Damage Tensor


Estimations of microcracking in ceramics can be made using the young's modulus in the damaged material relative to the undamaged material. A damage variable,  , may be defined by [1]


Damage tensor

(A course on Damage Mechanics)

Compression spring mechanics


Max shear stress


Spring index


High stresses make springs with a spring index below 4 difficult to manufacture, while springs with an index above 12 are more likely to buckle.

Critical buckling curves

Direct shear factor


Wahl factor

The Wahl factor incorporates shear stress as well as the stress concentration factor due to spring curvature


Torsion spring mechanics


Angular deflection of helical torsion spring


Angular deflection in revolutions


Spring rate of torsional spring


Number of active turns in helical torsion spring



Diameter reductions


Body length increase




where   is a bending stress correction factor





Approximation from modulus for many metals and ceramics (ashby)



where   is the modulus,   is the Botlzman's constant, and   is the volume-per-atom in the structure.

An even more approximate estimate of the melting temperature from the modulus has been observed as the following for metals and ceramics:


where   is the modulus in GPa and   is the melting temperature in kelvin

Adhesive strength tests


A variety of tests are used to measure the strength of adhesive bonds under different loading conditions. Adhesives joints are often heavily influenced by temperature, moisture, and strain rate and therefore should be controlled/ measured during the tests. Adhesive failures can occur in a variety of different ways depending on the loading conditions and the strength of the bonds of the substrate. For example, when testing the tensile strength of an adhesive, the adhesive may debond from the substrate or fail within the adhesive itself if the bond between the adhesive and substrate are strong. The loading conditions throughout the sample are often not identical, making quantitative results difficult to achieve.[2]

Tensile test


Adhesive tensile testing attempts to measure the tensile strength of the adhesive bond. The tensile strength of adhesives is often difficult to measure because the failure modes typically are not solely tensile (peeling often occurs at the edges of the samples). Results are therefore often qualitative and comparative. ASTM D897 is a common standard for adhesive tensile tests.[3]

Lap shear test


The lap shear test is used to assess the strength of an adhesive bond under shear loading conditions. The output of the test is the stress required for failure of the adhesive bond. Lap shear tests require an adhesive bond between flat interfaces of the desired material. ASTM D2919 is a common standard for the lap shear test.[4]

Adhesives joints are often heavily influenced by temperature and moisture and therefore should be controlled during lap shear tests.[4]





Cleavage fracture toughness






Mechanical loss coefficient


Expand this and alter language based on multiple sources

The mechanical loss coefficient is the degree to which a material dissipates vibrational energy. It is a measure of the fractional energy dissipated for a load/unload cycle. Elastic energy is stored in a material subject to a stress/strain and dissipates when the stress/strain is relieved.[5]

Stored elastic energy


Dissipated energy


Loss coefficient


Relationship to resonance factor,  , for  



  •   = specific damping capacity
  •   = log decrement
  •   = phase-lag between stress and strain

Material Damping



Crack growth measurement methods




Microscope or telescope is used to track crack tip. Surface of sample must be highly polished. This often prevents accurate measurements in corrosive environments The measurements are typically 2-dimensional and of a single despite cracks being a 3D objects which vary through the thickness of the material.



Measures the ultrasonic reflections from the crack. The reflectivity varies with surface roughness of the crack. Crack tip plasticity also affects the ultrasonic pulse attenuation and velocity. Ultrasonic probes often cannot be used in aggressive environments and is not very sensitive to small crack growths.



Crack growth increases the specimen compliance. Calibration is required for many sample geometries which do not already have theoretical calibrations.

Potential drop


As the crack growths, the electrical resistance of the sample increases by reducing the size of the cross-sectional area. High current is typically needed in order to improve sensitivity. The system must be calibrated and usually uses a calibration polynomial of the form




Doyleite, Al(OH)3, is a form of aluminum hydroxide.

Doyleite has a triclinic structure with a space group of   or P1[7].

Ductile phase crack bridging


To predict toughening provided by large scale cracking, weighted functions for the tractions across bridged crack faces have been developed. In this case, the crack shielding as a result of large-scale crack bridging can be defined by:


where   is the traction function along the bridge zone and   is weight function for the traction. A weight function defined by Fett and Munz is shown below.

Relative robustness of materials


The robustness of a material to thermal shock, or thermal shock resistance[8] is characterized by the thermal shock parameter:[9]


where the further parameters is:

This formula can be simplified by introducing the brittle θ parameter:


This formula can be simplified as:


where the theta parameter is:


notably, this means that in this case the elasticity modulus is not the Young modulus, but rather:


Thermal shock parameter in the physics of solid-state lasers


The laser gain medium generates heat. This heat is drained through the heat sink. The transfer of heat occurs at a certain temperature gradient. The non-uniform thermal expansion of a bulk material causes the stress and tension, which may break the device even at a slow change of temperature. (for example, continuous-wave operation). This phenomenon is also called thermal shock. The robustness of a laser material to the thermal shock is characterized by the thermal shock parameter.[9] (see above)

Roughly, at the efficient operation of laser, the power   of heat generated in the gain medium is proportional to the output power   of the laser, and the coefficient   of proportionality can be interpreted as heat generation parameter; then,   The heat generation parameter is basically determined by the quantum defect of the laser action, and one can estimate  , where   and   are frequency of the pump and that of the lasing.

