Spider-Man is an unknown vigilante who operates primarily in New York City. He was first sighted in 2016 when he rescued astronaut John Jameson IIIduring the malfunction of a NASA shuttle during re-entry, by fixing the module responsible for the deployment of the capsule's parachute. Upon rescue responders arriving at the scene, Spider-Man was nowhere to be found. Following this, the vigilante was subject to mass media coverage, although he was slandered by the Daily Bugle for being a "menace".

Spider-Man's identity is unknown. He seemingly posesses the abilities of a spider, reminiscent of his namesake. Spider-Man has been observed to shoot a web-like rope from his wrists, which he uses for travel, and as a projectile. He can also seemingly crawl along any surface, also reminiscent of a spider. While his potential other abilities are currently unknown, some theorise that Spider-Man has a form of pre-cognition, an ability some arachnid species posess.

Since his initial appearance, Spider-Man has developed a mass following, having been #1 on TIME magazine's America's Favourite Superheroes list several times consistently, and is credited with being New York's sole protector, alongside superhero teams such as the Avengers.