I am person who likes to help such individual using various technology practices. I spent several years in the field, but I am at most very much interesting in creating tools myself using programming skills, and I love it! There is nothing greater than shaping the future with software development. I spent most of my everyday researching ways to improve human lives with science. It's a fantastic route that I feel lucky to contribute in.

When I'm not working, I am usually doing outdoor activities with friends. I am very much a kid at heart, love to dance, editing video's or pictures and travel whenever I can.

I love to learn new things and meeting people. If you have an interesting theory please don't hesitate to share with me. I am delighted, and truly blessed to be part of the science family!

Previous work:

  • janvier.dev
  • janvier.systems
  • gitlab.com/u/janvier
  • github.com/jenzzly?tab=repositories