Hello there.My username is Bryceman99,and this is my User page.I refuse to give out any personal information,so don't try to email me and pry the details out of me.That would just piss me off.

I've made several contributions,so it appears that I'm the average member.I've tried creating some of my own articles,but-no such luck.

If you have any suggestions for this,I guess you won't be able to tell me.I don't know why,but apparently Wikipedia won't let any of you post stuff on my page,so...

I hope you had fun looking at my page.I'll try to up date as frequently as possible.And when I say possible,I mean possible.I may not be able to update as much as I need to,because I might forget,my internet connection might be slow,I might break my computer and have to buy another one(and trust me,this will take a long time),Wikipedia might shut down my account,or something else that might interfere with my ability to update.

April 11,2009


I've now made 2 Wikipedia articles,but they've both been considered to be removed,even after making MAJOR edits!MAJOR,people!MAJOR!!!

It seems as though I've finally found someone to talk to,and someone who will help me.His username is Rjanag,and he is trying to help me with my argument of why my article shouldn't be deleted,even though I'm not really giving an argument,mostly because I don't know how,and partially because I'm too lazy to do it myself.

Okay,I now believe that one of the articles I created,Yu Yu Hakusho:Old Rivals,New Problems will soon be deleted because of 2 things.1)It's not very informative.2)Most people would search for a different thing,and there's really no need to redirect it.



Well,I've pretty much decided that my user page looks blank,so I decided to put an entire new section in!I also made a new section for the day before.Just look above.

April 12,2009


Well,yesterday,I finally figured out that you really CAN post stuff on my user page.Here's how you do it.When you're on this page,there should be a whole bunch of tabs at the top of the article.One of the tabs should say discussion.Click that.Then look at the tabs at the top of THAT article.There should be one that says edit this page.Click on that.Then just scroll down to the bottom of the page and start typing what you want me to hear!

By the way,you don't really have to go to the bottom of the page,but it would just be considerate and nice if you did.

Ice Cream


Not that this has anything to do with anything,but I looked at my ice cream from last night,which I didn't touch,and it's in COMPLETELY liquid form!I don't think that's good!I'll check back with you when I know more about!It shoudnt've melted that fast overnight!It coudnt've!



Well,it seems as though it's Easter.I wanted to go to the 7:00 service,but I didn't wake up in time,so I had to go to the 10:30 service.

April 16,2009


Today was pretty boring. I can't really edit my articles because they're discussing if my article should be deleted STILL. Man, they're taking a long time.



Okay, the person who's been helping me, whose username is Rjanag, has agreed to find some coaching articles that I might be interested in editing to practice my editing skills.

April 17,2009


Well, since it's only 6:15 in the morning, I don't have much to do. But at least now I hit the space-bar after periods, commas, exclamation points, and all that stuff almost on INSTINCT!!!!!

May 13, 2009

 This user is male.

Hey! Lookie here! I finally made a user box! It worked! It actually worked!!! I'm gonna see if I can find some other user boxes on my user page since I don't know how to make any on my own. If I could, I absolutely would!!!

Hey, look! There's a link to [Contributions:Bryceman99] in this sentence! That's pretty cool, huh?! By the way, the link signifies that you're going to the list of contributions I've made. Neat, huh? There's also a link to [Talk:Bryceman99] in this sentence as well! I'm learning a lot of stuff today!

 This user is drug-free.
This user does not smoke.
C2H5OH-0This user is a non-drinker.
 This user enjoys cooking.

See, lookie here again! I got some more user boxes! If you know how to make user boxes, feel free to come to my [Talk Page] and tell me how. I wanna make one!

Space Concern


I think the section above is taking up too much space, so I just made a new semi-section so that I wouldn't have to deal with having to scroll a long way up the page just to click the button to edit the page if I realize that I forgot something. That's probably going to happen a lot if I don't put in this section.

May 14, 2009

 This user enjoys reading humorous literature.

I think it's starting to get kinda weird that I'm putting so many user boxes on my page. You might say it makes me feel weird. In other words, I just need to put even more userboxes on my page!!! Yeah, that'll take it off my mind.

UBXThis is a Userbox.

You probably know that the above userbox actually is a userbox. If you don't, you need to learn how to read(and if you can't read this sentence, then you obviously need to learn how to read.).

 This user owns one or more dogs.

It's really amazing how many userboxes you can put on a page and not get annoyed by it!

By the way, in one of the articles I made, there was a link to the [[[Yu Hakusho website]]] in there. Sadly, that article was deleted, and I don't think anyone ever saw it, but you're seeing it now, so you might as well go there.

  This user supports recycling.

