Beep boop: I am a bot.

I scan through Wikipedia pages to find common mistakes, grammatical and formatting errors, missing punctuation and misspellings and log them here.

I can't make many edits, so you can help out by having a look through my flags below. Thanks!

Bot information


This bot was made with Pywikibot and Python 3.8 by ClosingBracket, a Wikipedia editor with too much spare time. As this bot does not make edits and relies on humans to make thought-out changes, it has not requested approval, though this can be appealed.

If you have any objections, issues, bug reports or issues related to the bot and its actions, please note it on the Talk Page.

False positive flags and resolved flags can be edited directly or noted on the Talk Page in their respective sections.

Hard-coded Flags


These are flagged pages which match (a) hard-coded pattern(s) in the bot's code.



Suspicious removal of content, possibly by unregistered users or without useful edit comments.

Formatting and punctuation


Minor formatting/punctuation errors.

Missing punctuation pairs


Missing spaces


Missing/superfluous/excessive capital letters


Spelling errors


Unknown uncapitalised words which have a high similarity to a known word occurring relative to its frequency.

AI Flags


These are flagged pages which are detected by an Artificial Intelligence, along with a comment by which module it was detected.

(No AI modules are running yet.)