Welcome to my user profile! Here I describe my knowledge and interests in their order of importance to me.
- I explore and learn about music daily from diverse sources.
- I have actively studied music performance for most of my adult life. For example
- I hold a master's degree in cello🎻 performance from Northwestern University's Bienen School of Music;
- I am a student of the last member of Timofei Dokschitzer's trumpet performance class🎺.
- I hold a master's degree in physics from Harvard University, where I studied theoretical condensed matter physics.
- I hold a master's degree in electrical engineering from MIT.
- I have spent most of my professional career as a business strategy and operations consultant.
- I have researched best practices in the corporate management of technology at Harvard Business School.
- I have a master's degree in business administration from the MIT Sloan School of Management.
I maintain broad (not deep 😉) interests in other fields📚.