Brandon Hiett is a fifteen year old boy, who was born in Virginia. He has moved twice since being born, once to Maryland, and finally settling in Pennsylvania. He live in a family of six, with his mom and dad, his two brothers, and sister. Brandon has been good in school, but was challenged when he was part of the first group of students that went to the newly built Sixth Grade Center in Chester County. After his time there, he would go on to the Downingtown Middle School, and then on to the high school. Some of the main classes that Brandon takes is algebra, biology, and english. When Brandon is not in school, he is either relaxing at home or at boy scouts on Tuesdays. In boy scouts, he is a part of Troop 79. In the troop, he has gone on many trips and camp outs. When he does not have school or Boy Scouts, he mainly relaxes at home after his homework is done. Some of the main personality traits that Brandon has is creativity and kind. What Brandon wants to do when he leaves high school is to become an animator. He wants to become an animator because he wants to let his creativity out that way.