Jesuit priests at the time of their solemn and final profession in the Society of Jesus promise to "never strive or ambition, not even indirectly, to be chosen or promoted to any prelacy or dignity in or outside the Society; and I will do my best never to consent to my election unless I am forced to do so by obedience to him who can order me under penalty of sin." (Constitutions S.J., Part X, N°6 [817])

Yet because of various reasons and in different circumstances—for example, need of a bishop in an area where the Church has still to be developed, recognition of a theologian's outstanding contribution to theological reflection, etc.—several Jesuits have been made bishops or even cardinals. In such cases they remain only nominally Jesuit, as they lose active and passive voice within the Order and are no longer under the obedience of the Superior General.[1] In 2013 the first Jesuit pope was elected, Pope Francis.

The following is a complete list of contemporary living Jesuit cardinals.[2] Three of them are above 80 years of age and thus are ineligible as a papal elector. Another four are not yet above the age of 80 and thus are currently eligible to serve as papal electors. The last Jesuit Cardinal to die was Ján Chryzostom Korec, who died on October 24, 2015.

First Jesuit Pope

Unique case Date of Birth
Current Age
Elevated to Cardinal Order
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S. J.
  Archbishop of Buenos Aires
December 17, 1936
87 years, 183 days
February 21, 2001 Cardinal priest
Note: Created cardinal by Pope St. John Paul II and having served under Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Bergoglio succeeded the latter to the papacy on March 13, 2013, choosing the name Francis.

Current Jesuit Cardinals

  Current Jesuit Cardinals Date of Birth
Current Age
Elevated to Cardinal Order
Pedro Cardinal Barreto, S. J.
  Archbishop of Huancayo
February 12, 1944
80 years, 126 days
June 28, 2018
Pope Francis
Michael F. Cardinal Czerny, S. J.
  Under-Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
July 18, 1946
77 years, 335 days
October 9, 2019
Pope Francis
Julius Riyadi Cardinal Darmaatmadja, S. J.
  Archbishop Emeritus of Jakarta
December 20, 1934
89 years, 180 days
November 26, 1994
Pope John Paul II
Luis Cardinal Ladaria Ferrer, S. J.
  Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
April 19, 1944
80 years, 59 days
June 28, 2018
Pope Francis
Jean-Claude Cardinal Hollerich, S. J.
  Archbishop of Luxembourg
August 9, 1958
65 years, 313 days
October 9, 2019
Pope Francis
Sigitas Cardinal Tamkevičius, S. J.
  Archbishop Emeritus of Kaunas
November 7, 1938
85 years, 223 days
October 9, 2019
Pope Francis
Albert Cardinal Vanhoye, S. J.
July 23, 1923
100 years, 330 days
March 24, 2006
Pope Benedict XVI
  •  Cardinals ineligible to participate in a papal conclave

Past Jesuit Cardinals

Past Jesuit Cardinals Elevated to Cardinal Pope
Francisco Toledo, S. J. (1532-1596) 1593
St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) 1599
Peter Pazmany (1570-1637) 1629
Jan Olbracht (1612-1634) ^ 1632
Juan de Lugo (1583-1660) 1643
Pietro Sforza Pallavicino (1607-1667) 1657
Johann E. Nidhard (1607-1681) ^ 1672
Giovanni B. Tolomei (1653-1726) 1712
Giambattista Salerno (1671-1729) 1719
Alvaro Cienfuegas (1657-1739) 1720
Niccolo Oddi (1715-1767) 1766
Carlo Odescalchi (1786-1841) 1823
Angelo Mai (1782-1854) 1838
Camillo Tarquini (1810-1874) 1873
Johann B. Franzelin (1816-1886) 1876
Giuseppe Pecci (1807-1890) 1879
Paulus Melchers (1813-1895) 1885
Camillo Mazzella (1833-1900) * 1886
Andrea Steinhuber (1825-1907) 1894
Louis Billot (1846-1931) 1911
Franz Ehrle (1841-1934) 1922
Pietro Boetto (1871-1946) 1935
Augustin Bea (1881-1968) 1959
Jean Danielou (1906-1974) 1969
Pablo Munoz Vega (1903-1994) 1969
Lawrence Trevor Picachy(1916-1992) 1976
Victor Razafimahatratra (1921-1993) 1976
Henri de Lubac (1896-1991) 1983
Paolo Dezza (1901-1999) 1991
Alois Grillmeier (1910-1998) 1994
Augusto Vargas Alzamora (1922-2000) 1994
Adam Kozlowiecki (1911-2007) 1998
Carlo Maria Martini, S. J. (1927-2010) February 2 1983 Pope John Paul II
Ján Chryzostom Korec, S. J. (1924-2015) June 28 1991 Pope John Paul II
Paul Shan Kuo-hsi, S. J. (1923-212) February 21 1998 Pope John Paul II
Avery Robert Dulles, S. J. (1918-2008) * February 21 2001 Pope John Paul II
Roberto Tucci, S. J. (1921-2015) February 21 2001 Pope John Paul II
Tomáš Špidlík, S. J. (1919-2010) October 21 2003 Pope John Paul II
Urbano Navarrete Cortés, S. J. (1920-2010) November 24 2007 Pope Benedict XVI
Karl Josef Becker, S. J. (1928-2015) February 18, 2012 Pope Benedict XVI

