User:Bobg508/Michael Gruneberg

Dr. Michael Gruneberg is an internationally recognized expert on memory and learning methods.

He is the author of Linkword Languages and has published numerous scientific articles, books, and book chapters on memory and memory improvement. He is also the author of an Instant Recall audio series for McGraw-Hill.

Along with his colleagues Peter Morris and Robert Sykes, he initiated and ran the first 2 international conferences on Practical Aspects of Memory. This led to the founding of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Dr. Gruneberg was elected president of this organization in 1997.

Book Publications

Gruneberg M and Herrmann D (1997) Your Memory for Life. Cassels. London

Herrmann D and Gruneberg M. (1999) How to cure your Memory Failures. Cassels. London Available as a download from

Herrmann D and Gruneberg M (2008) Supermemory 11 . Strategic books. New York

Gruneberg M. and Morris P. (Eds) (1978) Aspects of Memory, Methuen and Co. London. Second Editions published in 1992

Gruneberg M. Morris P and Sykes R (Eds) (1978) Practical Aspects of Memory. Academic Press. London

Gruneberg M Morris P. and Sykes R (Eds) (1987) Practical Aspects of Memory: Current research and Issues. 2 Volumes. John Wiley and co. Chichester and New York

Herrmann D Raybeck D and Gruneberg M (2002)Improving Memory and Study skills: Advances in Theory and Practice. Hogrefe and Huber. Ashland . Ohio

Herrmann D Yoder C, Gruneberg M and Payne D.(2006) Applied Cognitive Psychology .Lawrence Erlbaum Mahwah New. Jersey

Gruneberg M Job Satisfaction (1979) MacMillan and co London

Gruneberg M. and Oborne D (1982) Industrial Productivity: A psychological Perspective . MacMillan and co. London

Selected Publications

Beaton, A. A ., Gruneberg, M. M., Hyde, C. Shufflebottom, A. & Sykes, R.N. (2005). Facilitation of receptive and productive foreign vocabulary acquisition using the keyword method: The role of image quality. Memory, 13, 458-471

Gruneberg M. and Pascoe K. (1996) The effectivness of the keyword method for receptive and productive learning in the elderly. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 21, 102-109

Beaton, A. A ., Gruneberg, M. M., and Ellis N (1995) Retention of foreign vocabulary learned using the keyword method: a ten year follow up. Second Language Research,11,2,pp 112-120

Gruneberg M , Sykes R and Gillett E. (1994). The facilitating effect of Mnemonic strategies on two learning tasks in learning disabled adults. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 4, 241-254

Gruneberg M (1992) The practical application of memory aids. In Gruneberg m and Morris P. (Eds) Aspects of Memory: The Practical Aspects.London Routledge.

Sommer S. and Gruneberg M (2002) The use of Linkword Language computer courses in a Classroom situation; A case study at Rugby school. Language Learning Journal, 26, 48-53