
My name is Bryce, I am a software engineer currently living in Chicago. I'm from Vancouver originally and I am American-British-Canadian (so please correct me when I inconsistently use spellings from each of those countries). I have a Bachelors of Science in Honours Computer Science from The University of British Columbia. In the realm of computer science, I focus on performance optimization and low-level programming in general with a lot of my extra time being spent reading about microarchitectural details of processors (mostly those in the x86 family). Outside of work, I have a wide range of hobbies including ballet, figure skating, hiking, skiing, synchronized swimming, photography, and playing the flute. I am most certainly one of those people with a million hobbies that is not actually very good at any of them. As of recently, I am a big fan of Taylor Swift and girl in red having gone to The Eras Tour (Glendale night 2) and the Doing it Again Tour (Chicago). Prior to that, I've loved The Beatles and The Beach Boys for as long as I can remember.

I've been interested in Wikipedia for a long time. I consider it one of the biggest success stories of the internet. I know it is not without flaws but it seems to work surprisingly well compared to any other online community of its size. I first made some edits when I was still in elementary school under a different username. I made some mistakes that got reverted quickly and then proceeded to spend far too much time reading every Wikipedia policy page that I could so that I would never make those mistakes again. As an adult, I decided that I wanted to start editing again and make useful contributions, especially in some of my more niche areas of interest. I decided to create a new account mostly because I didn't realize that accounts could be renamed but also to get a clean start (which is a legitimate use of an alternate account). My old username can be found in the page history of this page and I have marked the account as retired.

Other than fixing minor grammar errors and adding archived links to citations with broken links as I come across them, my first goal in editing is to make the infoboxes for x86 CPUs as consistent as I reasonably can. There are a lot of issues so I am starting small with just the instruction set. See my talk page for an explanation of my methodology. In looking through the categories, I noticed the page for Replay System which has some inaccuracies and generally seems to indicate that it only existed on the Pentium 4 which is completely false despite some edit summaries seeming rather adamant about it. I am currently rewriting that page in a draft.
