Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1918-1919


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1919-1922


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1922-1927


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1927-1936


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1936-1939


For non-commissioned officers the rank insignia was still worn only on the epaulets. The cadre NCO's wore a distinct collar insignia, which was later worn by enlistees (värvätty). [1]

Some of the branch colors were already changed in 1937. All cavalry collar tabs had their backing and piping colors inverted due practical reasons. After this reform the backing color of all cavalry collar tabs was yellow. [2]

Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1939-1941


In the 1939 reform, the collar tabs shapes were changed to incorporate a branch colored border. The officer collar tabs were simplified with the golden edging removed, though spruces were now incorporated in the collar tab for all non-specialist officers. The chevrons of career NCO's were now moved to the collar, though this did not affect cadets, reservists or conscripts, whom used empty collar tabs.

According to the 1939 uniform regulations, the changes were to be done by 1st January 1940.[3] Although the changes to the insignia were ordered before the Winter War, they were often not applied in practice before the start of the hostilities. The older uniform articles m/22 and m/27 with their distinct rank insignia were also still in use with their own standing rank insignia regulations.[4]

The generals' collar tab piping color was unified with the other branches, this meant that the generals no longer wore golden piping and golden spruces on the collar.[5]

Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1941-1952


Changes incorporated


On 13th June, 1941, Field Marshal Mannerheim ordered reserve officer ranks to be discontinued and they were admitted active service ranks. The silver roses worn by reserve officers were replaced with their golden counterparts. Despite that, career officers could still be distinguished from the lion insignia worn on the epaulets, however wearing of the said insignia was discontinued in 1942.[6] On the same date the distinction between reserve NCO's and cadre NCO's was removed, however due the low availability of NCO collar tabs, the fulfillment of older regulations with rank displayed on epaulets was still allowed.[7]

One difference to the ranks moved to collar was the rank of korpraali. The rank was not displayed on the collar tab with a single chevron, but the older chevron on the epaulet. The previous NCO collar tab was incorporated for enlisted cadre personnel (värvätty mies), whilst single chevron in the collar tab signaled the rank of värvätty korpraali.[8]

The wartime realities meant that the usage of collar tabs was rather uncommon, especially among enlisted personnel. This meant that the enlisted personnel wore no collar tabs and non-commissioned officers wore their insignias as simple stripes in the epaulets. Officers often also wore their roses directly on the collar due threat of enemy snipers, similarly to the m/27 Uniform's regulations.[9]

Ground and Air Forces ranks


Branch Colors

Branch colors as worn on m/36 uniform, light jacket, hot-weather jacket and hat piping Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).
Branch / Unit Collar tab backing Collar tab piping Hat piping Trouser piping Trouser piping width
Generals According to branch According to branch According to branch According to branch 2
General Staff Officers Carmine Grey Carmine Carmine 3
Standard uniform Dark green Light grey Dark green Dark green 1
Infantry Dark green Light grey Dark green Dark green 1
Jaeger Units Dark green Yellow Dark green Dark green 4
Border Guard Dark green Orange Orange Dark green 4
Artillery, fortification artillery, anti-air forces Red Black Red Red 4
Cavalry Yellow Grey Yellow Yellow 4
Uusimaa Dragoon Regiment Yellow Dark blue Yellow Yellow 4
Häme Cavalry Regiment Yellow Dark red Yellow Yellow 4
Signals Squadron Yellow Violet Yellow Yellow 4
Pioneer forces Violet Grey Violet Violet 1
Signal forces Violet Yellow Violet Violet 1
Fortification forces (1944-) Violet Black Violet Violet 1
Armoured forces Black Orange Orange Black 4
Anti-tank units (1944-) Black Orange Orange Black 4
Field Bishop and Chaplains Black Grey Black Black 5
Coastal artillery Black Red Red Red 4
Aviation forces Light blue Black Light blue Light blue 1
Storages Light blue Light grey Light blue Light blue 1
Logistics forces Light blue Light grey Light blue Light blue 1
Hospitals and Pharmacies According to branch According to branch According to branch According to branch According to branch
Cadets Dark blue Yellow Dark blue Dark blue 6
Helsinki Garrison Band Dark blue Light grey Dark blue Dark blue 1
Oulu Garrison Band Dark red Grey Dark red Dark red 1

