
Greetings! The topic of my article today is about my friendship with Jhea. It all started when i met her in Tinago Church. When i saw her i thought that "Oh i think this girl is a little maldita". When she was talking to my friend i thought again that "Oh ok now shes stealing my friend -_-". Then i didn't ask for her name cause i was mad at her (The rest of the story i can't remember). So a little days later it was the first day of school. (I can't quite remember it) Then she arrived a little late, i was thinking about what was her name. Then when she sat at the bench my classmates were saying "Oh jhea yay you're here!!" And then i was like "oh yeah her name was jhea!' then our friendship began to grow. We laughed, cried and cared for each other. And every time i see her in church we always talk and laugh. Its very rare for us to fight. And we were together through rough times.

One day, she told me "Ac, hold my hand ok? Don't let go" And i thought it was a joke or something so i jokingly released her hand and we laughed. Then days later she was mad at me, i didn't know the reason. So i asked her, i said "Jhea why?" she said " ac we can't be friends anymore." that time i want to burst into tears but i held back my tears. That day i felt really lonely, i want to go home and listen to music. Days later she kept hanging out with my fellow classmate, i was like "what did i do wrong?"

Days later i asked her the reason why did she say that she didn't want to be my friend? She said "remember when i said don't let go of my hand? that was a test to see if you are fake or not." i said "Jhea, you know that i'm not fake right? i care, love and support you. I thought it was a joke or something. I'm sorry." she said "I'm sorry too." then we were happy again. But she kept hanging out with my fellow classmate which is sad. Camping came we had fun but i didn't really pansin her, i kept hanging out with the grade 6 pupils. Then one day she and my fellow classmate had a fight, it was night that time. So i comforted the two of them. Then there was a day when me and jhea talked (it was noon). When we talked i asked her "jhea why do you keep hanging out with her?" she said "Oh because i like her style, she was like a inspiration to me." Then i said " oh ok." Then she said " i'm sorry ac i didn't mean to make you sad." "It's ok jhea i understand." After talking about that problem, we talked about why she had a fight with that classmate. I said "oh ok be happy nalang jhea don't be sad :)." She said "Thank you ac!!!"

Up to this day i really appreciate her. She gives the best advice when i am sad, She cheers me up when i'm feeling down. I am so thankful that Jhea came to my life. I love you!