Freedom Radio Liberia


Freedom Radio Liberia (Founded November 16, 2006) is the Broadcasting System of Freedom Communications Incorporated with the vision and mission to inform, educate & entertain the public about happenings in Liberia and its surroundings. The Radio Frequency is 87.9, covering nine counties in Liberia. It is the most popular Radio Station in Liberia and the second station with the widest converge after the State Radio ELBC in Liberia.

Freedom Radio Liberia is owned by Old Man Sam Sanyon a Liberian Businessman and is managed by Abraham Whymah Wheon, a veteran Liberian Journalist who is a 2019 Graduate of the International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) haven successfully participated in the Project: Road Safety in Africa and the CEO of Traffic and Road Safety Network of Liberia (TARSNOL)