Current En.Wiki version (Start edit here)

Chief Rider Georg Wahl on Conversano Capriola in the Levade

Georg Wahl (born February 21, 1920 in Kosel, Upper Silesia) was Chief Rider at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna and is a dressage instructor, rider and trainer. He is also known as the coach and trainer of Swiss Olympic medalist Christine Stückelberger.

He grew up at the Kosel Stud, where his father was a trainer of coach horses. Wahl learned to ride at an early age, mainly bareback.[1]

In 1939, Wahl joined the cavalry of the Wehrmacht, where he was under the command of Hans-Joachim Köhler from Verden. Köhler, who later became known worldwide as an expert in the field of horse training, organised a dressage competition for his troops to improve their morale. Held only 20 km behind the front lines, Wahl showed himself to be the best of the riders present. Alois Podhajsky happened to attend this competition, and in 1940, Podhajsky recruited Wahl to the Spanish Riding School.[1] Because Wahl possessed extraordinary talent and feeling for horses, advanced quickly at the school and within a very short time, participated in the School's public performances.[citation needed] From 1938 until 1944 he served as a Rider (Bereiter) at the School.[2]

After a brief period of time away from the School in 1944 to serve at the Russian front in Hungary,[3]and a brief wartime imprisonment,[2] he returned to the Spanish Riding School.

On one of the Tours of the School in Switzerland, Wahl met Fredy Knie, of the famed Circus Knie and left the School in 1951 to work for Knie.[1][4] For two years, Knie and Wahl performed a widely-known Pas de Deux exhibition. In 1955 Wahl took over the Community Riding School (Stadtreitschule) in Bern, Switzerland where he first met Christine Stückelberger.[1]

Riding the Courbette

In 1967 Hans Handler, who succeeded Podhajsky as director of the Spanish Riding School, rehired Wahl, promoting him to Chief Rider (Oberbereiter),[citation needed] where he remained until 1971.[1]

Upon his return to Switzerland in 1971, Wahl devoted himself to the training and promotion of Stückelberger and her Holsteiner gelding Granat.[1] Wahl and Stückelberger eventually became life partners.[2][1] The horse and rider team of Stückelberger and Granat made dressage history as the most successful performers in international Dressage competition for the nation of Switzerland. They won team silver at the Dressage World Cup in Copenhagen 1974, individual gold at the 1975 European Dressage Championships, and an Equestrian individual gold at the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Following their Olympic win, they took gold again at the 1977 European Dressage Championships and at the 1978 Dressage World Championships in Goodwood.[2]

Georg Wahl was married twice. He and his first wife, Maria, had four children. He also has two daughters from a second marriage. Today, he and Stückelberger currently live in Kirchberg near St. Gallen.[citation needed] He also remains committed to the classical theory of dressage, and values the preservation and dissemination of classical horsemanship.[3]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Ludwig, "Georg Wahl was 90"
  2. ^ a b c d Eurodressage FOCUS, "Georg Wahl, 80 years old"
  3. ^ a b "Georg Wahl geehrt"
  4. ^ Eurodressage, "Georg Wahl Clinic"


  • "Eurodressage F.O.C.U.S.: Georg Wahl, 80 years old". Eurodressage News. 2000. Retrieved March 12, 2010.
  • "Eurodressage F.O.C.U.S.:George Wahl Clinic in De Steppe". Eurodressage News. 1999. Retrieved March 12, 2010.
  • Ludwig, Dieter (February 21, 2010). "Dressur-Meistercoach Georg Wahl wurde 90 Jahre alt (Dressage champion coach George Wahl was 90 years old)". Ludwigs Pferdewelten - die informative Online-Zeitung für Pferdesport (Ludwig's Horse World - the informative online newspaper for Equestrian Sport). Retrieved March 14, 2010.
  • "Georg Wahl geehrt (Georg Wahl Honored)". Pferde revue–Das österreichische Pferdemagazin (Horse Review - The Austrian Horse Magazine). 2006. Retrieved March 14, 2010.


