The following is a list of characters featured in Total Drama and related series of shows which are aired on Teletoon in Canada and on Cartoon Network in the United States. It also features the actor that portrays each character in the original broadcast. The Total Drama series parodies reality television game shows, with the characters competing alongside an in-universe fictional reality series. All of the contestants have distinct personalities that either lampoon common reality television shows, celebrities, youth and American and Canadian stereotypes, and many if not all, serve as main and sub plots. Unless otherwise stated, revealed or shown, contestants do not have last names, confirmed ethnicities or creed, family, friends, relationships outside of the show. Mainly, contestants do not have confirmed ages. However, it has been hinted many times that the majority of the contestants that debut in the series, seem to be sixteen through eighteen years old. Each subsequent season that passes, a contestant is assumed to age a year. For example, a season one contestant should be around Twenty One years old. Although, this is merely speculation and assuming. Originally the show mostly featured teenage and late adolescent characters, however older and obscure characters have been featured in recent reasons, so generally, any contestant of Total Drama could be any age.

Crew Members


There are Characters who serve as crew cast members of the series. They host the show, moderate challenges and elimination ceremonies, explain the rules of the game, and serve as narrators of the season.



Chris McClean (Christian Potenza), is an actor/television personality, and he is one of the hosts of Total Drama. He is very narcissistic, and more often than not cares for himself rather than the well being of the contestants. However, once in awhile he does show concern for others, though usually just to benefit the situation for himself. Chris doesn't always follow the directions and rules given to him by the producers thus getting him in trouble and arrested many times. Like Chef, he has also used contestants to benefit the game towards his liking to manipulate the rules and outcome. Chris has a cousin named Jerd, that speaks with a very difficult accent. Jerd has hosted a challenge on Total Drama as well. Chris also is envious of anyone who he thinks is more powerful than he is. He has in many times had contestants threatened to sue him, hurt him, or get him fired, these include, Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Dakota, and Topher and Scarlet. Chris has been present in every season so far as main host.



Chef Hatchet (Cle Bennett), is one of the hosts of Total Drama. He is Chris' best friend, and acts as an assistant co-host of the series. He is African Canadian. He is also in charge of serving food to the contestants. He usually keeps a low profile throughout the series and his actions are not always explained. It has been hinted many times that he has a military background. He frequently crossdresses, shown to come to light more in the second season. There have been times to where he has helped contestants with insider staff information, and even formed illegal alliances with some. Though seen as a second in command, and not as careless and cynical as Chris, Chef does take an authority figure role, and steps in as main host, when Chris is unavailable. He has been present in every season so far as an assistant host.



Mildred Stacey Andrews O'Halloran, who goes by the stage name of "Blaineley" (Carla Collins), is a actress/television personality that was first introduced as host of the in-universe entertainment talk show, Celebrity Manhunt, joined by her co-host Josh. She was later brought into the Total Drama universe, as host of Total Drama Aftermath, in the third season, Total Drama World Tour. A show that Geoff and Bridgette originally hosted in Total Drama Action. She is joined with Geoff. Towards the end of the third season, a competition was put in place to bring back contestants who didn't qualify for season three, as well as contestants who have been eliminated that season. On sheer accident, Blaineley won the competition that was intended for Beth to win, and became the first host of Total Drama, to become a contestant. However, Blaineley lasted very brief after forming an illegal alliance with Chef Hatchet, and clashing with everyone, only befriending Owen. She was eliminated along with Courtney, being severely injured after dropping off the elimination plane. Blaineley was put into a full body cast as seen on the finale of season three. She was last seen in France, in an exclusive web clip in Total Drama Allstars.



Josh (Dwayne Hill), is an actor/television personality, that was Blaineley's co-host in Celebrity Manhunt, he discussed gossip around Total Drama, and interviewed contestants. He has not been seen since the beginning of Total Drama World Tour.

Don (Terry McGurrin), is the host of the Total Drama spin-off Series, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Unlike previous hosts of Total Drama, Don is very professional and serious about his position. He is very by the book and attentive. He generally has no interaction with the contestants, aside from eliminations, and doesn't seem to have a large sense of humor. Don also acts as narrator, and provides very calm and non patronizing comments about contestants, regardless of their performance.

First Generation Contestants


These are the twenty four contestants who makeup the first generation of contestants . They are the first generation cast as they were the first group of contestants revealed to the series.



Alejandro Burromuerto (Marco Grazzini [Season 3])(Alex House [Season 5]), is a soft spoken, handsome and athletic Spanish American immigrant and world traveler, who is one of the most mysterious and mischievous Total Drama contestants. He is very manipulative, and extremely intelligent. He is both fluent in Spanish and English. Alejandro is first shown in Total Drama Action, as a cast member that Chris hired to be apart of fake show Total Drama Dirtbags. It is then later revealed in Total Drama World Tour that he is an official contestant for that season. Alejandro is extremely ruthless, and isn't a person to be trusted. He causes the eliminations of several contestants this season, and becomes a primary villain and antagonist. He does however show a kindness to animals, and enjoys music and singing. He would last as a finalist this season. The majority of the female competitors of Total Drama at one point, has fallen victim to Alejandro's charms and manipulation. However, Heather looks past this and in many ways, becomes a female version of him and a rival, as well as an eventual lover. In the season three finale, Heather pushes Alejandro down a volcano which causes him to be badly injured, and he is then put into a robotic suit. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, he is still in the robot suit. Alejandro competes in season five, Total Drama All Stars. At the end of the first challenge, his robot suit accidentally breaks open, and he is revealed to be paralyzed in the legs. Alejandro does not do much scheming as he had did in the previous season, being the only person he targets for elimination is Heather, using a hidden immunity idol, in an act of revenge to call truce. This season, Alejandro also confronts his brother José, who he does not get along with. Alejandro is later eliminated, although returns in the finale. He, and coincidentally Heather, were randomly picked by Mike to be his helpers, where he and Heather reveal they are a couple. Alongside Cameron, Gwen, Mike and Zoey, they both leave the island safely, after it has been destroyed.



Beth (Sarah Gadon), is a self proclaimed dweeb who aspires to better her image and to become popular. She is the first ever contestant revealed on Total Drama. Like Lindsay, she is very thick headed and usually doesn't think before she talks or makes judgments. In Total Drama Island, she is eliminated quite early into the competition after finding a bad luck tiki idol on the island which due to the events of that leads to her elimination. Beth qualifies for the second season Total Drama Action. Her braces are now removed, in turn gives her a confidence boost and a change on personality. Usually keeping to herself this time around and causing the least amount of trouble as possible, results in her appearing in every single episode. She becomes one of the finalists of this series. In the finale episode, she is seen reuniting with her boyfriend whom many of the contestants believed she was fibbing when talking about him through the competition. Beth currently has not competed in any future seasons, though she came virtually close whilst competing in a challenge to qualify for the third season, inadvertently losing to Blaineley.



Bridgette (Kristin Fairlie), is a female surfer who generally keeps her personality towards the surf culture. She is most known for her exclusive romantic relationship with Geoff in which they are the first ever Total Drama couple to form. Bridgette usually keeps a positive attitude which leads to her being gullible and easily to manipulate. In Total Drama Island, Bridgette manages to form bonds and friendships with many of her peers including Geoff to whom she becomes involves with. However, aside from surfing, she isn't very useful in challenges and the rest of the group agrees and she is voted off shortly after the teams merge. Bridgette does qualify for the second season Total Drama Action, however she does not last very long, she along with Geoff are the first contestants voted off after they spent more time engaged with each other rather than focusing on the game. She and Geoff then become the permanent hosts of the Total Drama spin-off talk show, Total Drama Aftermath. Bridgette qualifies for the third season, Total Drama World Tour. Unfortunately, her personality stays the same as she becomes attracted to Alejandro's charms and tricks her into kissing a frozen metal pole in which she is then eliminated by her team. The last appearance of Bridgette was of herself and Dakota demonstrating a swimming challenge in Season 4, Total Drama:Revenge of the Island



Cody (Peter Oldring), is a short heighted geek who always finds himself in awkward situations. He generally comes across as a friendly guy who doesn't seem to care what other people think of him. Though out of all contestants, he is shown to accidentally injure himself or cause harm to himself the most. In Total Drama Island, Cody develops a crush on Gwen, although it occurs to him that she doesn't feel the same way romantically. In order to produce a good deed, he matches Trent with Gwen which becomes successful. Cody is severely injured by a bear during a challenge, thus leading to his demise of this season. He does not qualify for the second season, however in the third season Total Drama World Tour, Cody once again competes. This time he begins to quarrel with fellow contestant Sierra who constantly obsessed over him. This serves as of the main plots of the season and eventually a relationship unwarranted on Cody's part, forms. Though in the end Cody loses the final challenge after he is tricked into disqualifying himself by Alejandro. Cody was last physically seen at the beginning of the fourth season on a boat with the other contestants. He is however constantly mentioned in the first half on the fifth season, Total Drama All-Stars, when Sierra in many occasions, mistakes other contestants as him.



Courtney (Unknown Actress [Pilot, Season 1]), (Emilie-Claire Barlow [Current]) is a highly intelligent woman who strives on perfection. She is a Hispanic Canadian. Courtney is one of the most outspoken, and opinionated contestants of Total Drama. She is not satisfied unless her absolute best is put into the situation. Even then, she tends to go above and beyond to over achieve herself. Courtney is also very impatient possibly due to the fact she is very knowledgeable and prefers to complete tasks in a fast pace. Other contestants find a hard time befriending her as well due to the fact she puts herself above them causing personality clashes. In the first challenge of the first season, Total Drama Island, Courtney along with DJ, decides not to participate in the first challenge, which makes her a target at first, although she quickly escapes elimination, and changes her strategy around completely. She becomes involved in a relationship with Duncan. However, due to Duncan constantly bullying Harold, he secretly rigs the votes in order for Courtney to be eliminated in an order to consider his bullying even. Courtney is then eliminated unjustly with some members of the team not caring, and the others in shock. Courtney then vows to Total Drama that she will take legal action into her unfair elimination. She once again follows through on this threat after she does not complete the challenge to qualify for the second season, Total Drama Action. When the producers do in fact realize she was serious with suing the show, as part of not going through with the lawsuit, she is given a position onto the second season a few episodes down. She then starts an on again, off again relationship with Duncan. She is eliminated towards the end of the competition by both Beth and Duncan. This causes her to temporarily end her relationship with Duncan, although they soon get back together. In the third season, Total Drama World Tour, Duncan quits the game on the first episode, and she begins to blame Gwen for this. This starts a season long conflict between them, as well as a love triangle, as Gwen and Duncan would later form a relationship. Courtney however is later eliminated after falling victim to Alejandro's tricks, along with Blaineley. Courtney returns in the finale as Alejandro's helper. Recently, she made a cameo in Total Drama Revenge of the Island, and competed in the fifth season, Total Drama All Stars. In the fifth season, her conflict with Gwen still remains, and her relationship with Duncan is no more. She is able to make amends with Gwen, start a fling with Scott, and make it to the merge. She was last seen in a balloon to be picked by the finalists, in the finale of All Stars, she was not picked and was blown away with the other contestants. Her status is currently unknown.