General Officers

Designation General Officers
Rank Jalkaväenkenraali / Ratsuväenkenraali / Tykistönkenraali Kenraaliluutnantti Kenraalimajuri
Notes and translations General of Infantry
(General Staff)
General of Cavalry
General of Artillery
Lieutenant General
(General Staff)
Major General
Collar insignia
as worn in M/36 Uniform
Shoulder strap
as worn in M/36 Uniform
Sleeve insignia
as worn in M/36 Overcoat


Designation Officers
Rank Eversti Everstiluutnantti Majuri Kapteeni / Ratsumestari Luutnantti Vänrikki / Kornetti
Notes and translations Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
Cavalry Captain
(Cavalry, URR)
2nd Lieutenant
Cornet (Cavalry)
(Cavalry, HRR)
Collar insignia
as worn in M/36 Uniform
Shoulder strap
as worn in M/36 Uniform
Sleeve insignia
as worn in M/36 Overcoat

Coastal Artillery Officers

Designation General Officers Officers
Rank Tykistönkenraali Kenraaliluutnantti Kenraalimajuri Eversti Everstiluutnantti Majuri Kapteeni Luutnantti Vänrikki
Notes and translations General of Artillery
Lieutenant General Major General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant
Collar insignia
as worn in M/36 Uniform
Shoulder strap
as worn in M/36 Uniform
Sleeve insignia
as worn in M/36 Overcoat
Designation Flag Officers Officers
Rank Amiraali Vara-amiraali Kontra-amiraali Kommodori Komentaja Komentajakapteeni Kapteeniluutnantti Luutnantti Aliluutnantti
Notes and translations Admiral
Vice-Admiral Rear-Admiral Commodore Commander Lieutenant Commander Captain-Lieutenant Lieutenant Sub-Lieutenant
Shoulder strap
as worn in M/30 hellepuku and overcoats
Sleeve insignia
as worn in M/30 kavaiji uniform




Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1952-1958


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1958-1962


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1962-1974


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1974-1984


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1984-1997


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 1997-2007


Finnish Military Ranks and Insignia 2007-



  1. ^ Palokangas 2000, p. 45.
  2. ^ Palokangas 2000, p. 45.
  3. ^ Puolustusministeriö 1939, p. 14.
  4. ^ Palokangas 2000, p. 49.
  5. ^ Puolustusministeriö 1939, p. 13.
  6. ^ Palokangas 2000, p. 54-55.
  7. ^ Puolustusministeriö 1942, p. 19.
  8. ^ Puolustusministeriö 1942, p. 20-21.
  9. ^


  • Puolustusministeriö (1936). Kenttäpuku m/36 sekä sotilasvirkamiesten ja erikoismestarien ammattimerkit: Intendenttiosaston kiertokirje n:o 40/36. Int. 2."
  • Puolustusministeriö (1937). "Kenttäpuku m/36 ja sadetakki m/36."
  • Puolustusministeriö (1938). "Muutoksia ja lisäyksiä valtakunnan puolustusvoimien virkapukuohjesääntöön."
  • Puolustusministeriö (1939). "Kevyt takki : helletakki, kesälakki, olkainnauha, öljytakki ja lakinsuojus. Kauluslaatat asetakissa m/36, erinäiset arvomerkit."
  • Päämajan intendenttiosasto (1942). "Vuonna 1936 ja sen jälkeen vahvistetut puolustuslaitoksen henkilökunnan virkapukumääräykset".
  • Aarniaho, P. (1996). "Kaluunat ja rähinäremmit: Itsenäisen Suomen virkapuvut ja arvomerkit 1918-1945." Ase-lehti.
  • Leino, P., & Kuusela, K. (1998). "Asepuku m/36: vuosina 1936-1945." Wiking-divisioona.
  • Palokangas, M. (2000). "Itsenäisen suomen sotilasarvot ja -arvomerkit: Suomen maavoimien sotilasarvojärjestelmä ja arvoasteiden merkitsemistavat vuosina 1917-2000: with an English summary." Apali.