User:CROIX/Ministries and agencies of the Antiguan and Barbudan government

The ministries of the government of Antigua and Barbuda are created by the prime minister. Parliamentary law creates government agencies and councils part of or independent of a ministry. The current prime minister as of 2023 is Gaston Browne. The most recent cabinet reshuffle was in January 2023 after the 2023 Antiguan general election.


  • Ministry of Finance, Corporate Governance & Public Private Partnerships
    • Office of the Prime Minister
    • Ministry of Finance Headquarters
    • Electoral Commission
    • Office of the Financial Secretary
    • Treasury Department
    • Inland Revenue Department
    • National Asset Management Company
    • Entreprenural Development Programme
    • General Post Office
    • Customs Department
    • Social Security Board
    • State Insurance Company
    • Financial Services Regulatory Commission
    • Directorate of Offshore Gaming
    • Defence Force
    • Office of the National Drug Control Policy
    • Port Authority
    • West Indies Oil Company
    • Corporatization Unit
    • Antigua and Barbuda Development Bank
    • Citizenship by Investment Unit
    • Antigua and Barbuda Ship & Yacht Registry
  • Ministry of Legal Affairs, Public Safety, Immigration and Labour
    • Office of the Attorney General
    • Immigration Headquarters
    • Department of the Legislature
    • Director of Public Prosecutions
    • Registrar & Provost Marshall
    • Supreme Court
    • Magistrates' Court
    • Industrial Court
    • Land and Commercial Registry
    • ABIPCO
    • Legal Aid Advice Centre
    • Caribbean Court of Justice
    • Government Printery
    • Police
    • Fire Brigade
    • National Drug Control
    • Prison
    • Special Investigations Unit
    • Department of Labour
    • National Labour Board
  • Ministry of Health, Wellness, Social Transformation and The Environment
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade & Barbuda Affairs
  • Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation & Investment
  • Ministry of Information Communication Technologies (ICT's), Utilities and Energy
  • Ministry of Housing, Works, Lands and Urban Renewal
  • Ministry of Education, Creative Industries & Sports

Independent agencies and other bodies

  • Governor General's Chancery
  • Cabinet Secretariate
  • Supreme Audit Institution of Antigua and Barbuda
  • Office of the Ombudsman
  • Establishment Department & Civil Service Affairs