Devon Joseph, who goes by the initials of his first and last name, "DJ" (Clé Bennett), is a very tall, strong and muscular guy, but his personality couldn't farther relate to that. He is Jamaican Canadian. DJ has an unnamed mother, who frequently makes appearances throughout the show. DJ is one of the few contestants in Total Drama, who never says anything ill mannered or impolite to other contestants, and hardly ever loses his temper or shows signs of anger. He generally comes across as well liked by the other cast members. He also has many pets, and shows appreciation towards animals of all types. Although, many of the times he has been injured, were over animals. However despite his body size, DJ is incredibly cowardly, and feels guilty over things that weren't even his fault. In the first season, DJ refused to participate in many challenges, or refused to do certain things that involved injuring other contestants. But DJ being very athletic and determined, showed his assets in other methods, as well as being kind and polite to his peers. He was eventually disqualified and eliminated after being too scared to complete a night challenge. DJ returns in Total Drama Action, however he is once again disqualified after it is revealed he was in an illegal alliance with Chef Hatchet. In the third season, DJ began to believe that he was cursed, and that every animal he touched, would either die, or get seriously hurt. Upon discovering this, he on many occasions tried to quit the game, but to no avail. Eventually he was voted off. DJ was last seen in a cameo, as a judge of a challenge in Total Drama, Revenge of the Island.



Duncan (Drew Nelson), is part of the punk subculture and considers himself a rebel. He is very immature, impolite and crude. He has been in and out of juvenile hall many times, and is scoundrel and troublemaker. Although, during certain times, he can be caring towards others, and is able to adapt well with the others. He may never admit to it, but generally Duncan acts the way he does for attention, and is not as menacing as he perceives to be. He was recommended to go on Total Drama at request of his probation officer. In the first season, Duncan is able to get on quite well with the other contestants. When it comes to competition, he is focused and balanced. Outside of competition, Duncan may come across to some as a bully, constantly playing pranks on other contestants, and saying rude remarks to them. Remarkably, Duncan forms a relationship with Courtney. Aside from them being polar opposites, they get on quite well. However Harold, who has been constantly bullied by Duncan, fabricates the votes to where Courtney is eliminated, ending their relationship for this season. Duncan is later eliminated towards the end of the series. He qualifies for the second season, Total Drama Action. When Duncan found out about what Harold did in the previous season, he was outraged and began to hate Harold even more. The boys later would forgive one another, and Duncan's hatred of him would soon fade. Courtney would later enter on this season due to a lawsuit, which shocked Duncan greatly. An on again, off again relationship would now form between the two. Due to this season primarily being about acting and movies, Duncan was able to use his personality to succeed in challenges. This allowed him to be a finalist of that season. Duncan makes an appearance in the third season, Total Drama World Tour. Once realizing that contestants had to sing to avoid elimination, Duncan became agitated over this, and refused to participate many times. After being annoyed by Gwen and Courtney's bantering, he quits the competition. After being eliminated, Duncan was revealed to be in London. He is inadvertently brought back into show over a contract dispute. Upon returning to the game, he quickly starts a secret fling with Gwen. Tyler accidentally catches them do this, and spills the beans to the other contestants. Courtney later finds out, and again leaves her relationship with Duncan. This causes the love triangle between him, Courtney and Gwen. Duncan is however eliminated soon after returning to the game, before telling some of his peers not to trust Alejandro. In the fourth season, Total Drama Revenge of the Island, he alongside many other first generation contestants make a cameo, and are seen on a boat. He is kissing Gwen. He later makes another cameo for a graffiti spraying challenge. He unfortunately does not do what he was instructed to by Chris, and ends up vandalizing the set before running off. Duncan competes in the fifth season, Total Drama All Stars. This season, Duncan is neither with Courtney or Gwen, (although Gwen breaks up with him this season) and is playing for himself. Duncan at first is well mannered and isn't as devilish as he was in previous seasons. Chris notices this and switches him to another team. After switching teams, he becomes more involved with Mike, where Duncan realizes that he knows Mike outside of Total Drama. They both were in Juvenile Hall together. Duncan is later disqualified from the game, when he once again vandalizes Chris' property. In addition, Chris has him arrested. Duncan is a legal adult at this time, so he is sent to jail, instead of Juvenile Hall. Duncan was not present at the finale in a balloon, as he was arrested and it's assumed he wasn't invited back.

Eva (Julia Chantrey), is a female bodybuilder who is very physically fit. She however has a short temper, does not get along well with other women, and at times can be very argumentative and insensitive. Simple things can make Eva upset, which in turn effects her performance in challenges, and her relationships with others. In the first season, Total Drama Island, Eva is eliminated second, and becomes the first person in Total Drama, to fall victim to Heather's schemes. Heather secretly steals her Mp3 player, which sends Eva into a frenzy. She is eventually voted off because of this. Eva along with Izzy, return to the competition when the teams merge. She mistakenly blames Bridgette for her elimination, which then all the remaining females of the game, begin to clash with her. Eva is eliminated again soon after she returns. After the finale of season one, she then teams up with Noah and Izzy to qualify for Total Drama Action, but unfortunately fails. Eva did not participate in Total Drama World Tour either, but she did serve as a field reporter for Total Drama Aftermath. Eva was last seen with many other first generation contestants in a cameo on, Total Drama Revenge of the Island.



Ezekiel (Peter Oldring), is a poor homeschooled contestant from the rural prairies. Prior to the show, he had spent nearly all of his life by his home, and as a result has had little knowledge of the world outside the country. Ezekiel is very ignorant and bigoted, probably due to the way he was raised. In the first season, Total Drama Island, Ezekiel began to make very sexist comments about how all the females need to be eliminated, and the men should stay in the game over all the females. He also stated that men are smarter than women. This angered everyone on his team, and already put Ezekiel in a bad light. He was then promptly eliminated from the game. Ezekiel did not qualify for the second season, however he did make an appearance as a contestant in the third, Total Drama World Tour. This time around, Ezekiel virtually changed nothing about his personality. Before the first challenge began, Chris decided to eliminate Ezekiel himself by throwing him off the airplane because of how annoying he was acting. Ezekiel was able to sneak on the plane. He eventually was allowed into the game after Duncan quit. However, Ezekiel was later eliminated by his team after he performs poorly in the challenge. He is then officially eliminated, not after once again sneaking upon the plane. In fear of being discovered, throughout the season, Ezekiel stays hidden under the plane. From the effects of this, Ezekiel becomes deeply depressed, ravenous, mentally insane, and turns into a feral state. His family has reported him missing, as seen on milk cartoons throughout the season. Ezekiel would reappear in the finale, by attempting to unsuccessfully steal the prize money. Ezekiel makes several appearances in the fourth season, Total Drama Revenge of the Island. In one occasion, he stumbles upon a challenge and is met with Anne Maria, whom he is attracted to. He gives her a fake diamond which she believes is worth a lot of money, which in actuality, is worthless. Ezekiel is last seen in season five, Total Drama All Stars. He was hinted to be a contestant, but instead Chris reveals that he isn't and launches him off the island. He later creates havoc for the other contestants by sabotaging a challenge.



Geoff (Dan Petronijevic), is a slacker beach bum who speaks in a typical Californian accent. Geoff always keeps a positive and upbeat style to him. All around, he is quite liked by his fellow contestants. He does at times make very lazy and poor decisions, and because of his party mentality, doesn't know the right time and place to say or do certain things. He is known for his exclusive relationship with Bridgette, in which the two immediately connected and bonded. However, there are times to where it is questioned whether or not Geoff actually has true feelings for her, of if he is only with her for the sake of the show. In the first season Total Drama Island, Geoff stays under the radar and is never a target is anyone's mind which takes him to the merge. This however would later come to haunt him. He is later eliminated strictly for being too nice of a guy. Geoff qualified for the second season, Total Drama Action, however he along with his girlfriend Bridgette would be the first to be eliminated. The other contestants were not happy about their constant displays of affection, and quickly eliminated them. He along with Bridgette, would become the original hosts of Total Drama Aftermath. Geoff does not qualify for the third season, yet Bridgette does. This upsets Geoff at first, but later he comes to acceptance. Geoff however continues his job as a host of Total Drama Aftermath, alongside Blaineley. Geoff briefly quarrels with Bridgette after discovering what she had done to Alejandro prior to her elimination, but quickly forgives her. When Blaineley wins a spot to become a contestant, Bridgette re-joins him as co-host of Total Drama Aftermath. Geoff made a cameo appearance in Total Drama Revenge of the Islasnd alongside Bridgette. He is currently competing on the Total Drama spin-off show. The Ridonculous Race, with his friend Brody as his partner.



Gwen (Megan Fahlenbock), is a proclaimed goth who before Total Drama, kept to herself and didn't associate herself with others. Throughout the series, she has opened herself more to her peers, becoming one of the key characters of the series. Gwen chooses to not open herself up to people, mainly due to how people perceive her as being weird and depressive. However, she is well liked by many, and is shown to have a kind heart, even if her appearance seems otherwise. Gwen is not the most athletic, and is also claustrophobic which causes her not to perform challenges well. But with her positive attitude, it allows her to succeed in other methods. In the first season Total Drama Island, Gwen becomes well liked by the other contestants aside from Heather who she clashes often with. She then developed a fling with Trent, with the help of Cody. Later on in the season with the help of Owen, she is able to eliminate Heather. Gwen becomes a finalist in the first season. She does qualify for the second season, Total Drama Action. This season, her relationship with Trent becomes complicated. Due to a twist, she and Trent were on opposite teams. Trent began to throw challenges so Gwen's team would be not in danger. She then began to feel uncomfortable about this. So she decided to throw a challenge herself, which lead to her elimination. At this time, Gwen and Trent agree to be friends. She qualified for the third season, Total Drama World Tour. Off the bat, Gwen along with Duncan did not agree with the idea of singing, and they both originally refused to do so. Later Gwen would participate in that aspect of the show. She does begin to feud with Courtney, over her relationship with Duncan. Eventually, she would kiss Duncan, which then made Courtney even more upset at her. Gwen would constantly become injured or sick throughout the season, which would then become the cause of her elimination this season. Her allergies got into the way of her completing the challenge. Gwen makes several cameos in the fourth season, Total Drama Revenge of the Island. She is first seen kissing Duncan in the first episode. She then is present in a challenge, to which the contestants have to rescue her. Gwen is last seen participating in the fifth season, Total Drama All Stars. Her feud with Courtney continues, as she believes she is still with Duncan when she isn't. Gwen and Courtney later befriend each other, after Courtney realizes she officially breaks up with Duncan, votes Alejandro off, and after refusing to punch her in a boxing challenge. Gwen is later eliminated alongside Scott and fails to become a finalist. She returns in the finale, when her and Cameron's balloons are randomly popped, to become Zoey's helpers. She along with Alejandro, Cameron, Heather, Mike and Zoey leave the island safely, after it has been destroyed.



Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V (Brian Froud) is a nerd and proud of it. Harold is a cub scout, and out of all Total Drama contestants, knows the most about surviving wildlife and nature skills. He also has many hobbies and shows an appreciation towards art. Harold strikes an uncanny resemblance to Kip and Napoleon Dynamite. Harold seems to care little about what other people think of him, as he embarrasses himself quite often throughout the series. Extremely gullible though, possibly from his off beat attitude, he often makes choices and decisions that he doesn't really think through. In the first season Total Drama Island, Harold immediately gets into a mistaken conflict with LeShawna. Duncan would constantly bully him, which would lead to Harold finally fighting back. He would rig the votes so that Courtney would be eliminated. Harold accidentally saw Heather naked during a challenge, which started conflict between the both of them, which lead to his elimination. Upon leaving, Harold revealed that he was in love with LeShawna, and the two kiss and start their relationship. Harold qualified for the second season, Total Drama Action. His relationship with LeShawna continued, and Duncan eventually forgave him for what he had done in the previous season. Harold is eliminated towards the end of the competition. Harold competed in the third season, Total Drama World Tour as well. He does not last long however. Harold became the first person to fall victim under Alejandro's evil deeds, as he was tricked into quitting the game, when Alejandro lied and said that LeShawna wanted him to. Harold was last seen in a cameo appearing in the fourth season Total Drama Revenge of the Island, dancing alongside LeShawna on the boat.



Heather (Rachel Wilson), is an arrogant It Girl, who is one of the most infamous Total Drama characters. Heather is selfish, snobbish, rude, sinister and evil. She is Asian Canadian. Heather is disliked by generally everyone, and that's her agenda and strategy. She herself does not wish to befriend anyone and strictly only cares about the prize money, and less on other peoples feelings. Heather doesn't trust anyone, so she would rather take control, and step up as leader, yet be the first to blame and manipulate someone else as the blame if things don't go right, instead of herself. Whenever Heather does align or associate herself with someone, it is always for the wrong reasons. Nobody knows when she is being fake, or genuine. She manipulates contestants she feels threatened or intimidated by, and makes it so they are quickly eliminated. Her relationships are the same. When the time is right and she has used that person up to their potential, she kicks them to the curb, only for her self benefit. In the first season, Total Drama Island, Heather immediately causes the other contestants to become fearful of her. LeShawna is the only person who stands up to heather and challenges her. She causes Justin's quick elimination, which showcases her true evil ways. Heather aligns herself with Lindsay and Beth, but this is only to please herself. Heather would then cause many other eliminations this season, becoming the first villain of Total Drama. She accidentally exposed herself on a challenge, to which Harold witnessed. At Lindsay's elimination, after telling Lindsay that she never really cared about her, and only aligned with her for her own needs, Lindsay became irate. Stating that karma would catch up to Heather. Heather was finally eliminated, after she refused to shave her head to become finalist. Unfortunately, she kicked the hair clippers, which then ricochet onto her head, shaving her hair off. She was still eliminated as she didn't agree to have her head shave. She left the game, threatening to sue Chris. With the help of Harold, who she would later betray, she qualified for the second season, Total Drama Action. This season, Heather wore a purple wig as her hair was shaved off in the previous season. She toned down her personality greatly. However, her true personality would soon come to light. She is eliminated due to her conflicts with LeShawna, although the two briefly put their differences aside. Heather again appears in Total Drama World Tour. Her hair at this point is starting to grow more, and she no longer wears a wig. With the addition of Alejandro, Heather's sinister ways become non existent this season, as she is overshadowed by other events. She doesn't fall for Alejandro's tricks, and becomes in a way a hero towards others who he might be scheming. She develops a relationship with Alejandro that would become a complicated and twisted one. Heather's changed persona rewards her by becoming a finalist this season. Alejandro is badly injured after she pushes him off the volcano. She makes a couple cameos in the fourth season, Total Drama Revenge of the Island. Heather unsuccessfully tries to steal the prize money, before she is stopped by Cameron. She is last seen competing in the fifth season, Total Drama All Stars. Still bitter about being cheated from the prize money, Heather is back to her ruthless and cynical ways. Due to her prior relationship with Alejandro, she forms an alliance with him. This backfires, as Alejandro gives Heather a taste of her own medicine which leads to her elimination. Heather finds a hidden immunity idol, however Alejandro notices this and steals it. Heather tells her team to vote Alejandro off, however because he stole her immunity idol, she is eliminated as he voted for her. Alejandro considers this even from what she did in season three. She then pushes him in the water. Heather returns in the finale when her balloon is randomly picked by Mike to be his helper. She is picked along with Alejandro to help Mike. They also reveal that they are a couple now. They, as well as Cameron, Gwen, Mike and Zoey safely leave the island, after it has been destroyed.



Izzy (Katie Crown), is a mysterious girl in which not much is known about her. She is mentally insane at times, and does very peculiar things spontaneously. It has been hinted many times, that Izzy has criminal history and is in trouble with the law. That could be a reason as to why she acts the way she does. She also lies and tells contradicting things quite frequently, so it's hard to know if what she mentions is true or not, due to the fact she lies so much. Nevertheless, when the time is right, she knows when to knock it off, and does remarkably quite well in challenges when it matters. In the first season Total Drama Island, Izzy comes across as being mentally confused, but she is still able to get along with her team and perform well. However, during an elimination ceremony, the police come onto the island, and demand that Izzy turn herself in. She was then removed from the competition. Izzy was then allowed back into the competition when the teams merged. Izzy was eliminated when during a challenge, she repeatedly shot her tranquilizer gun that was intended for grizzly bears, on other contestants. Izzy qualified for the second season Total Drama Action. This season, she is even more cynical than before. She changes her name to "Kaleidoscope", and becomes completely insane. Because of her odd actions, Izzy is eliminated by her team early in the second season. She does however return into the competition. She once again changes her name to "Explosivo". Izzy then begins a strange relationship with Owen. Izzy then starts conflict with Justin. Izzy is soon eliminated because of that conflict. She qualifies for the third season, Total Drama World Tour. Early into the competition, she unfortunately suffers a brain injury, to which she cannot continue in the game. Izzy was last seen in the fourth season Total Drama Revenge of the Island, making a couple cameos. She dresses up as a mutant spider in one challenge that traps the other contestants.



Justin (Adam Reid), is a Hawaiian American model, who is extremely vain. He is very handsome and tries his best to stay that way. This is ultimately why Justin usually performs poorly on Total Drama. He mostly is concerned about his looks and his appearance, rather than the game. Justin is so handsome, that humans and animals stop and freeze to stare at his beauty. In the first season, Total Drama Island, Justin does very little to contribute to this season. Chris even mentioned, he was only chosen to be on the show, because of how good looking he is. During a talent show challenge, Justin seemed to perform quite well. However, Heather became threatened by Justin and wanted him gone. She was quickly able to eliminate him, and he became one of Heather's many victims of manipulation. Justin later would accidentally qualify for the second season Total Drama Action. Justin completely changes his strategy and personality. Last season, Justin was quiet and kept to himself, however this time around Justin becomes a primary villain. Using Beth and Lindsay to his advantage, while they fall for his attractive looks. Justin makes it considerably far in the competition, taking the game more seriously this time around. He is however finally eliminated, when he is injured during a challenge. Justin did not qualify for the third season. He has made several appearances on Total Drama Aftermath performing songs. He was last seen in the fourth season, Total Drama Revenge of the Island, in a cameo with the other contestants.



Katie (Stephanie Anne Mills), is Sadie's best friend, and although they are not twins by any means, they might as well be. From the way they dress, from the way they talk, they do everything the same. Despite her skin tone and body size, she is an exact copy of Sadie, and she is inseparable from her. Katie, along with Sadie, never detaches themselves from each other, so in many ways, they are the same person in a sense. They seem to have the same attractions and crushes when it comes to guys they are interested in. Early into the competition during an overnight challenge, Katie gets into a brief feud with Sadie, to where they both end up lost away from camp. They are able to help each other out, and make it back into the camp site. Their team however loses the challenge, which results in Katie being the unlucky one eliminated. Sadie originally offered to take her place, but Katie persisted that she continue on the game to play for the both of them. Katie is seen reunited with Sadie much later, when she is eliminated as well. Katie, as well as Sadie have never competed in any future Total Drama seasons. They were last seen in a cameo in the fourth season Total Drama Revenge of the Island, hugging Trent.



LeShawna (Novie Edwards), is a street smart African Canadian singer, cheerleader, and dancer. LeShawna is very outspoken, and spunky, and says whatever is on her mind, but usually never in a condescending way. She is very similar in personality to Queen Latifah. LeShawna also has a comedic urban style to the way she talks and associates with others, which adds to her personality and makes her stand out. She is full figured and curvy, with a very large behind. LeShawna although not very physically fit, still showcases her abilities in many ways. Likable by many, with the exception of Heather, LeShawna has a positive spirit throughout the game, and is proud of who she is, and generally everyone else feels the same, and comes into acceptance of it. In the first season Total Drama Island, LeShawna quickly develops conflict with Harold. She threatens to fight him, while she is being held back by DJ and Bridgette. She also develops a rivalry between Heather, that would last for quite a while. LeShawna is one of the few contestants, that is able to see past Heather's antics, thus causing lots of turmoil between the both of them. Shockingly, LeShawna starts a relationship with Harold, after he confessed his love for her after he is eliminated. She is unfairly eliminated towards the end of the season. LeShawna qualifies for the second season, Total Drama Action. This season, she comes across as selfish and less caring of others. She develops an alliance with Duncan and Harold, so that Heather would be on her own with no support. This seems to help her advance through the competition. However, LeShawna becomes disliked by many of her fellow contestants, when she won a reward challenge by lying and manipulating others. While on the reward with her cousin LeShaniqua, she began to say very rude and immature things about her peers. This caused even more friction with LeShawna. She is locked into a safe during a heist challenge, for revenge for treating her peers the way she has. LeShawna tries to clear the air with the other contestants, however it doesn't work as she planned. She redeems herself while during a challenge, LeShawna makes up a cheer describing the remaining contestants in the game. Although her team loses, Heather is instead eliminated as Duncan and Harold appreciated her cheer. She briefly called truce with Heather, to put their rivalry behind them. LeShawna would soon be eliminated quickly after teams merged. LeShawna competes in the third season, Total Drama World Tour. She falls victim to Alejandro's charm, and becomes attracted to them. Unaware that he is evil and is using many of his tricks, he manipulates her, which leads to her elimination. In a Total Drama Aftermath episode, her rivalry with Heather once again continues. Harold forgives her for what she did to Alejandro. LeShawna was last seen in a cameo dancing alongside Harold on the boat, in the fourth season Total Drama Revenge of the Island.



