Early Life and Education

Annabelle Huang started her life in China, where she was very studious and was considered to be a top student in her high school STEM classes. As she grew older she developed a passion for mathematics which eventually led her to take classes at Carnegie Melon University, where she also earned high honor roll. During her college years, she began to grow an interest in finance and blockchain, which is considered to be the start of her path to becoming a pioneer in the blockchain and finance space.

Innovation She Created

Annabelle Huang took the digital world by storm with her ideas and intelligence. Her main focus was on the blockchain and its potential uses in the finance world. With the revolutionary tool at her disposal, she was able to create a fair and transparent finance space with the creation of Airswap trading platform. This included people being able to engage in person-to-person transactions without banking companies involved in the blockchain. This allowed her to get closer to her goal of inclusivity and empowerment, where people won't be taken advantage of by the banking system. Overall Airswap allows for clear and transparent trading that takes down financial barriers for many traders. It allows people of all backgrounds to manage their finances with confidence and without the worry of being taken advantage of.

Pain Points

Annabelle Huang went on a mission in order to address many issues that people experience inside the traditional finance systems. She was able to recognize the inefficiencies and inequalities in the systems, that would lead to some individuals being disadvantaged when attempting to participate in finance and the economy. At the center of her innovation is the commitment to level the playing field in the trading space and finance systems. Annabelle Huang addressed that many of the big bank monopolies have a tight grip on financial transactions, with overpriced fees and long processing times. These issues unfairly harm unfortunate communities making these communities financially disadvantaged and marginalized. Due to the underserved communities being taken advantage of or ignored in the financial space, the communities are led to have reduced access to the global economies compared to others.

How Her Innovation Affected Society

Overall Airswap benefits society in many ways. The first is that it improves financial inclusion globally. Airswap provides the opportunity to have an alternative instead of the traditional banking system. The solution created through the blockchain allows disadvantaged people in underrepresented communities to have access to essential financial services. This allows everyone, no matter their background, can have the ability to participate in the economy. Second, is that it provides empowerment for many individuals. Airswap allows for person-to-person transactions without the involvement of banking systems, reducing the dependency people have on the banking system. Lastly is that Airswap provides transparency in the finance space. Airswap is able to record transactions and ensures that all the pieces of information are accessible and clear for everyone involved in the transaction. This will overall reduce the chances of getting scammed or manipulated in the financial space.

[1]“Amber Group’s Huang on Business Strategy, Crypto.” Www.bloomberg.com, 14 Apr. 2023, www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2023-04-14/amber-group-s-huang-on-business-strategy-crypto-video. Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.

[2]“Annabelle Huang: Leading a $3bn Company at 30 Years Old! | E58.” Www.youtube.com, 20 May 2022, www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX7QGk1-znA. Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.

[3]“The Amber Ascent: In Conversation with Cryptocurrency Maven, Annabelle Huang - Brave New Coin.” Bravenewcoin.com, 31 Oct. 2023, bravenewcoin.com/insights/the-amber-ascent-in-conversation-with-cryptocurrency-maven-annabelle-huang. Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.

[4]“Women Innovators Continuing to Change the World | McKinsey.” Www.mckinsey.com, 20 Mar. 2022, www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/women-innovators.

[5]Google.com, 2024, www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dqc7v0y3Gdug&ved=2ahUKEwjzqPnNj76FAxUaFlkFHQdyAg0QwqsBegQIEBAG&usg=AOvVaw1a9xN0prKZCcq7V3y_dlAb. Accessed 13 Apr. 2024.