Christus Miderho holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture (Crop Science) from Catholic University of Bukavu since 2015. From 2016 to 2018, he joined the same university as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture. He obtained a scholarship from University of Bukavu and KULeuven to pursue his MSc Studies in Food Safety and Quality at the University of Nairobi (Kenya), and is currently enrolled in this program.

He has received training in Food Security, Agro-ecology, GIS-Remote Sensing and Research Design and Methodology, all of which helped him participate in several collaborative research projects. Currently, he is working as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture, University Notre Dame de Tanganyika (UNDT) and many other universities in Bukavu, South Kivu, DRC.

Christus has also worked for NGOs. He was the Country Focal point of African ICT Foundation in Kenya and a Project Assistant with several NGOs in South Kivu, DRC.