Lindsay (Stephanie Anne Mills), is a dumb blonde stereotype, who unfortunately is not very intelligent most of the time, despite her cute, innocent and attractive stature. She is extremely thickheaded, not unlike Beth, and she is very naive. She is also very careless, irresponsible, forgetful and lazy. She is however very nice, kind, sweet and caring. Lindsay shows her appreciation towards the game not by her brain, but by her heart, which many of the other contestants appreciate. In the first season Total Drama Island, Lindsay starts an alliance with Heather, which seems to keep her safe for the majority of the game. She begins a relationship with Tyler, which angers Heather, as Tyler is on a different team. Lindsay manages to stay level headed during the game, until she is cheated out by Heather. This causes Lindsay's elimination. Heather reveals her true intentions and feelings of Lindsay. This causes conflict between the both of them, in which Lindsay becomes furious and irate. Right before leaving off the show, Lindsay mentions that karma would catch up to Heather. Heather eventually has her head shaved, mainly because of Lindsay. She qualifies for the second season, Total Drama Action. She would develop a very close friendship and bond with Beth. All through the season, Lindsay steps in and takes the role of leader, yet time and time again she fails to deliver. This causes lots of conflict between her and her fellow competitors. However Lindsay is quickly able to turn herself around, doing quite well for the majority of the season. She unfortunately being distracted by Beth, votes herself off, causing her elimination. She does not blame Beth at all for what happens, and still remains friends. Lindsay competes in the third season, Total Drama World Tour. Lindsay cannot remember her competitors names at all, and calls them names that aren't theirs, which becomes an issue. Lindsay makes several poor decisions and choices without thinking, which causes her to be eliminated. Lindsay makes a couple more appearances as cameos in the fourth season, Total Drama revenge of the Island. Lindsay is a judge in a fashion challenge, however she is soon attacked and held captive by a large gorilla. Lindsay is last seen competing in the fifth season, Total Drama All Stars. She is unfortunately the first one eliminated from the competition, by not paying attention during the challenge. Lindsay's balloon flew away as it was not picked on the finale, so her fate is unknown.



Noah (Carter Hayden), is very intelligent and knowledgeable, but he is also a smart aleck. He is very sarcastic and at some moments, he can carry an ugly attitude. His personality can cause people to have mixed feelings about him. Noah for the most part, is a big observer, and hardly ever makes his opinions or feelings known, unless he wishes to exploit them. Noah is not a physically fit competitor, he is very thin and weak. He quits very easily, and relies on other people to help him succeed in situations. Although being that Noah is very smart, he usually provides value and structure to the competition in other ways, and is a very likable character. In the first season Total Drama Island, Noah is not at all enthusiastic about being on Total Drama. As soon as arriving, he quickly starts conflict with Duncan, which would continue through the series. Noah is able to adapt with his team, forming bonds with Cody, Izzy and Owen. Noah would become very close friends with Owen. Noah however for whatever reason, decided not to participate in a challenge. He instead sat on the sidelines and read a book. His team lost this challenge, in which Noah began to blame everyone but himself. He was promptly eliminated, not before saying he was the only person on the team with brains, and rudely leaving. Despite being eliminated early, Noah became very close with many of the other contestants. He did not qualify for the second season, teaming up with Eva and Izzy, however Izzy did qualify. In Celebrity Manhunt, it was revealed that after Total Drama Action, Noah was Chris' assistant. Noah qualified for the third season, Total Drama World Tour. In this season, Noah becomes a completely different persona. He is doing quite well in challenges, getting along well with his teammates, and not having a sour mood or attitude towards the game. He continues his bond with Owen, in which he becomes his best friend. Noah does however become suspicious of Alejandro, and he unfortunately falls victim to his shenanigans, and is eliminated. Noah makes a cameo with the rest of the first generation contestants in the fourth season, Total Drama Revenge of the Island. Noah will compete in the Total Drama spin-off show, The Ridonculous Race, with his partner being Owen.



Owen (Scott McCord), is an obese man who is addicted to food. Owen is very nice and kind to other contestants, and is one of the very few Total Drama characters, that hardly ever gets into any conflict with anyone. He is very overweight, but he doesn't let this stop him. Owen unfortunately has very bad indigestion, which causes him to embarrassingly pass gas quite frequently. Owen brings lots of comic relief, and because of his likable personality, is able to avoid situations and conflict, which allows him to go far in many seasons. In Total Drama Island, Owen is the first contestant to complete the first challenge. Many of the other contestants are proud of him for this, and he gains the respect from them. Owen managed to make it as a finalist that season. Owen qualifies for the second season, Total Drama Action. Not much of his personality changes, as he is still addicted to food, and is probably his only hindrance towards the competition. His addiction became so bad, that his jaw had to be wired shut. Owen then begins to struggle in competitions and perform poorly. When Courtney is introduced to the season, Owen is then eliminated. In an episode of Total Drama Aftermath, Owen revealed that his family is now poor after they had made bad financial decisions, after they assumed the prize money he won, would help them. Chris then offered to help Owen earn some money, by allowing him to return to the game, but not as an official contestant. Instead, his job would be to sabotage the other contestants. Owen at first becomes hesitant to this, as this is something he normally wouldn't do, but eventually agrees to go along with this. However, Harold quickly began to suspect that Owen was up to something. Harold was able to tell Beth and Courtney. Courtney then was able to use her cell phone to tell her attorneys that Owen is sabotaging the game. Owen would fess up and admit that he was hired by Chris to come back into the game. This angered Chris greatly, and he eliminated him. Owen qualifies for the third season, Total Drama World Tour. He is however, deathly afraid of airplanes, and has constant anxiety and panic attacks, to the point where Chris has to knock him out with a heavy object for him to snap out of it. Owen bonds with Noah, and the two become very close friends. He is very quick to assume that Alejandro is up to no good, and can't be trusted. This is after Alejandro abandoned him during a challenge. After Noah's elimination, he began to suspect Alejandro even more. Owen would later enjoy Blaineley's company when she was added into the competition, being the only one to support her. Owen is eliminated after Alejandro convinces the other contestants to vote him off. Owen makes a cameo appearance in season four, Total Drama Revenge of the Island. He makes another cameo appearance in season five, Total Drama All Stars. Owen is competing on the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race, with Noah as his partner.



Sadie (Lauren Lipson), is Katie's best friend, and although they are not twins by any means, they might as well be. From the way they dress, from the way they talk, they do everything the same. Despite her skin tone and body size, she is an exact copy of Katie, and she is inseparable from her. Sadie, along with Katie, never detaches themselves from each other, so in many ways, they are the same person in a sense. They seem to have the same attractions and crushes when it comes to guys they are interested in. Early into the competition during an overnight challenge, Sadie gets into a brief feud with Katie, to where they both end up lost away from camp. They are able to help each other out, and make it back into the camp site. Their team however loses the challenge, which results in Katie being the unlucky one eliminated. Sadie originally offered to take her place, but Katie persisted that she continue on the game to play for the both of them. After Katie's elimination, Sadie is devastated, but she continues on with the game like her friend suggested. Sadie is able to keep her own for a while, but eventually she too is eliminated as she did not make an effort to work with any of her teammates, in addition to performing badly in challenges. Sadie, as well as Katie have never competed in any future Total Drama seasons. They were last seen in a cameo in the fourth season Total Drama Revenge of the Island, hugging Trent.



Sierra (Annick Obonsawin), claims to be Total Drama's biggest fan. She is the owner of sixteen Total Drama websites. Sierra knows everything from top to bottom, about Total Drama. She has knowledge of secret facts about certain contestants, which causes many of them to be fearful of her. Sierra is unhealthily obsessed with Total Drama, Chris and Cody. Although Sierra is generally a kind hearted girl, and generally means no harm to anyone, she is very difficult to be around. Sierra is very hyperactive, and talks fast, and too much. She is incredibly annoying, irritating and delirious. Sierra was first introduced in the second season, Total Drama Action. She was a field reporter for Celebrity Manhunt, interviewing Total Drama contestants. Sierra later became a contestant on the third season Total Drama World Tour. Sierra then begins to crush on Cody, to which he is not comfortable with. This becomes an issue all season long, and leads to many conflicts between the two. However, Cody eventually develops a soft spot for her, and a friendship develops through this. Sierra finds it very difficult to get along with the other contestants aside from Cody. She is able to make it considerably far into the season. On Cody's birthday, Sierra decided to make him a cake. She accidentally put fireworks instead of candles on the cake, which caused the cake to explode. Sierra lost all her hair because of this, and also blew up the airplane that was used this season. Even though she won immunity, Chris eliminated Sierra from the competition. Sierra would soon then go on and help Cody win the final challenge. Cody is pushed into shark infested waters, but Sierra is able to save him by attacking the sharks. Sierra makes a cameo appearance in season four, Total Drama Revenge of the Island hugging Cody on the boat. Sierra was last seen competing on season five, Total Drama All Stars. Cody is not present this season, but Sierra many times believes he is. Sierra does quite well early on, however she starts to become delirious once again, and hallucinates that other Contestants are Cody, when they are not. Sierra forms a strange relationship with Cameron, as he has a similar body type to Cody. Sierra then begins to lose the plot completely performing very bad in challenges and being eliminated. Sierra's fate is currently unknown. On the finale, her balloon was not chosen, and it blew away with the other contestants.



Trent (Scott McCord), is a musician who mainly plays the guitar and sings. Trent as far a personality goes, is very basic, and he doesn't really stand out towards the bigger personalities. Trent also has obsessive compulsive disorder. Trent is a likable guy, but he doesn't think very highly of himself. He considers himself to be very generic and normal. Trent however gets frequently injured many times throughout the series, being one of the few characters that it happens the most to. Trent has a bland personality, which causes him to fade away in some situations. In the first season Total Drama Island, With the help of Cody, he begins a relationship with Gwen. This however angers Heather, and uses this to fuel his eventual elimination. Heather is able to manipulate other contestants to vote of Trent. Trent being unaware of what Heather had in store, would be eliminated by his surprise. Trent and Gwen's relationship would be complicated from this point. Trent qualified for the second season, Total Drama Action. Trent, along with Gwen, were team captains in the beginning of the series. He was upset when he found out that he would be competing against Gwen. Trent then began to throw challenges for his team, so that Gwen could be safe from elimination. Trent later realized that his OCD was becoming an issue with his performance in the game. Trent is soon voted off due to all of this. His relationship with Gwen also ends. Trent has not competed in any future Total Drama seasons. In the fourth season Total Drama Revenge of the Island, he did make a cameo on the boat, hugging Katie and Sadie.



Tyler (Peter Oldring), is an athlete who claims that he is good at an sport, yet in actuality, is very bad at anything physical and is very clumsy. Tyler has a positive energy towards sports and being a jock, yet he isn't good at anything so this causes lots of issues for him. In the first season Total Drama Island, Tyler's poor performance in challenges didn't help him any. Anytime he tried to demonstrate his athletic abilities, it failed miserably and showed others, he isn't as good as he says he is. Tyler is able to form a relationship with Lindsay. Tyler is afraid of chickens. He is eliminated from the game, because he could not get over his fear. He does not qualify for the second season. Tyler does return in the third season, Total Drama World Tour. Tyler is a little more alert and professional than he was in the first season. He is performing quite well in challenges, as well as forming bonds with the other contestants. Early into the season, Lindsay cannot remember his name, and this causes Tyler to become frustrated and angry at her, though she eventually remembers it. Tyler witnesses Gwen and Duncan kiss, which leads to lots of issues surrounding that. Tyler becomes accident prone quite a few times this season. This is mainly because of how much of a klutz, and how clumsy he is. In one challenge, Tyler stumbled on a mine which exploded, and caused the other team to accidentally win. This made Alejandro very angry, and made certain that Tyler was eliminated right after this. Tyler was last seen in a cameo in season four, Total Drama, Revenge of the Island. He is on the boat with Lindsay.

