Mammal-like int/cog/emo/aut/zoo/aud/con/ins Disney films and series *see stitch.
F . . .
G . . .
H . . .
I . . .
J . . .
K . . .
L . . .
M . . .
Majin Buu humanoid int/emo/aut/zoo/aud/con Dragon Ball Z story arc
N . . .
O . . .
P . . .
Q . . .
R . . .
S . . .
Experiment 626/Stitch 6/4 limbed alien canine int/emo/aut/cog/zoo/aud/con/ins Disney films and cartoon series.
T . . .
U . . .
V . . .
W . . .
X . . .
Y . . .
Z . . .