Then, for the layer of the gain medium placed at the heat sink, the maximal power can be estimated as


where   is thickness of the layer and   is the transversal size. This estimate assumes the unilateral heat drain, as it takes place in the active mirrors. For the double-side sink, the coefficient 4 should be applied.

Thermal loading


The estimate above is not the only parameter which determines the limit of overheating of a gain medium. The maximal raise   of temperature, at which the medium still can efficiently lase, is also the important property of the laser material. This overheating limits the maximal power with an estimate


Combination of the two estimates above of the maximal power gives the estimate



Estimates[10] of maximal value of loss  , at which desirable output power   is still available in a single disk laser, versus normalized power  , and experimental data (circles)

is thermal loading; parameter, which is important property of the laser material. The thermal loading, saturation intensity   and the loss   determine the limit of power scaling of the disk lasers .[11] Roughly, the maximal power at the optimised sizes   and  , is of order of  . This estimate is very sensitive to the loss  . However, the same expression can be interpreted as a robust estimate of the upper bound of the loss   required for the desired output power  :


All the disk lasers reported work at the round-trip loss below this estimate.[10] The thermal shock parameter and the loading depend on the temperature of the heat sink. Certain hopes are related with a laser, operating at cryogenic temperatures. The corresponding Increase of the thermal shock parameter would allow to soften requirements for the round-trip loss of the disk laser at the power scaling.

Crack Tip Stress Field


The crack tip stress field in plane stress or plane strain conditions in a homogeneous, isotropic elastic solid, can be represented as:


where   is the Kronecker delta and   and   are polar coordinated centered on the crack tip.


  1. ^ Soboyejo, W. O. (2003). "5.2.1 Plasticity in Ceramics". Mechanical properties of engineered materials. New York: Marcel Dekker. ISBN 0-8247-8900-8. OCLC 50868191.
  2. ^ ASTM International. D4896-01(2016) Standard Guide for Use of Adhesive-Bonded Single Lap-Joint Specimen Test Results. West Conshohocken, PA; ASTM International, 2016
  3. ^ ASTM International. D897-08(2016) Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Adhesive Bonds. West Conshohocken, PA; ASTM International, 2016.Test Method for Tensile Properties of Adhesive Bonds, ASTM International, retrieved 2021-04-10
  4. ^ a b ASTM International. D2919-01(2014) Standard Test Method for Determining Durability of Adhesive Joints Stressed in Shear by Tension Loading. West Conshohocken, PA; ASTM International, 2014.
  5. ^ Ashby, M. F. (1999). Materials selection in mechanical design (2nd ed.). Oxford, OX: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 0-7506-4357-9. OCLC 49708474.
  6. ^ Clark, G., 1979. A High-Sensitivity Potential-Drop Technique for Fatigue Crack Growth Measurements, (No. MRL-R-755). Materials Research  Laboratories, Department of Defence, Melborne, Victoria, Australia.
  7. ^ Anthony, John W.; Bideaux, Richard A.; Bladh, Kenneth W.; Nichols, Monte C. (2005). Handbook of Mineralogy (PDF). Chantilly, VA: Mineral Data Publishing.
  8. ^ T. J. Lu; N. A. Fleck (1998). "The Thermal Shock Resistance of Solids" (PDF). Acta Materialia. 46 (13): 4755–4768.
  9. ^ a b W.F.Krupke; M.D. Shinn; J.E. Marion; J.A. Caird; S.E. Stokowski (1986). "Spectroscopic, optical, and thermomechanical properties of neodymium- and chromium-doped gadolinium scandium gallium garnet" (abstract). JOSA B. 3 (1): 102–114. Bibcode:1986JOSAB...3..102K. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.3.000102.
  10. ^ a b D.Kouznetsov; J.-F.Bisson (2008). "Role of the undoped cap in the scaling of a thin disk laser". JOSA B. 25 (3): 338–345. Bibcode:2008JOSAB..25..338K. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.25.000338.
  11. ^ D. Kouznetsov; J.F. Bisson; J. Dong; K. Ueda (2006). "Surface loss limit of the power scaling of a thin-disk laser" (abstract). JOSA B. 23 (6): 1074–1082. Bibcode:2006JOSAB..23.1074K. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.23.001074. Retrieved 2007-01-26.; [1][permanent dead link]