Updated Power predictions for Book IV: Force and Book V: Influence

In the recent episodes of Power Book IV:Influence. We’ve seen the return of Liliana, Tommy thought she was sent to kill him so he tracked her down and almost killed her. But now they seem to work together in Chicago. They also mention Ghost in the conversation. Tommy told Liliana that he’s dead but watching the clip, you can get the sense of them teasing a potential Ghost return, who knows. We also seen the secret stash that Liliana had and they packed good had a card in it just like what the Jimenez cartel had in the original Power series. Maybe somebody form the Jimenez crew is back in the game, but again who really knows as both Diego and Alicia were killed off anyway. The reason why this could be big is that, since a couple of things were brought up in this past episode(episode 3). You can’t close the door on more names and more people being seen from the original series. This can also play a part into Power Book V: Influence as we can probably hear something about Tommy’s cousin Mikey. At the moment in Force, Tommy wants no part with New York and that’ll be a challenge for Mikey to get ahold of him.

In regards to Book V: Influence, we’ve been updated on the progress of the shows completion and Book V: Influence is fifty percent complete which is fantastic news for the Power Universe. Thanks to Starz and a couple of cast members, we will also be receiving a trailer soon. Maybe the trailer will release after Force or maybe during the time of Raising Kanan. It’s definitely something the look for due to all the shows being lined up for TV time. It seems that Book II: Ghost is from November to January or February, Book IV: Force is probably now going to be from February to about April then Book III: Raising Kanan takes the summer, it seems like maybe Book V takes April/May to July before Book III or it’ll take September to November, we will see hopefully soon in the trailer or hear more about it in the next couple weeks.

All we can do is just pay attention to detail as Force is reaching its mid season finale in 2 weeks. Let’s see if we hear more from Ghost or Mikey.