

KEVIN L. PRATT is a vagabond of life. He walks and never knows where he’ll end up. He was born in Decatur, GA. He grew up a country boy out in Covington, GA (dirt roads!) and spent most of his childhood playing in the woods. Then he discovered books at around age seven and any chance that he would not end up a complete geek was gone. Being an avid reader throughout, Kevin also threw himself into arts and crafts, computers, and theater.

He has a strong background in graphic design and photography which he hopes to make a career out of. He has also volunteered in the public sector and cares deeply about the issues of the day and tries to keep on top of the world’s news. He is still trying to finish his first degree (decisions are so hard) after taking a break to work in the private (read Quiktrip) sector.

Kevin was drawn to podcasting because he feels that it will be an awesome way to use everything that he’s learned. He is really enjoying it already which is ironic considering he has been hard of hearing from birth.

He returned to school at Clayton State University where he was Editor-in-Chief of the student newspaper, The Bent Tree. He is also the layout editor for the 2007 edition of The Cygnet, the student arts and literature magazine.

He is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Communications at Georgia State University and is specializing in Critical Theory.



alienEthOS: The Ethics of Sci-fi


I am the host for this podcast.

alienEthOS: The Ethics of Sci-fi, where we examine the ethical issues in science fiction movies, TV shows, books and comics and how they relate to our lives.

My contributions




Major Edits


Strike-through text