User Information


Avatar: Musica

Avatar: Musica is taken from Groove Adventure Rave's Musica.
Original image from and edited with Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for transparency use as an avatar.

Full Name    : Nathan Prima Suwanto
Birthdate    : 23 March 1984
Residence    : Surabaya 60256, East Java
Nationality  : Indonesian
Ethnicity    : Chinese
Tall/Weight  : 175 cm / 72 kgs
Religion     : Christian, since August 2003
Status       : In A Relationship
Education    : Bachelor of Information Science, 7th semester
University   : Petra Christian University, Surabaya
Interests    : Music, Poetry, Games, Cars, Soccer, Drama,  Anime, Manga, Japanese Art

Wikipedia Comments


Joined Wikipedia on 29 September 2004 and primarily used this site as an online reference center. Now interested to add contributions to Wikipedia. Had a journalist background as an Ex-contributor of an online videogames site, VideoGames Indonesia and GameFAQs. Start writing Christian articles mainly from new-born date on August 2003. Thinking about using journalist capabilities to aid Wikipedia's growth, but right now have no ideas as what to write other than editing existing pages.