Second Generation Contestants


A total of thirteen contestants were apart of the second generation cast of Total Drama.

Anne Maria


Anne Maria (Athena Karkanis), is a very high maintenance tanned skinned girl, who speaks in a very typical Long Island accent. She is a resembled by reality television personality, Snooki. According to her audition tape, she only auditioned for Total Drama as being the first season she watched, Total Drama World Tour, contestants were required to sing to avoid elimination, as Anne Maria considers herself a good singer, and would have no interest in Total Drama otherwise. Nevertheless, the fourth season in which Anne Maria debuted in, contestants were not required to sing. Anne Maria is very selfish and lazy, and many times refuses to participate or complete challenges. However during certain moments, she can accomplish tasks and perform well. Not unlike many other Total Drama contestants, she is very protective of her physical appearance and any activity that involves damaging any part of her body, she wants nothing to do with. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, in the beginning of the season, Anne Maria does not involve herself in many challenges, stating that her hair, or her nails or something of that sort would be damaged if she were to take part. She sometimes does eventually participate, in which she does show to be a good contender. Aside from that, Anne Maria becomes attracted to one of Mike's alternate personalities, Vito. She then gets herself involved in a quarrel with her teammate Zoey, who is also attracted to Mike in another form. Halfway through the competition, Anne Maria meanders herself away from a challenge, in which she is introduced to Ezekiel. Ezekiel becomes enthralled by Anne Maria, and gives her a diamond. She believes this diamond is worth a lot of money and feels no need to continue on the show for the prize money. Instantaneously after Brick was eliminated at the elimination ceremony, Anne Maria leaves the show on her own accord, after stating that her diamond will make her rich. Chris later reveals that the diamond Ezekiel gave her, is worth pratically nothing. Anne Maria then regrets her decision and pleads to come back on the show, but she along with Brick are eliminated. Anne Maria was last seen on the finale of the fourth season leaving the island on a cruise ship, celebrating the victory of the finalists.

Beverly, who prefers to be called B (Mute Character), is a mysterious and intelligent individual. B is an obese African Canadian man who wears a large jacket, in which many gadgets and tools are kept under. For reasons unknown, B does not under any circumstances talk. He does however make noises in some situations. He is closely modeled after Silent Bob. Due to the fact that B is mute, this can also be a blessing, as well as a curse. B is a very good problem solver, and a good thinker. Because he is always quiet, this probably allows him to perform better and use logic. But there are turning points to this. As he is unable to communicate with the fellow contestants, with a small exception of Dawn, he is very often taken advantage of. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, B who although was one of the smartest contestants, left very early into the competition. He was one of the first victims of Scott's schemes. Scott manipulated B into losing the challenge for his team. Because B does not speak, he was unable to tell everyone that Scott was the reason for why the team lost. B was then promptly eliminated as his team assumed he was responsible, and not Scott. Shortly before he was eliminated, Chris allowed B to say any final words, however B did not, but did yell out a scream as he was launched off the island. B was last seen on the finale of the fourth season, leaving the island with the other contestants.



Brick MacArthur (Jon Cor), is an Army Cadet, who is one of the few Total Drama contestants who has a Military or Law Enforcement background. Brick along with Jo and Lightning, are the three most athletic contestants of the second generation. Because he is in the military, he is very big into exercise and physical activity, as well as having ethical codes in leaving nobody behind, and always putting others before himself. Although, Brick also has interesting hobbies, such as being into fashion design and interior decorating. Brick unfortunately does have weak points, he is afraid of heights, darkness, and frequently urinates on himself whenever he laughs or is in a terrifying situation. He generally keeps his attitude positive, and is one of the very few selfless contestants of the series. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Brick begins a series long rivalry between Jo. He constantly tries to do better, or be the first to complete in any activity, one as simple as eating, than her. Sometimes he is successful, other times he is not. Chris soon notices this rivalry, and during an elimination ceremony when Brick decided to leave the show on his own accord after he did not perform well on a challenge, Chris keeps him in the competition, and puts Brick on an opposite team, to compete against Jo. Brick is eliminated halfway through the competition. During a challenge, Brick who has a ethical code to keep others before himself, helped the opposing team who were struggling, which in turn made Brick's own team lose the challenge. He was then voted off. Brick was eliminated alongside Anne Maria who decided to quit the show instantaneously after Brick was announced as being eliminated, as she had found a diamond during the challenge which she believed was worth a lot of money. Brick was last seen in the finale of the fourth season with the rest of the contestants on a cruise ship leaving the island, Brick announces he is attending fashion school.



Cameron Wilkins (Kevin Duhaney), is a very short-heighted intelligent man who looks extremely younger than he actually is. This is because he suffers from a disease not mentioned, which required him to be in an auto-immune environment, for sixteen years of his life. Cameron is African Canadian. He looks and sounds very similar to Steve Urkel. Due to the fact of his illness, his mother was very adamant in allowing him to leave the house in fear of his condition getting worse, and he usually stayed inside a plastic oxygen bubble. Similar to that of The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, and Bubble Boy. However as Cameron got older, his mother decided to give him more independence and allow Cameron to audition for Total Drama, in which he previously was a big fan of. In his audition, Cameron revealed his situation and explained he lived a very sheltered life, however that he is a "force to be reckoned with" on Total Drama. Cameron remarkably is a fairly good Total Drama contestant. Despite him being one the shortest and physically weak Total Drama contestants barely passing Max, he is able to adapt quite well. Cameron is arguably, the smartest Total Drama contestant. Cameron being short and frail, is very accident and injury prone. He vomits when he gets excited or scared, and cannot keep secrets. He is also the first contestant to figure out Mike has multiple personality disorder. Cameron garners the respect and friendship of many other contestants due to his performance. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Cameron is introduced as a short nerd, who many of the contestants at first don't think much of. Being sheltered his whole life, Cameron uses Total Drama as a way to break out of his shell. Cameron becomes best friends with Mike and Zoey. He later comes into conflict with Jo and Lightning. Cameron is able to keep his friends close, and his enemies closer, and is able to succeed well into the competition. When the game merges, he wins practically all the challenges granting him immunity, and safe from elimination. Cameron would later become a finalist of the fourth season, after Lightning eliminates Zoey, saying that beating Cameron would be easier. Cameron later leaves the island with the rest of the contestants on the finale. Cameron is one of the few second generation contestants to return for the fifth season, Total Drama Allstars. In this season, Cameron has adapted more to reality, and opens himself more to others, which also in turn causes conflict as Cameron becomes more involved in being sinister to others, and selfish at times. Sierra this season constantly mistakes many contestants as Cody, as Cameron is the main one she confuses as him and starts an unwarranted relationship with him. Cameron who was at first friends with Sierra, became uncomfortable over this, and asked to leave the game. Chris would not allow him to and instead placed him on an opposite team. On the new team, Cameron only befriends Gwen, as the other team mates bully and harass him to the point Cameron pays them no mind. During the merge, Cameron becomes one of many victims of Mike's personality, Mal. Mike rigs the votes for Cameron to leave. But as Duncan was disqualified shortly before, he is allowed to stay. He is eventually eliminated shortly after the merge, when Ezekiel throws rocks on him. Cameron is severely injured, and is asked to leave the competition. Cameron was last seen in the finale of the fifth season, as his balloon was randomly picked by Zoey to be her helper. He safely leaves the island with Alejandro, Gwen, Heather, Mike and Zoey.



Dakota Milton (Carleigh Beverly), is a very spoiled and wealthy girl who aspires to be a actress/model someday. She resembles media mogul Paris Hilton. She is the daughter of an extremely rich television producer, in which her father probably payed a big part into her getting a spot onto Total Drama. Dakota is, and even admitted that she is only on Total Drama so she could get into the entertainment industry, and wishes to use the show to platform that. Because of this, Dakota takes very little initiative towards challenges and playing the game. She is addicted to her cell phone, and has hired a group of paparazzi's to follow her around throughout her time on Total Drama. Chris does not like Dakota at all, mainly because she is on Total Drama for prestige and attention, and Chris forms some sort of jealousy over that. He constantly injures the paparazzi that follow Dakota around, so she is less distracted by them. Dakota in return, also shows extreme dislike for Chris. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Dakota is eliminated quite early as she does not participate in challenges, and over exaggerates herself for the cameras, and for her hired entourage of paparazzi's. Soon after, Dakota with the help of her father, pleads and begs Chris to give her another chance at the game. Chris allows her to come back, but as a hired staff intern. During this time, Dakota forms an attraction to Sam, and the two start a relationship. When the game is merged, Dakota is allowed back into the game as a contestant. However, Dakota is one of the few contestants to succumb to the radiation of the island, and develops strange side effects. Her hair is removed, then becomes green. She increases in height, and becomes a beastly figure. This doesn't seem to upset Dakota as much, and Sam who she is romantically involved with, prefers her better in this form. Dakota is later eliminated, after Scott who originally received the most votes for elimination used his invincibility statue. Dakota who received the next most votes was eliminated. Although she doesn't seem to care as she leaves with Sam. Dakota was last seen in the finale on a cruise ship, leaving with the other second generation cast members safely off the island.



Dawn (Caitlynne Medrek), is an environmentalist and hippie, who is very in touch with nature and animals. Dawn meditates quite frequently, in addition to being able to practice physic telepathy of some sorts. Her actions and personality are mysterious to many, and are not explained really. When it comes to competition, Dawn usually performs well, and despite her unique personality quirks, this doesn't get in the way, as Dawn helps her teammates and others through difficult times. Dawn sometimes can show aggression and can get herself into conflicts with others. Dawn usually comes across as a nice girl, with a positive attitude. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Dawn although shy at first, does open herself up to the others and becomes great value to her team. Dawn frequently performs physic energy readings on other contestants, and uses this to her advantage. Dawn unfortunately is one of many victims of Scott's schemes, which causes her elimination. Dawn notices that Scott threw the challenge, and explains this in the confessional. Scott who was eavesdropping behind the confessional outhouse, made Dawn his prime target. Scott earlier stole many personal items that belonged the contestants. Dawn usually carries around black trash bags to pick up trash and other waste around the island. Scott put all the items into one of Dawn's bags to frame her, and this was later discovered by the rest of the cast. Even though she rallied against this and explained she did not do this, the rest of her teammates did not believe her. Dawn received the most votes at the elimination ceremony, however she revealed she had found a hidden immunity idol. Chris later revealed that it was a fake that Scott made himself, so Dawn was officially eliminated. Before leaving, Dawn began to explain to the rest of the cast that Scott was probably the reason behind her elimination, and he is scheming everyone, but before she could finish, she was launched off the island. Dawn was last seen on the finale with the rest of the second generation contestants on a boat, safely leaving the island.

