Hello, my name is Chloe. I am from a small Alaskan fishing village located in the Aleutian islands. The island I grew up on is called Sand Point, Alaska. Growing up in such a remote place has made me very resourceful. I learned how to do labor intensive jobs, such as construction. I am an Aleut, or in my native language Unangan, I love being involved in my culture and the native ways. Although I can not speak the language, I can sing songs and have learned some words. Being from such a remote place, having a homestead life is essential. Living in Sand Point, my daily life included going fishing for trout, salmon, and halibut. I also picked berries all summer to make jam and jelly for the winter. My hobbies include anything involving the outdoors such as hunting and fishing, hiking, running, and adventuring. Anything that involves me being outside brings me joy. I also love cooking, and preservation cooking techniques such as smoking, kippering, drying, and pickling salmon. I am a firm believer in God, and I love being a Christian and serving the Lord. Traveling is a big part of my life, I have been to seven different countries throughout Europe, I still dream of traveling to New Zealand and Australia.

Article Critique

I visited the Sand Point, Alaska page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: it's fishing industry, it's lack of up to date information on business and shopping, and also its lack of a link to Wikipedia's Aleutians East Borough, Alaska page.

Fishing Industry

When reading about the commercial fishing industry in Alaska on Wikipedia's pages I noticed a lack of history and information at the start of the page. However, Wikipedia does mention in great detail the personnel required to run a commercial fishing vessel. With that being said, I know that there is five jobs that are needed to make a good set. The captain to steer the boat, skiff man to drag the net, cork stacker, web, and lead man to do the rest on board. This is not mentioned in depth on the page, but it could be greatly improved by additional information on the personnel of a commercial fishing vessel.

Business and Shopping

The information underneath this section of the page is not up to date. Having lived in Sand Point, Alaska for 18 years, I can say from personal experience that there is two major grocery stores and one toy store. Also some of the information is misleading, and does not give reliable sources. I would be beneficial to add more current information about the economy of Sand Point.

Aleutians East Borough, Alaska

The school district I grew up in is part of the Aleutians East Borough. Sand Point school is important to the community of Sand Point, it is the only school on the island, that teaches K-12th grade. Surprisingly, there is no mention of this on the Aleutians East Borough, Alaska page. I feel that the inclusion of this information to the page would make the page more reliable.


In general I would conclude that this page is all around outdated. The information that is given is old and unreliable. There is few cited sources regarding the community itself. The section titled "Education" in particular is very outdated, and contains misleading information. It also does not have any links to further your research. However the demographics, and climate and description are well done, with many links that are reliable. Living in the Aleutian Islands, commercial fishing, economic growth, and educational environment are some the most important aspects of life for the people who live there. It is important to depict a an accurate representation of the community. Chloegardner1 (talk) 20:38, 25 January 2017 (UTC)