This is my sandbox

to be bold

Many students were fluent in their Aboriginal languages when they first entered residential schools.  Despite the fact that many of them had little or even no understanding of English or French, teachers made no exception for beginners and prohibited the use of Aboriginal languages.  Many survivors recalled being strapped for speaking Aboriginal languages, some students were even forced to eat soap because native languages were considered as dirty and evil. 

Although encouragement was given by some schools to keep the languages alive, many students could no longer speak their languages when they left schools due to years of forbiddance.  Nonetheless, traditional activities and spiritual practices, such as the Sun Dance were also banned from participation. Aboriginal values and beliefs were disrespected and humiliated, some survivors even felt ashamed for being Aboriginal as their identities were considered as ugly and dirty.

The residential school system had a lasting and adverse effect on the transmission of Aboriginal culture from one generation to the next.

