
Many men had to give up their lives to help their countries.

World War 1 started on July 28, 1914. World War 1 was a very hard time for Europe, Canada, and the United States. Many fought, and many died. Children under the age of 18 were not allowed to go to war, but many didn’t obey and snuck in as someone else. Being in the Military was horrendous. The soldiers lived in trenches and who knows what they did to pass the time. Play card games? Write? Sleep? Eat sandwiches? Even if they did these regular things, they still lived a very different life, I mean, compared to you and me. Many people believed that the war would be over by Christmas, but instead of the war ending after four months, it ended after 4 years. People lived through 4 years of trepidation before they could relax. On Christmas day, the soldiers agreed to stop the fighting and be friends, but the next day, was back to the same old hostilities. The woman helped to store explosives and plant vegetables to help the soldiers. They also helped the injured soldiers. Young boys collected eggs, guarded railways, and delivered messages. The girls made first aid kits for the soldiers and helped the mothers with their work. The boys helped the British Secret Service as well, but everyone soon found out that the boys weren't good at keeping secrets, so they asked the girls to sidle around on the roads and take notes. Horses were very important as well as dogs. Horses could carry the soldiers away quickly and there was something in their droppings that could be made into explosives. Dogs would help restrain the enemy away from the trenches. Most dogs had a pouch on their collars so they could carry messages. The Somme war was the worst and bloodiest war of 1916. On November 11, 1918, the war ended. Everyone rejoiced. But that was not the end, because 21 years later... was World War 2.