
Parliament Square
HM Treasury
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Monument to the Women of World War II
Downing Street
Banqueting House, Whitehall
Palace of Whitehall
Horse Guards (building)
War Office
Admiralty House (London)
Drummonds Bank
Trafalgar Square
Keith Park
Nelson's Column
Canada House
Pall Mall Restaurant
High Commission of New Zealand in London
Crimean War Memorial
Athenaeum Club, London
Pall Mall, London
Reform Club
St. James's Square
Schomberg House
Royal Automobile Club
St. James's Palace
Carlton Club
St James's Street
The Wolseley
Piccadilly Arcade
Burlington House
Fortnum & Mason
Albany (London)
St James's Church, Piccadilly
St James's Hall
Simpsons of Piccadilly
Piccadilly Circus
Haymarket (London)
Haymarket Theatre
Her Majesty's Theatre
United University Club
National Gallery (London)
Admiralty Arch