This user comes from Ukraine.
This user is Catholic.
This user supports Ukraine's membership in NATO
This user does not support Ukrainian membership of the European Union.
This user supports the Maidan.
This user is of
Ukrainian ancestry.
This user is of
Serbian ancestry.
This user supports the complete and swift demilitarization of Russia.
The toppling of the Statue of Lenin in Kharkiv, on 28 September 2014.This user supports Ukraine's decommunization.
This user knows civility is policy on Wikipedia and tries always to operate within behavioral guidelines.
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.
This user believes in civility and assuming good faith.
This user is opposed to communism in both theory and practice.
This user is highly against nazism.
RIGHTThis user politically leans right-wing.
This user identifies as a Nationalist.
This user is a political conservative.
This user believes that the Republic of China is a legitimate nation.
This user believes that Taiwan and China should be united into a single, democratic country, The Republic of China.
This user supports the independence of East Turkestan.
This user supports democracy in Belarus.
This user believes in the peaceful reunification of North and South Korea under one government.
This user thinks Hong Kong is better off as a independent city-state or reverting to an overseas territory.





Veni, vidi, vici

Wer die Jugend hat, hat die Zukunft

List of countries I have visited/am visiting