Jo (Laurie Elliot), is a female personal trainer who has a very masculine figure, and is often mistaken by many as being a man. Jo's character is based off Sue Sylvester. Jo is very physically fit, and along with Brick and Lightning, are the strongest contestants of the second generation. Jo is very stern and strict, and gets agitated at physically weak people. She constantly gets into conflicts and ego trips, with Brick and Lightning, possibly due to the fact all three have similar agendas, for being strong and over achieving. Jo not unlike Eva, does not get along well with other females, and she does have a temper. Jo however is not an antagonist, she simply wants to show her abilities, and her strength. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Jo steps up as a leader to many challenges and does well due to her being agile, and being a strong contestant. Jo begins a rivalry with her teammate Brick, which then leads to Brick being placed onto another team. She is able to make it to merge, though is eliminated towards the end of the competition. Jo takes advantage of Cameron, using her physical abilities, with Cameron's mental abilities. Cameron however notices this, and sabotages the challenge for Jo. She is later eliminated due to Cameron's actions. Jo later returns for the fifth season, Total Drama Allstars. Jo is eliminated quite early after she gets into conflict with Heather. In the finale for the fifth season, Jo's balloon was not picked by Mike or Zoey, so her status is currently unknown.



Lightning (Tyrone Savage), is a successful African Canadian, Gridiron football athlete who is physically competitive. He along with Brick and Jo, are the strongest contestants of the second generation. Lightning always refers to himself in the third person. He is also very over confident in himself, and would prefer to complete tasks by himself, rather than as a team who he feels could be a hindrance to him. Lighting is very unlikable by his peers, as instead of encouraging and helping others that are weaker than him, he gloats in his attributes and becomes very selfish caring only of himself. Lightning is not an antagonist, but shows many qualities that show his selfishness, and his negative attitude towards his peers. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Lightning performs well with his team, which he is able to go into the merge of the game. Because he is not much of a personal threat than the other contestants, he is able to go onto being a finalist of the season, choosing Cameron and eliminating Zoey, as he felt Cameron would be easier to beat. Lightning plans on using the prize money, to build his own personal football stadium. In the final challenge, Lightning's hair turns permanently white, after Cameron shocks him with actual lightning. He returns in the fifth season, Total Drama Allstars. In this season, Lightning is even more snobbish as before. Nothing about his personality changed, and he is the second to be eliminated after not paying attention during a challenge. Lightning was last seen in the finale of the fifth season. His balloon was not picked, so his status is currently unknown.



Mike (Cory Doran), is a slender goofy man who harbors a deep dark secret. He has multiple personality disorder. Mike is one of the most iconic second generation Total Drama contestants, if not the most memorable. Mike is in many ways based off, Billy Milligan. Before coming onto Total Drama in his audition tape, he mentions his disorder has caused him many issues with his life. Mike has a total of five different personalities. Mike's personalities can spring up during any time, at any moment, for any reason. Although Cameron has deduced when his personalities are more likely to occur. His personalities are Chester, an elderly man who complains at younger individuals and how the present world operates now, from when he was growing up. Chester is usually able to use his mature attitude to solve problems. This personality is usually erupted when Mike gets hurt by a heavy object. Vito, an Italian hustler who becomes passionate around women. This personality is usually erupted when Mike is shirtless for long periods of time. Vito, is physically strong and also causes Mike to show more affection to women as if this personality wasn't active. Manitoba Smith, an Australian explorer. Manitoba, is not afraid of danger and this personality comes in handy during thrilling tasks. This personality is erupted when Mike wears a pith helmet, or a hat an explorer would wear. Svetlana, a female Russian gymnast and Olympian. Svetlana is very acrobatic and allows Mike to be nimble and gives him dexterity. This is the only personality which causes Mike to change his gender. Svetlana is summoned when Mike says or hears words such as "Olympian", "Gymnast" or anything similar to that sort. Mal, an evil and sinister version of Mike. Anytime that Mike does something defiant, it is usually because he is in his Mal personality. It is his only personality that is used for evil purposes. This personality is usually erupted when Mike whistles. Mike for the most part, is not proud of his disorder, and many of his relationships become complicated because of it. Mike regardless of his disorder, is a very determined contestant and in his regular self, is a likable nice guy. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Mike becomes very attracted to Zoey. The two immediately form a relationship together. In fear of his disorder getting in the way, Mike becomes fearful of getting Zoey involved. Mike also forms a relationship with Anne Maria, due to one of his personalities. A love triangle forms, upsetting both Anne Maria and Zoey. Cameron later realizes that Mike has multiple personality disorder, and confronts him about it. Mike comes clean, and asks Cameron not to tell anyone. Cameron is not able to keep this secret, and soon others find out. Zoey is not at all upset over this, and this brings them closer together. Mike is eliminated after the merge, when he falls victim to Scott's schemes. Scott takes advantage of Mike in the competition, and Scott later votes him off, after he had won the challenge. Zoey becomes upset over Mike's elimination. Mike returns in the finale of the fourth season, joined by Zoey. In the fifth season, Total Drama Allstars, Mike makes a return. Mike becomes a primary antagonist in some shape or form, by his personality of Mal. Mal is very devious, and manipulates the game in many ways. He is also the cause for many eliminations. The only exception is that Mal usually does not erupt, when Zoey is in turmoil. Zoey becomes skeptical of Mal and this causes their relationship to sour temporarily. It is revealed this season, that Duncan has met Mike before in juvenile hall. Mike later would become a finalist of this season, after he is picked by Zoey to join her. He chooses Alejandro, and Heather as his helpers. In the finale of the fifth season, Mike is able to subconsciously reset his personality disorder, and free himself of them. Mike is last seen safely leaving the island with Alejandro, Cameron, Gwen, Heather, and Zoey.

Sam (Brian Froud), is a lazy video game addict, who mostly spends the majority of his time playing video games. Sam also enjoys eating, and has a food addiction, not unlike Owen. Sam is said to be modeled after Seth Rogen. Sam is generally a nice guy, but the fact that he is addicted to his handheld video game console, it becomes an issue when he is forced to communicate and associate with his fellow team mates and contestants. Sam often finds ways to cut corners in challenges, mainly because he is physically weak, and tries to associate video game references, in order to get him out of tough situations. Sam also has a relationship with Dakota. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Sam constantly played on his video game player. Chris would later confiscate this, so he could focus more on the competition. Sam was later eliminated after his video game addiction got out of control, causing him to be in a battle with Saskatchewan, during a fashion challenge that Lindsay judged. He is voted off due to his bad performance. Sam returns in the fifth season, Total Drama Allstars. Sam continues his video game addiction and lazy attitude. He is later disqualified for cheating during a challenge. Sam who assumed he was going to be sent to exile after the challenge, secretly stashed food in his pockets in an eating challenge. This was considered cheating by Chris. Sam was last seen in the finale of the fifth season. His balloon was not picked by the finalists, so his status is unknown.



Scott (James Wallis), is a poor redneck, who lives in a trailer park. He is ginger haired, and very tall. Because he grew up in a trailer, his attitude and game play seems to reflect that. Scott is very un-hygienic, and is constantly always getting involved with something disgusting or gross. Scott is very devious, and shows interesting methods of his schemes and manipulative behavior. Scott is very mean and rude to his fellow contestants, which causes many of them to not even deal with him. He is extremely sneaky and sly, and probably the most sinister contestant of the second generation. Scott also has a fear of sharks. In very rare times, Scott is shown to be a model contestant, and is able to perform well. Though generally, Scott's agenda is to stir up trouble. He usually throws challenges for his own team, so that his manipulation is less blamed on him and someone else falls victim. Scott forms a relationship with Courtney. In Total Drama revenge of the Island, Scott is the primary antagonist of this season. He is responsible for B's elimination, after he sabotages the challenge in order for him to lose. Being that B is mute, is he unable to alert the other contestants, Scott was behind his elimination. He is also responsible for Dawn's elimination. After Scott realized that Dawn figured out his tricks, he made it his mission to target her. Scott stole personal items from many contestants, then put those items into one of Dawn's black bags. Dawn did not know Scott was behind this, and she was eliminated. As soon as the merge hit, during an elimination ceremony, Scott received the most votes for elimination, although he presented the invincibility statue. He stayed in the game, and Dakota was instead eliminated, having the second most votes. Later, Scott was able to use Mike and take advantage of him during a racing challenge. Scott won the challenge and immunity, and was also the sole vote to eliminate. He chose to eliminate Mike. Scott was later eliminated after Cameron and Zoey teamed up to vote him off. Scott is later attacked by a shark named Fang. Scott returns in the finale badly injured. Scott also makes an appearance in the fifth season, Total Drama Allstars. This time, Scott isn't as cynical as he was before. He is able to get along well with his team, and makes it very far as he did in the previous season, just he isn't as a deviant this time around. Scott is later eliminated alongside Gwen, by Zoey, as she picks Mike to go to the final with. Scott was last seen in the finale of the fifth season. His balloon was not picked by Mike or Zoey, so his fate is unknown.



Staci (Ashley Peters), is a fast talking heavy set girl, who claims that every single one of her relatives and ancestors, are inventors of modern everyday things. It is unknown if Staci is actually related to the people she mentions, but it is fairly possible she is lying and making it up. Staci always mentions that her ancestors were the creators of the central subject that is being talked about. Aside from this, nothing else of her personality is really known, so it could be that Staci makes up these lies in order to add to a somewhat dull personality. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Staci becomes the first contestant eliminated. Staci will not stop mentioning that her ancestors are inventors, and this comes to be an annoyance to others on her team. Staci continues to explain the achievements and advancements her family members have made, rather than focusing on game. She is voted off because of this. Staci was last seen on the finale of the fourth season, safely leaving the game with the other contestants.



Zoey (Barbara Mamabolo), is a redheaded hipster, who is into indie rock and vintage clothing. She is referenced to Zoey Deschanel. Zoey for the most part, is very friendly and warm to others. Prior to coming onto Total Drama, Zoey kept to herself and didn't seem to get along with many of the people in her hometown. She seems to have a big dislike for jocks. Zoey uses tarot cards frequently, and mentions this through the series. She can also sew. She is in an exclusive relationship with Mike, in which both of them have immediately bonded with one another upon meeting. Whenever she is in any turmoil, she is saved by Mike, and their feelings for one another are usually equal. Zoey tries to stay away from conflict, and keeps a friendly attitude whenever possible, causing her to be liked my many. In Total Drama Revenge of the Island, Zoey performs well in the game, and befriends nearly everyone, with the exception of Jo and Anne Maria who become jealous of her. Jo, mainly because of how feminine she is, and Anne Maria because she is also attracted to Mike when he is in his alternate personality Vito. Zoey at first does not know Mike has multiple personality disorder. She becomes oblivious to his personality changes, and assumes he is acting and being funny in front of her. When Zoey eventually finds out, she is not at all upset about it, in fact appreciates Mike more because of it. Zoey forms a close bond with Cameron as well. When Mike is eliminated from the game, Zoey becomes very upset and angry. She changes her attitude temporarily, and becomes more serious, and strict. Cameron however later calms Zoey down, and she is back to her regular self. When Lighting wins the final three challenge, he is allowed to choose who he want to go to the finals with. He picks Cameron, so therefore Zoey is eliminated from the game. Zoey returns in the finale, joined by Mike. In the fifth season, Total Drama All Stars, Zoey again keeps her calm and cheerful spirit, and is still romantically involved with Mike. Mike's evil personality Mal erupts this season, however Mal seems to have a soft and weak spot for Zoey. Mike becomes an antagonist this season, but hardly ever uses his evil ways against Zoey. Zoey later becomes a finalist of this season, by bonding with Mike. She randomly picks Cameron and Gwen to be her helpers. Zoey was last seen safely leaving the island with, Alejandro, Cameron, Gwen, Mike and Heather.

