Faith without work is dead

No one underrates the words of the man who is on top via Faith.


in life, one key to making perpetual impact and being relevant is stepping up. take this for an example, if someone who is standing on the roof top of a big storey building and another one who is standing on the ground floor of the same building decide to shout at the top of their voices, which of these two persons’ voice can be easily heard? Definitely, the person on the rooftop will be heard faster than the person on the ground floor.

That is how it is in life. If you are in a position of authority or God places you on top in your career or field of endeavour, your voice can be easily heard. If you display unusual expertise and excellence in everything you do, then you are a voice that must be heard. inorder words, faith without works is dead

When you come to a point of becoming a generational commander, role model, an opinion leader, a pacesetter or a front liner, you cannot be silenced; nobody can look at you and ignore what you have to say. Nobody will take your words for granted. The fact is, no one underrates the words of the man who is on top. One reason authority gives voice and influence is that it breaks down prejudice, racisms, sexisms or favouritisms. Beloved, you are stepping into a position of authority and influence today in the Name of Jesus. Remember this: No one underrates the words of the man who is on top.