

crabby One entry found for crabby. Main Entry: crab·by Pronunciation: 'kra-bE Function: adjective Inflected Form(s): crab·bi·er; -est Etymology: 4crab


Ol': Main Entry: old Pronunciation: 'Old; for sense 9 usually 'Ol Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English eald; akin to Old High German alt old, Latin alere to nourish, alescere to grow, altus high, deep 1 a : dating from the remote past : ANCIENT <old traditions> b : persisting from an earlier time <an old ailment> <they brought up the same old argument> c : of long standing <an old friend>

Bastard: Main Entry: 1bas·tard Pronunciation: 'bas-t&rd Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Old Frisian bost marriage, Old English bindan to bind

1 : an illegitimate child 2 : something that is spurious, irregular, inferior, or of questionable origin 3 a : an offensive or disagreeable person -- used as a generalized term of abuse b : MAN, FELLOW - bas·tard·ly adjective

A crabby old photographer from Livejournal known for his cantakerous behavior and odd subject matter. Also known for posting his photographs on [1] livejournal page. He has an ecclectic taste for [2] Urban Exploration, and tries to capture the feel of the abandonement of America. Crabbyolbastard is also known for his meanderings on many subjects ranging from "Conspiracy Theories" to "Current Events" He rants, he raves, and blogs.