My Politics


I am a communist who does not subscribe to any specific tendency, but will draw ideas that I like from other tendencies. I am also anti-nationalist and am thoroughly disgusted by the US's and modern China's attitude towards...much of anything. It's more of a knee-jerk reaction anymore.

My Interests


I enjoy reading, writing, music, and the politics of one-party states. I am extremely fascinated by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), the People's Republic of China, and other such nations. I also enjoy vexillology (study of flags) and design flags in my free time sometimes.

The Republic of Vlastia


I am the Prime Minister of the Republic of Vlastia, the Chairman of the Communist Party of Vlastia, and the Grand Marshal of the Vlastian Revolutionary Army. Vlastia is a one-party state under the Communist Party, and we totally rock your socks.