Week 3 Wikipedia Assignment

link: BigDog

  1. Strengths:

The article has the necessary information about the BigDog

Gives a neutral response

2. Weaknesses:

Can't tell if what I am reading is valid information because a lot of sentences/paragraphs are missing citations

3. What might I do better?:

I would make sure to cite all information in the article

4. Why did I decide to add something to this article?

I decided to add something to this article because the information in the article isnt cited and therefore could be invalid.

What do I want to add or correct?

I want to add information from credible sources that I can add to the article.

I want to correct the sentences that are missing citations and either find those citations or replace them with new info.

Deleted a quote that was missing a citation and ended up adding Two sentences about the movement of BigDog and its speed. Added a new references and cited my information.

Week 2 Wikipedia Assignment

The article on Wikipedia I chose to critique was about facial recognition systems. Throughout the article they talk about what a facial recognition system is, the history behind them, the advantages and disadvantages on them, and when they used. After a first read through all the facts seemed to check up with their sources and everything was cited correctly, but the content I was reading seemed a little bias in the advantages and disadvantages section of the article. To me it seemed like they were more sided in telling the reader that facial recognition systems are not effective and there have been no true cases of a facial recognition system being able to get a job done in such cases of identifying a suspect in a crime. The whole advantages and disadvantages section of the article was just about the weaknesses, ineffectiveness, and privacy issues of facial recognition systems and there is no mention of any actual advantages in the section.

In order to see if this article was truly biased, I decided to check the sources present in the advantages and disadvantages section. The first source I checked up on was about how face recognition is just a cool high-tech idea, but no claims of it working in criminal settings have ever been recorded. What the Wikipedia article forgets to mention is that although these face recognition systems haven't caught a criminal, there is a correlation that since the systems have been put into place crime has been down 34% in London.

The next source I checked from the section ended up being from The Guardian and to me it did not seem too reliable. I know that The Guardian is a popular source for news and entertainment, but this article on facial recognition systems was just about this guy going around East London trying to get facial recognized. The source seemed more like an entertaining lets see if i can get caught study, rather than a real life scenario of the systems looking for a target.

Overall, The article on facial recognition systems was all correctly cited and provided a correct understanding about what facial recognition systems do. The only problem was that the article critiques on the systems were heavily favored in the negative point of view, which goes against Wikipedias neutral point of view.