Hello, I'm Chris Fullmer. My website and portfolio can be found at www.chrisfullmer.com. I also run the Sketchup Wiki at www.SUWiki.org. I'm 28, a graduate of Landscape Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona. I'm on my way to UC Berkeley (Cal) to get my Masters Degree, also in Landscape Architecture.

thx chris. used the foto for my landscape urbanism course at ucb. -:)

Hi Chris, Writing a paper on Heizer and used your photo as source material. ThanksĀ :)

Hello, thanks for this picture which I'm using to illustrate a talk on Land Art in Cardigan, Wales.

Hello, thanks for sharing your picture. I am gonna use it for the precedent analysis in my architectural studio in the University of Southern California.

Hi Chris, thanks for your picture which will by used to illustrate an Italian school book published by Giunti Editore. Best regards, Ilaria Del Secco Cappelli

Hi Chris, thanks for your image. I'll be using it in an article that will appear in the academic journal ELN, out of Boulder Colorado. I'll also show it during my talk out there this coming April 2016. Best Regards, Orrin Wang/University of Maryland.