I'm just gonna create my own subpage for a semi-article there. Actually, it's really not a semi-article. Just Click here if you're bored or something.

May 15, 2009


I wonder if I should just create another Subpage that people can mercilessly edit for other people's profit...

No More Help


Well, now it appears that the person who's been helping me, whose username is Rjanag, is no longer helping me because I use my Wikipedia User Page like it's a ["blog"] or something. But if Rjanag sees that I've written this on my user page, he's probably going to say, "You do use Wikipedia like it's a blog!"

May 16, 2009


Huh. It appears that the Featured Article today is the New Super Mario Bros. article. The only reason I'm writing this on my User Page is because I OWN THAT GAME. Weird, huh?

Armed Forces Day


Well, it turns out that today is Armed Forces Day in America. It's also Teacher Day in Malaysia. I think that's a country. You can go to the link 2 sentences before this one and find out.


Krishna's Butterball is a large granite balancing rock that rests on a short incline in the coastal resort town of Mamallapuram in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is approximately six metres (20 ft) high and five metres (16 ft) wide, with a mass of around 250 tonnes. It is balanced on a slope on top of a 1.2-metre-high (4 ft) plinth that is a naturally eroded hill. Krishna's Butterball is part of the Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram, a UNESCO World Heritage Site built during the 7th and 8th centuries as Hindu religious monuments by the Pallava dynasty. It is now a popular tourist attraction.

Photograph credit: Timothy A. Gonsalves

Recently featured:



The above picture is merely the Featured Picture For Today or something like that.



The following is going to be my own Sandbox. It gets a little crowded editing Sandboxes that have already been edited. Brrr...



Here's another quote.

Arbitration Committee, January 2008



Here's a link to the Technology Portal. I think everybody who sees my page should check it out.

Hey, the above link to the Technology Portal is really actually just a link to the Robotics Portal.



Click here to see the notice.

~~~~Bryceman99 signs their posts and thinks you should too!

 This user contributes using Firefox.

 This user is interested in their family history.

Yes! I finally managed to make my User Boxes go in a straight column!

May 17, 2009

 This user is a fan of Pokémon. Gotta catch 'em all!

There. Now I should be put under the category [Wikipedians who like Pokemon]. If I'm not, well... There's nothing I can do about it.



Well, now I'm going to be added to another category. Just look below to see which category I'm also in.

| |{{Wikipedia:WikiProject Anime and manga/Userbox/User Pokemon}}


 This user is a Pokémon fan.

|Usage |- | |{{User:Amarkov/userbox/wants pokemon}}


  This user wants to capture a Pokémon.

|Usage |-

The current time is included with the following along with my signature. --Bryceman99 (talk) 16:53, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

I just wanted to put that in there. Well, I could've done that in my Sandbox...

May 18, 2009(Monday)


Victoria Day


Well, it seems as though it's Victoria Day-in Canada! Ha ha... No? Okay.

May 19, 2009


Well, it looks like it's [Youth and Sports Day] in Turkey. But it can also be called Atatürk Day as well. It's weird that one of the names needs a letter that can not be written in English...

May 20, 2009


Okay, so today is [National Day] in [Cameroon]. It's also [Independence Day] in [East Timor].

Wondering About East Timor


Wait, where exactly is "East Timor"? I'm thinking it's a country.

Webcomics And Just Regular Comics


I like [webcomics]. I also like regular [comics] as well.

Another Category I've Been Added To

*_*This user loves anime.

*_*This user loves manga.

幽★遊★白書This user is a Yusuke Urameshi Fan.

Category Addition Was Successful


Good news! After weeks(and I mean weeks) of trying to find the Userbox that would add me to the category of ["Wikipedians Who Like Yu Yu Hakusho"], I finally managed to get added! You can praise me and worship my great leadership. What's that you say? I don't have any leadership???! NNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 21, 2009


Okay, so it's [Ascension Day] for [Western Christianity] and it's also [Navy Day] in [Chile]. If you don't know where Chile is, it's a thin country on the west side of [South America].

Another Category(Hopefully)

遊戯王 This user is prepared to duel.

Category Addition Was Failed


NNNOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!It didn't work! Why didn't it work???!

May 22, 2009 (Friday)


Okay, so today it's [Yom Yerushalayim] in [Israel]. It's also [World Biodiversity Day] all over the world!!!!!

The 4th or 5th Category


November 25, 2009


Well,I'm back!

A long time ago,somebody recommended that I leave Wikipedia and 'find another pastime'.

I've taken into consideration several times to come back and I finally have!And I'm not going to do the things that I did last time to make it so that I should just leave for the good of everyone on Wikipedia.

If you have any suggestions for anything you may want me to do on Wikipedia for a while,just post it on my talk page.