Third Generation Contestants


A total of fourteen cast members make up the third generation cast.

Amy (Bryn McAuley), is a very rude and impolite cheerleader who has a twin sister named Samey, who is also a cheerleader and is a contestant on Total Drama separately. Of the twins, Amy is the more competitive and ruthless one, whereas Samey, is friendly, outgoing and fair. Amy has a beauty mark on her cheek, and Samey does not. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Amy is not happy that Samey is competing on Total Drama, and vice versa. The twins clash and fight quite frequently. Amy often asks her sister to do tasks she rather not do. During a challenge, Amy and Samey get into a conflict, which causes their team to lose the challenge. Amy then campaigns to the other teammates to eliminate Samey. Unbeknownst, Amy is however the twin that is eliminated. Before the elimination ceremony, Samey uses reverse psychology to get Amy to eat an apple, in which Amy doesn't know is poisonous. After eating the apple, Amy is unable to speak. Using this to her advantage, Samey lies and says she is Amy, and Amy who the rest of the contestants assume is Samey, is eliminated. Samey, who is posing as her twin, stayed in the competition. Amy later would return to the show during a challenge exposing the truth that she is the real Amy. Samey's team loses the challenge and at the elimination ceremony, Chris eliminates them both as he is confused as to which twin is which.



Beardo pronounced Bee-are-dough, (Cle Bennett), is a chubby African-Canadian man who although can speak, he'd rather not and instead use his voice to produce just about any sound effect that could go along with whatever situation he is in. Very similar to that of actor, Michael Winslow. Beardo talks in sound effects, as he is extremely shy and feels it is easier for him to communicate with others. However, this annoys and upsets many others. Aside from him constantly producing sound effects, nothing else about Beardo is known, other than he actually has a normal speaking voice that he chooses to not use. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, in the very first challenge, Beardo possibly due to him being anxious around his teammates, doesn't contribute much to the challenge. In addition, his teammates get annoyed at his constant use of sound effects. This leads to him being the first eliminated of the season. As he is being eliminated in his normal speaking voice, Beardo says goodbye and that it was nice meeting everyone.



Dave (Daniel DeSanto), is a very typical guy, which unlike the rest of the third generation contestants, seems to have a very bland and normal personality. He also has a big phobia of germs, and would prefer to keep his body clean. Very similar in many ways to that of Trent. Dave with the exception of Sky, seems to have some sort of issue with each and every contestant. Either finding them annoying, gross, scary or weird. With his relationship with Sky, he is able to keep his mind level headed. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Dave is uncomfortable around many of his peers. In addition, he doesn't like to participate in any challenge which require germs or him getting dirty. Dave does form a bond with Sky, allowing for him to stay calm during the competition. Dave would later be eliminated as soon as the merge hit. In fear of Sky being eliminated, Dave voted for himself, in which he received the most votes. Dave returned in the finale of the second part of the fifth season, as Sky chose him to be her helper. Sky revealed to Dave that she already has a boyfriend, which then upset Dave greatly. Dave was last seen being left on Pahkitew Island next to a bear, after Jasmine, Shawn and Sky leave safely.



Ella (Sunday Muse), is a girl who could resemble a stereotype of a Disney princess, although this is never confirmed or for certain. She is very passionate with animals, and enjoys singing. Though it probably isn't implied, merely coincidental, Ella could be referenced to Snow White. Ella has a very friendly demeanor, and usually sings more than she's talks. Ella possibly sings to calm herself down during certain moments. Usually taking whatever situation she is in, (usually a difficult one) and ad-libbing a song to go along with it. This however can come to an annoyance to other characters, mainly Chris and Sugar. Ella is generally a sweet and caring character. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Ella manages to perform well with her team at first. However, her constant singing becomes an issue, and Sugar who has had enough of it, confronts Ella about it. Chris soon agrees with Sugar, and orders Ella not to sing anymore for the duration of her stay on the island, and states that if Ella sang again, she would be instantly eliminated. Ella soon after that, eventually manipulated by Sugar to sing, and Ella is then disqualified because of that. She then sang as song describing her stay on the show, as she was being launched off the island.



Jasmine (Katie Bergin), is an extremely tall Aboriginal Australian female wilderness survivalist. Jasmine out of all the third generation contestants, has the most knowledge of nature and wildlife. She generally is not afraid of danger, and is able to adapt tough situations to her advantage. Although Jasmine can in some situations take a leadership or commanding role, this is usually done in good deed. Jasmine generally has a caring heart, and treats everyone the same. She is claustrophobic, not unlike Gwen. Jasmine can at times feel uneasy due to her height, in fear that others will judge her because of that. She also gets into a relationship with Shawn. Jasmine all around, is very dependable and respectful to others. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Jasmine seems to garner the attention of Rodney, after he becomes attracted to her at first sight. This is later squashed, as Rodney has very low standards, and gets attracted to any girl that looks at him. Jasmine stepping up as leader during certain times, puts herself at risk, but is able to preserver. She mediates a feud between Amy and Samey, by consoling Samey against her bullying sister, leading to Amy's elimination. Jasmine later develops a bond with Shawn. Jasmine is later eliminated when Sugar knocks a tree on her, making her unable to complete the challenge. Jasmine was picked by Shawn to be her helper in the final challenge. She was last seen leaving Pahkitew Island safely, with Shawn and Sky.



Leonard (Cle Bennett), is an African Canadian man obsessed with role playing games and larping, to the point to where he inadvertently believes he can possess magical and mythical powers. Leonard is very friendly and doesn't mean any harm, but his personality can annoy and confuse many. He has a hard time differentiating reality from fantasy, due to his hobby. Leonard usually uses his role playing antics, in an act to impress others, possibly due to hide information about himself to facade that. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Leonard already manages to get many people on his team, especially Dave agitated. Leonard is unable to accomplish most tasks without the help of his so called magic powers, which of course do not work to any avail. He is then eliminated second in the season because of this, only getting the support of Sugar. Leonard will be competing in the upcoming Total Drama spin-off show Total Drama, The Ridonculous Race, with his girlfriend who also shares the same hobbies that he does, Tammy.

Max (Bruce Dow), is a very short man, who claims that he is the most sinister and evil Total Drama character ever. In actuality, Max couldn't be far from that. Usually any attempt of evil doings Max seems to exhibit, never work in his favor, and fail. Max is said to be modeled after Dr. Evil. It could be that Max is putting on an act of being an evil genius, to hide something unfathomable about himself. In his audition, Max reveals that he is a babysitter, and also plays the French Horn. Max as far as competition goes, can perform well when he wishes to. He along with Scarlett, are the first characters to find out that Pahiktew Island, is actually an artificial island, that isn't real. Max very rarely at times, can in fact, be level headed and can keep his own as far as personality goes. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Max forms a bond with Scarlett, who he then brings in as a sidekick. Any plans of evil Max has up his sleeve, never come into fruition, and Max is forced to play the game on his own terms. Max is eventually switched to another team. He is soon then eliminated, after Scarlett reveals herself to be an evil mastermind, shocking Max greatly. Scarlett then soon makes it her mission to destroy and take over the island. After the rest of the contestants capture Scarlett, she is then eliminated instantaneously with Max, after Chris decides to launch him with Scarlett, as he feels the island would be better off with the both of them gone.



Rodney (Ian Ronningen), is a very large and obese man who lives on a farm in the country, with his younger brothers. Due to this, he can at times be very close minded of other personalities he may not have experienced before, and he can be skeptical of the world outside his home. Rodney comes across as nice and friendly despite his size, and usually treats everyone the same. Rodney also becomes attracted and instantly falls in love, to any girl that he lays eyes on. Rodney unfortunately has trouble letting his true feelings known, and can be a habitual liar, probably due to protect other peoples feelings. Rodney is a gentle giant, who feels misunderstood at times. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Rodney immediately becomes attracted to Jasmine. This soon becomes an issue, as he is then attracted to "Amy", and a couple more women on the program. This becomes an annoyance to some of the female contestants, and puts Rodney in a bad light. Rodney is eliminated early into the competition. During a challenge, contestants are required to tell the truth in order to win. Rodney for whatever reasons, is unable to, thus his team loses. He is then eliminated because of that.



Samey, pronounced Samm-meigh, and incorrectly pronounced Same-mee (Bryn McAuley), is a outgoing cheerleader who has a twin sister named Amy, who is also a cheerleader and is a contestant on Total Drama separately. Of the twins, Samey is the more fair and friendly one, whereas Amy is obnoxious, rude and evil. Samey does not have a beauty mark on her cheek, whereas her sister Amy, does. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Samey is not happy that Amy is competing on Total Drama, and vice versa. The twins clash and fight quite frequently. Amy often asks her to do tasks she rather not do. During a challenge, Amy and Samey get into a conflict, which causes their team to lose the challenge. Amy then campaigns to the other teammates to eliminate Samey. Unbeknownst, Amy is however the twin that is eliminated. Before the elimination ceremony, Samey uses reverse psychology to get Amy to eat an apple, in which Amy doesn't know is poisonous. After eating the apple, Amy is unable to speak. Using this to her advantage, Samey lies and says she is Amy, and Amy who the rest of the contestants assume is Samey, is eliminated. Samey, who is posing as her twin, stayed in the competition. Samey is able to compete on her own without her sister, and keep this secret hidden for a while. However, Samey would soon be eliminated herself. Amy later would return to the show during a challenge exposing the truth that she is the real Amy. Samey's team loses the challenge and at the elimination ceremony, Chris eliminates them both as he is confused as to which twin is which.



Scarlett (Kristi Friday), is a mysterious and manipulative intelligent woman. Scarlett at first reveals herself to Total Drama, as a quiet and smart observant girl, who shows much intellect. It is later revealed that this is an all act, and Scarlett is actually a ruthless and evil person. Aside from this, Scarlett was able to use her nice personality to proceed in the game, and was probably the season why she kept her true nature hidden for so long. Scarlett in her true form is quite frankly a completely different character, because this personality came as soon as she was eliminated, it is unknown as to what else she is capable of. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Scarlett partners up with Max at first, realizing that she could use him to her advantage later on down the line. Scarlett is able to keep her secret under wraps for the majority of the game. Upon finding out that Pahkitew Island is in fact not a real island, and instead made of artificial robotic animatronics, used it to her advantage to take over the game. Scarlett then would reveal her true evil self, and her plans on taking over the island. Chris then demanded that all the contestants subdue Scarlett as part of an impromptu challenge. She is then later captured by everyone, and disqualified. Max is also instantaneously eliminated alongside with her, as Chris is tired of both of their shenanigans. Scarlett pleaded not to be launched off with Max, but her cries are ignored as they both are launched off the island.



