Toasty Souls (of the Damned)


Toasty Souls is the CEO and founder of Toasty Corporations (often shortened to Toasty Co). He is an ageless being consisting of an array of souls harbored into a single entity. However, his most prominent personality stems from the soul that demonstrates an aptitude for business and communications. This soul is described by many as being charismatic, rational, eccentric, and forward thinking in terms of furthering his company’s productivity, trade, and reputation. He is also a skilled negotiator and excels at settling conflict that may arise within or outside the company.



Toasty (his preferred title among close friends and his employees) is a gangly, bony framed humanoid. Depending on his current location of business, he varies in height, but many put him between 7-9 feet tall. His skin is always a stark coal color, and he’s rarely seen without his trademark goatee. Some physical manifestations have him outfitted in a black suit with red pinstripes and a red silk tie. He has been known to wear alternate outfits throughout his career, including an array of armor types from ARK: Survival Evolved and Minecraft. His hair color also varies, ranging from fully dark red to black with streaks of red. Another noteworthy trait is his disproportionately large hands. Occasionally he can also be seen as having glowing red eyes. This doesn’t mean he’s angry however, even though the fact remains that if someone has glowing eyes, they are most likely evil. Toasty also has been noted as smelling of sulfur, steak sauce, rotten flesh, ranch dressing, garlic, and butterscotch.



Despite being a vessel for an array of demonic souls, Toasty is not an evil aligned being. There are instances of Toasty becoming genuinely frustrated and aggravated, but never malicious or cruel. He aims to treat all his employees with respect and fairness, except Token of the Black, who is considered to be subhuman farming equipment by written terms, but Toasty is rather cordial towards him compared to other employees, namely Killroy Memelord of Southside Trading Company. Toasty values those in his company who strive to work hard for their rewards and who display the primary objectives of the company. He is often changing the ranking of employees based on their most recent gains and losses, giving promotions out and taking them away rather quickly. This does not mean he enjoys demotions or giving an employee a talking to. Toasty’s ability to think rationally and remain in a business mindset while maintaining mutual respect allows him to share close bonds with employees. However, other manifestations of Toasty’s souls include a rather morally questionable mad scientist persona. This soul reacts most to Toasty being in his secret lab, where many twisted tests and thorough examinations of specimens occur. This persona can also manifest outside the lab, though much less. The change of personas to the “mad scientist” occurs when Toasty witnesses something out of the biological norm, an unnaturally morbid occurrence, or a display of scientific aptitude from another individual. However, this soul doesn’t manifest for long, and is usually replaced by his genial business persona. Other souls that manifest in Toasty require more observation. Any anomalies in either currently known personalities are to be documented and filed under Toasty Souls of the Damned. Further identification of the other souls require cross examination of these traits to clearly identify another soul type.



• Toasty owns 4 pee pee cats.

• Toasty’s favorite colors are blackest black and blood red.

• Toasty cannot resist a good, flavorful sauce.

• A pet peeve of Toasty’s is hypocrisy, people interrupting him, and things being disorganized.

• Toasty’s favorite pastime is reading.

• Toasty is a talented pinball wizard.

• Toasty dislikes fruit based desserts

• Toasty cannot seem to figure out how to work the coffee machine in the break room. Each occurrence of him attempting to do so results in a smashed coffee machine. The company had to purchase 36 new coffee machines in the last quarter.

• Toasty has to be reminded to eat or else he passes out frequently.

• A great influence of Toasty’s is the esteemed author H.P. Lovecraft, whom Toasty mentions frequently as an “aesthetic inspiration”.

• Toasty is a very talented cook, and loves to create new flavors. He’s also fond of spicy food even though it makes him fart quite violently.

• Toasty’s bowels are home to a many eyed frog, which is simply referred to as “The Frog”. It is unknown as to why it has made a home inside Toasty. It is he who causes the farts when angered.