My theory regarding the universe shape and structure

If you take the big bang theory further and allow for multiple big bangs then the shape of the universe becomes a similar to a lumpy piece of sponge

This is due to the nature of the explosions changing pressure therefore pressure determines the universe that we live in

There must be many universes all defined by pressure hence white holes and black holes in areas where the curtain between the different universes tear

When a cutain tears this in turn creates a vacuum on one side of the curtain the high pressure side of the curtain views a black hole the low pressure side see's a white hole

Therefore as the universe we live in expands and flexes with neighbouring universes we see both black and white holes

Black holes it is excepted compress matter and light

White holes decompress matter and light causing high intensity light and nuclear fission as the matter decompresses

It is in theory possible to map our universe by mapping each white hole and black hole as these represent the extremity of our own universe

There are many universes and we may never know where ours is relative to the first big bang