Shawn (Zachary Bennett), is a man who grew up being home-schooled and living a sheltered life, and he is obsessed with horror movies and zombies. He is also a strong believer that the zombie apocalypse is soon approaching, and his attitude seems to be reflective of that. He plans on using the prize money from winning Total Drama, to buy a zombie proof shelter. Aside from this, Shawn is a very outgoing guy, who is very respectful towards others, and is shown to have a kind heart. He also develops a strong bond with Jasmine. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Shawn makes his zombie fascination clear, in which he tries to make any ill feelings that other contestants have because of that erased. He is able to adapt well to his surroundings, using Total Drama as way to open himself up from his closed life before going on the show. Shawn is able to form bonds and proceed well into the competition. Shawn eventually form a relationship with Jasmine. When she is eliminated, Shawn becomes depressed about this temporarily, but is quickly able to bring himself back into the game. Shawn perform so well, that he ends up being one of the finalists of this season. On the finale, contestants were allowed to bring one contestant who was eliminated prior, to be their helper. He decided to choose Jasmine. Shawn, safely leaves Pahkitew Island, with Jasmine and Sky.

Sky (Sarah Podemski), is a very athletic girl, and quite possibly the most athletic and strongest third generation contestant. She is heavily into sports and exercise, and strives to be the best when it comes to competition. In addition to that, Sky is a friendly and calm spoken girl. She is very welcoming to others, and shows great value to keeping others above herself. Sky is the only contestant in Total Drama, to speak Cree fluently. Coincidentally, the word Pahkitew the name of the island in the season in which Sky debuted in, and the team names this season, are also in Cree. Sky can assume a leadership role at times, in which she is able to overcome obstacles to help herself and her team. She also develops a strange relationship with Dave. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Sky comes into the competition as a strong and fierce female competitor. Due to her athletic skills, she does extremely well in challenges, and doesn't seem to cause any trouble for her team. Sky also cause on personal threat to her fellow peers. Sky eventually gets into a confusing relationship with Dave. Dave eventually votes himself off, in an act to show his feelings for her. Sky is later a finalist of this season, due to her great effort. In the finale, contestants were allowed to bring one contestant who was previously eliminated prior, to be their helper. Sky had chosen Dave to be helper. On the finale, Sky had revealed to Dave, that she actually has a boyfriend. This upset Dave greatly. Sky was last seen safely leaving the island with Jasmine and Shawn.



Sugar (Rochelle Wilson), is a actress and beauty queen, who speaks in a southern American accent, and very much resembles Honey Boo Boo. Before appearing on Total Drama, Sugar has been in many commercials, and has participated in many beauty pageants. It is very likely that Sugar is simply on Total Drama, just to be on television and to bring more publicity to herself. Sugar is very obnoxious, sarcastic, rude, and condescending to her peers. She at times can also be very ignorant, possibly leading up to a dumb blonde stereotype. The majority of the time, Sugar is very aware of her attitude and actions, and she could very well be using it as her strategy. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island, with the exception of Leonard, Sugar seems to get on everyone's bad side. She gets into conflict with many of her teammates, more specifically Ella. Sugar becomes extremely annoyed by her constant singing. Chris seems to be as well, and states that if Ella sings again, she will be eliminated. Sugar takes note of this, and due to her dislike of Ella, manipulates her into singing, which causes Ella to be eliminated. Sugar once again causes another contestants elimination. She throws a tree of Jasmine, which causes her to be eliminated. Sugar is eventually eliminated in the final three challenge. Contestants were required to perform in a talent show, showcasing their own talents. Sugar decided to sing a song, in which she fused country and hip hop music together. The judges did not care for this, and Sugar was eliminated due to her poor performance.



Topher (Christopher Jacot), is an aspiring actor, model and television host who is extremely narcissistic. Not unlike Sierra, he is also a fan of the host of Total Drama, Chris. Probably due ot different reasons, as Sierra is a fan of Chris due to her being a fan of Total Drama, whereas Topher is a fan of Chris, simply because deep down he wishes to replace him as host. Topher aside from his obsession with the host, doesn't seem to show much value to Total Drama. He is very selfish and overprotective of his looks, and cares about himself more than others. In the second part of the fifth season, Total Drama Pahkiew Island, Topher constantly would act as a second in command to Chris, often showing to be an understudy. He would often speak for Chris as if he were his co-host. Topher constantly finds ways to replace Chris as host of Total Drama. This becomes his prime agenda, rather than competing on the show. Topher shows little effort in working with him team, as he would rather be focused on what Chris was doing. He eventually secretly steals Chris' mobile phone during a challenge. Topher ends up calling the producer on the phone, explaining that Chris is an unfit host, and he would be a better choice. This later came to haunt Topher, as Chris would later figure out that Topher stole his phone. Chris ends up calling the phone Topher stole, pretending to be a producer of Total Drama, telling him that Chris is fired and he is now the new host. Topher's team ends up losing the challenge, due to him being concerned over the cell phone. At the elimination ceremony, a strange character shows up saying he's a producer of Total Drama. He later reveals himself to be Chris, upset that Topher stole his phone, he later eliminates him.

Total Drama Ridonculous Race Contestants


The following characters were introduced in the Total Drama spin-off, The Ridonculous Race.



Brody (Scott McCord), is a tanned skin surfer who was introduced as Geoff's partner in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. It is unknown why Geoff, a veteran Total Drama contestant, who is known to be in an exclusive relationship with Bridgette, did not choose her to his partner. He and his partner, are dubbed the Surfer Dudes team.



Carrie (Kristin Fairlie), is a blonde haired girl, who was introduced as Devin's partner in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Carrie and Devin are simply friends. Carrie has a crush on Devin, although Devin is already taken. They are dubbed the Best Friends team.



Chet (Darren Frost), is an obese man who was introduced as Lorenzo's partner in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Lorenzo is Chet's stepbrother, and they do not get along at times. They are dubbed the Stepbrothers team.



Crimson (Stacey DePass), is a goth, who is competing on the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race, with her boyfriend who is also a goth, Ennui. They are dubbed as the Goths team.



Devin (Jeff Geddis), is a man who was first introduced as Carrie's partner in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Devin and Carrie are simply friends. Even though Carrie has a crush on Devin, he already has a girlfriend. They are dubbed the Best Friends team.



Dwayne (Neil Crone), is Dwayne Jr's father, and is also his partner in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Dwayne is very protective over his son. They are dubbed the Father and Son team.

Dwayne Jr.


Dwayne Jr. or simply Junior (Jacob Ewaniuk), is Dwayne's son, and is also his partner in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Junior is the youngest Total Drama contestant to ever compete, and because of that, can act immature at times, due to his father being protective, he usually stays out of trouble. They are dubbed the Father and Son team.



Ellody (Emilie-Claire Barlow), is a dark skinned female who is very intelligent. She is competing on the Total Drama spin off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race, with her partner Mary. They are dubbed the Geniuses team.



Emma (Stacey DePass), is an Asian Canadian girl, who is competing on the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race, with her sister Kitty as her partner. They are dubbed the Sisters team.



Ennui (Carter Hayden), is a goth, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. He is competing with his girlfriend Crimson as his partner who is also a goth. They are dubbed the Goths' team.



Gerry (David Huband), is an elderly former Olympic Tennis player. He was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. His partner is his friendly rival Pete who is also an Olympic tennis player. They are dubbed the Tennis Rivals team.



Jacques (Scott McCord), is an Olympic French Canadian, Ice Dancer, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. His partner is his girlfriend and figure skating partner, Josee. They are dubbed the Ice Dancers team.

Jay (Lyon Smith), was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. His partner is his identical twin brother Mickey. Jay is partly deaf. Mickey is very accident prone and also suffers from allergies. They are dubbed the Adversity Twins team.

Jen (Ashley Botting), is a fashion designer and fashion blogger, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Jen is competing with her best friend Tom as her partner, who is also a fashion designer and fashion blogger. They are dubbed the Fashion Bloggers team.



Josee (Julie Lemieux), is an Olympic French Canadian, Ice Dancer, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Her partner is her boyfriend and figure skating partner, Jacques. They are dubbed the Ice Dancers team.



Kelly (Julie Lemieux), is a very wealthy woman, and who is also Taylor's mother. She was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Her partner is her daughter Taylor. They are dubbed the Mother and Daughter team.



Kitty (Stephanie Anne Mills), is an Asian Canadian girl, who is competing on the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race, with her sister Emma as her partner. They are dubbed the Sisters team.



Laurie (Emilie-Claire Barlow), is a hippie vegan, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Her partner is her friend Miles, who is also a hippie and a vegan. The are dubbed the Vegans team.



Lorenzo (Carlos_Díaz), is a Hispanic Canadian man who was introduced as Chet's partner in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Chet is Lorenzo's stepbrother, and they do not get along at times. They are dubbed the Stepbrothers team.



Mary (Katie Griffin), is a woman who is very intelligent. She is competing on the Total Drama spin off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race, with her partner Ellody. They are dubbed the Geniuses team.



MacArthur, who's first name is unknown as of yet, (Evany Rosen), is a heavy set female police officer, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Her partner is her co-worker Sanders, who's first name is also not known yet. They are dubbed the Police Cadets team.



Mickey (Lyon Smith), was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. His partner is his identical twin brother Jay. Jay is partly deaf. Mickey is very accident prone and also suffers from allergies. They are dubbed the Adversity Twins team.



Miles (Katie Griffin), is a hippie vegan, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Her partner is her friend Laurie, who is also a hippie and a vegan. The are dubbed the Vegans team.



Pete (Adrian Truss), is an elderly former Olympic Tennis player. He was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. His partner is his friendly rival Gerry, who is also an Olympic tennis player. They are dubbed the Tennis Rivals team.



Rock (Carlos_Díaz), is a musician who is competing in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. His partner is his friend Spud, who is also a musician. They are dubbed the Rockers team.



Ryan (Joseph Motiki), is an African Canadian bodybuilder, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Ryan is competing with his girlfriend Stephanie as his partner. They are dubbed the Daters team.



Sanders, who's first name is unknown as of yet, (Nicole Stamp), is a African Canadian female police officer, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Her partner is her co-worker MacArthur, who's first name is also not known yet. They are dubbed the Police Cadets team.



Spud (Carter Hayden), is a musician who is competing in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. His partner is his friend Rock, who is also a musician. They are dubbed the Rockers team.



Stephanie (Nicki Burke), is an African Canadian woman, who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Her partner is her boyfriend Ryan. They are dubbed the Daters team.



Tammy (Christina Schmidt), is Leonard's girlfriend, and like Leonard is also a fan of role playing games and larping. She was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race, as Leonard's partner. They are dubbed the LARPers team.

Tom (Billy Eichner), is a very flamboyant fashion designer and fashion blogger who was introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Tom is currently the only Total Drama character to be confirmed as a homosexual. Tom is competing with his best friend Jen as his partner, who is also a fashion designer and fashion blogger. They are dubbed the Fashion Bloggers team.



Taylor (Bryn McAuley), is a very rich and spoiled girl, and is Kelly's daughter. She was first introduced in the Total Drama spin-off show, Total Drama the Ridonculous Race. Taylor's partner is her mother Kelly. They are dubbed the Mother and Daughter team.



These are not contestants, main characters or crew members, but characters who have played a significant role in the show otherwise.



There are many anthropomorphic animals present in the series. Here are the most notable ones.

Family Members


Many main characters have family members or relatives who play an impact on the series.

Interns and Other staff



Mr. Coconut