Current German version


Georg Wahl (* 21. Februar 1920 in Cosel (Oberschlesien) ist ein Dressurreiter und -trainer. Auf dem Gestüt Kosel, auf dem Wahl geboren ist und auf dem sein Vater als Fahrlehrer arbeitete, lernte er, meistens ohne Sattel, reiten. 1939 wurde er zur Kavallerie der Wehrmacht eingezogen, dort hatte er als Vorgesetzten den später weltweit bekannten Pferdefachmann Hans-Joachim Köhler aus Verden. Köhler veranstaltete zur Abwechslung für seine Soldaten 20 km hinter der Front ein Dressurturnier, in dem Wahl der Beste war. Anwesend bei diesem Turnier war auch Alois Podhajsky, der Wahl ein Jahr später an die Spanische Hofreitschule holte. Durch sein aussergewöhnliches Talent und Gespür für Pferde durfte Wahl schon in jungen Jahren an den Vorstellungen teilnehmen. Nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt an der Front in Ungarn, kehrte er an die Hofreitschule zurück. Auf einer der Tourneen der Spanischen Hofreitschule in die Schweiz lernte Wahl Fredy Knie kennen. Wahl ging 1951 zum Zirkus Knie und arbeitete dort zwei Jahre. Mit Fredy Knie ritt Wahl ein viel beachtetes Pas de Deux. 1955 übernahm Wahl die Stadtreitschule in Bern. Dort lernte er Christine Stückelberger kennen. 1967 holte Hans Handler ihn wieder als Oberbereiter an die Hofreitschule zurück. Wahl ging 1971 mit seiner äußerst erfolgreichen Schülerin Christine Stückelberger wieder in die Schweiz und lebt heute in Kirchberg bei St. Gallen. Wahl widmete sich ganz der Förderung seiner Schülerin Stückelberger und ihres damaligen Spitzenpferdes Granat - ein Paar, das Dressurgeschichte geschrieben hat. Nach Mannschaftssilber bei der Dressur-WM in Kopenhagen 1974 folgte 1975 EM-Gold in der Einzelwertung und 1976 schließlich Olympia-Gold im Einzelbewerb, 1977 abermals EM-Gold und 1978 WM-Gold in Goodwood. Georg Wahl war zwei mal verheiratet. Mit seiner ersten Frau, Maria Wahl hatte er vier Kinder, zwei weitere Töchter folgten aus der nächsten Ehe. Weblinks [Bearbeiten]

Pferderevue – Georg Wahl geehrt Eurodressage News – Georg Wahl (engl.) Ludwigs Pferdewelten – Dressur-Meistercoach Georg Wahl wurde 90 Jahre alt (21. Februar 2010)



Google mishmash of German version (funniest one yet!)


Georg election (Wahlen/Wahl! LOL!) ( (February 21 1920 in Upper Silesia [1]) is a dressage rider and trainer. He was the son of a coach (probably "coachman?" A driver??) for coach horses. 17-year-old he went to the German cavalry to East Prussia. Alois Podhajsky brought him to the Spanish Riding School where he served from 1940 to 1951 worked as a heater (rider?). Through his extraordinary talent and flair for horses election was at an early age to participate in the performances. After a brief stay at the front in Hungary, he returned to the Riding School. In 1951 he went to Switzerland to work with Fredy Knie too. Beginning in 1956, worked as an instructor choice at the Städtische riding school in Bern. There he learned to know Christine Stückelberger. (Boy does that one need rephrasing! =:-O ) 1967 Hans handlers pulled him back as a generic (Huh? That means "ordinary" or even "dull and standard") maker (huh?) at the Riding School. Wahl was in 1971 with its highly successful student Christine Stückelberger back into Switzerland and now lives in Kirchberg in St. Gall. Choice (Wahl?) devoted himself to promoting his pupil Stückelberger and its then head of horse Garnet - written by a couple that dressage history. According to team silver at the Dressage World Cup in Copenhagen 1974 1975 European Championship gold in the individual, and in 1976 finally win Olympic gold in the individual event, 1977 was followed again EM-gold and 1978 world championship gold in Goodwood. Georg Wahl was married twice. With his first wife, Maria (Wahl), he had four children, two more daughters followed in the next marriage. [Edit] References

Horse Revue - Georg Wahl honored Eurodressage News - George choice (engl.) References [Edit] External

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