
From birth males and females are raised differently and experience different environments throughout their lives. In the eyes of society, gender has a huge role to play in many major milestones or characteristics in life; like personality.[1] Males and females are lead on different paths before they are able to choose their own. The color blue is most commonly associated with boys and they get toys like monster trucks or more sport related things to play with from the time that they are babies. Girls are more commonly introduced to the color pink, dolls, dresses, and playing house where they are taking care of the dolls as if they were children. The norm of blue is for boys and pink is for girls is cultural and has not always historically been around. These paths set by parents or other adult figures in the child's life set them on certain paths[2]. This leads to a difference in personality, career paths, or relationships. Throughout life males and females are seen as two very different species who have very different personalities and should stay on separate paths.[3]

  1. ^ Eliot, Lise. Pink Brain, Blue Brain.
  2. ^ Cordier, B (2012). "Gender, betwixt biology and society". European Journal Of Sexology And Sexual Health.
  3. ^ Brescoll, V (2013). "The effects of system-justifying motives on endorsement of essentialist explanations for gender differences". Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology.