About me


I'm a student from Washington. I'm currently on the path to getting my associates in Psychology, but in all honesty, I'm keeping an open mind on my future career. In my spare time, I like to listen to music, read, and play and watch sports. With the time given in quarantine, I've also been more active in the kitchen. I enjoy experimenting with new recipes, and since there are benefits of plant-based eating, I've been trying to become more familiar with it. For example, reducing the amount of meat we eat helps with lowering greenhouse emissions, conserving water, and much more. [1]

My Wikipedia interests


Wikipedia is most certainly helpful and one of the easier sites to navigate, but I hope to become more comfortable with it, especially as a contributor. As a common user of Wikipedia, I find the site very interesting. I hope to be able to provide information, correct grammar issues, and whatever else I fall upon to be of help just like other contributors here. As an active user, I'll be able to not only add to other pages, but to my own. I'm looking forward to learning from others, and how I can improve on my own writing.

Article Evaluation


One of my favorite cities to visit in Washington state is Bellingham. It's a cozy and friendly town, and the drive up north isn't as overwhelming as driving south. There are multiple local shops, amazing cafes, beautiful parks, breathtaking Mount Baker, the town attracts a lot of tourists. It's a great place for a weekend getaway. I visited the Bellingham article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: how recent the article is, viewpoints and the content, and grammatical issues.

Recent activity


At the top of the Bellingham article, the page features a decently sized contents list. I figured the article would be kept up to date with how much content it advertised. When I checked the date for when it was last updated, it read "16 October 2021, at 14:59" so it is fairly up to date. To further investigate, I went through the "Notes" section and looked at the article dates. There are some articles that date years back, but there are also ones that are more recent.

Viewpoints and content


As I mentioned earlier, the article has many sections within it. It was one of the first things I noticed about the page. Though, some sections are filled with information, both historical and present day, while some lack a bit of background. For example, the section "Beer" talks about the importance of the brewing industry in Bellingham but does not feature any names of the successful companies or breweries. It mentions how it's a growing industry in Bellingham, but is a very short section in comparison to the others.

Grammatical issues


The article is well constructed and formatted but it does feature some grammar mistakes. In the section under "Future development" it highlights a picture of tents from the homeless posted around Bellingham's City Hall, and in the photo caption it has a grammatical error. The word "around" is misspelled. Besides this error, the article doesn't feature too many grammatical errors.



The article overall is well put together, and covered many subjects. My thesis statement helped me target and evaluate what the article lacks, and gave me guidance to break it down. Focusing on the questions while examining the article helped me navigate and determine the quality of the article better. Although the article itself is quite long, there were still some issues in certain areas. It's well written, very informational, but some areas lacked description.


  1. ^ "Plant-based diets promote planetary health". Oceanic Preservation Society. Retrieved 26 Sep 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)