User:Centralismo/Userboxes about me

(I have move political stuff about me to other pages!!!)

Technical infoboxes about me

 This user contributes using Adobe Illustrator.
 This user is ADDICTED to userboxes and keeps adding more to their page.
 This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues.
 This user does not allow personal bias to interfere in any way with their actions within the encyclopedia.
Infoboxes that are made by me, and apply to me!
 This user respectfully disagrees on the "no controversy" opinion, and believes that controversial topics should be listed in a userbox, as it's good to be unique (in my opinion!)
 Yes, I love to procrastinate by adding things to Wikipedia, mostly Wikimedia Commons!

Describing myself!

Infoboxes I use to describe myself!
 This user is transgender.
 This user is transfeminine.
sheThis user's pronouns are she/her/hers.
 This user is queer.
 This user identifies as bisexual.
 This user is a socialist, and is disgusted by this regressive societal system, that places corporate greed and profitability above human life, the environment and the collective well being of society.
 This user supports the independence of any nation that wants it.


My mental health, which affects my mood!
 This user believes that all procrastinators (himself included) need to unite and take over the world... tomorrow.
OCDThis user lives with obsessive–compulsive disorder.
!!!This user has a phobia of Loud suprising noises.
ADHDThis user has ADHD.
 This user has

This user has atypical depression.

My interests!

Every single userbox that describes me!
 This user is interested in drama and acting.
Userbox category 1: Wikipedia!
 This user thinks you can learn a lot by editing an Encyclopedia.
 This user is not a prose nazi and sees no problem with a list or a table being on an article.
WThis user prefers to
make cosmetic edits to Wikipedia.
IdThis user is an expert in Field
Extra information!
 This user has been on wikipedia since the dawn of time.13.7B
 This user has taken and uploaded  1 images to Wikipedia and Commons.

 This user is a sockpuppet... literally.
 This user is an advocate of open research and open access.
 This user is proud to be a Wikipedian.
 Kaboom!! Oh, that was just this user obliterating vandals, nothing to worry about. Except if you're the vandal.[Humor]
  This user is opposed to online censorship.
 This user is a WikiSloth.
 This user is a participant in
WikiProject Transport.
 This user thinks fair use images should be allowed in userboxes. 
Userbox category 2: My interests! (non-controversial!)
 This Wikipedian loves horses.
 This user is interested in drama and acting.
  This user drops a load when they see a Nissan Skyline.
SQThis user's favorite airline is Singapore Airlines. 
 This user believes bicycle helmets have their place, but Mandatory Helmet Laws have not improved cycling safety. 
 This user enjoys chess.
XDThis user is interested in comedy, and may enjoy writing or performing it.
DHMOThis user drinks plenty of dihydrogen monoxide.
 This user drinks milk.
 This user imbibes caffeine daily.
 This user drinks Earl Grey tea.
 This user likes sex, drugs,
rock 'n' roll, and manga.
 This user likes to eat chicken parmesan.
 This user eats way too much Quiche
 This user enjoys pho- phở from Vietnam.
 This user loves paella.
 This user does not eat fish. Ever.
 This user strongly believes pigs die for a cause.
 This user is a carnivore.
 This userbox is flavoured like Cinnamon! Great on an apple crumble! Make up some cool new flavours of your own!
 This user totally enjoys Philippine cuisine
 This user loves
Dim Sum
 This user loves
Greek cuisine
 This user loves
Indonesian cuisine!
This user loves
Chinese cuisine.
This user likes Mexican food
 This user loves
Indian cuisine.
 This user loves
Japanese cuisine.
 This user loves Turkish food.
 This user totally enjoys Italian cuisine
 This user likes
Spanish Food
 This user loves
Vietnamese food
 This user enjoys playing Sudoku.
  This user likes to do crossword puzzles.
Murder... This user thinks that murders go wonderfully with dinner.
 Monopoly This user enjoys playing Monopoly.
 This user is interested in
alternate history.

 This user is interested in
ghost towns.
-- --- .-. ... .This user knows Morse Code.
rvb This user is a Red vs. Blue fanatic.
  This user is a proud contributor to Uncyclopedia.
FandomThis user spends time on Fandom.
 This user is interested in law.
 This user knows that real monkeys lack the randomness required to type Shakespeare, but still understands the concept of infinity.
This user loves sunny days

And more?
